Lord Star Mark pulled up Lord Xuanji, who was eating and drinking, and said to Huang Yu:

"The lord of the universe laughed."

Yi Xuanji only reacted at this time. After seeing Huang Yu, she simply cleaned the oil stains on her hands and looked at Huang Yu with a smirk.

Huang Yu waved his hand and said indifferently:

"You don't have to be restrained, just do what you want."

"I'm really sorry for not entertaining you in person because of an emergency today."

"Seeing that everyone is having a good time eating now, it can be regarded as the friendship of the landlord."

Huang Yu said casually, but it was still difficult for the banquet to return to the previous atmosphere.

Even if they were drooling over the food in front of them, the lords couldn't help but restrain a lot.

And since Huang Yu has arrived, the core is no longer delicious and rare food and equipment.

Huang Yu simply took a few bites and was surrounded by the lords who came.

"Lord Universe, I toast you!"

"Are you Lord Gasd? After working together so many times, I finally met today."

. . . . . .

"It's really a blessing for Sansheng to meet the real Lord of the Universe today."

"Lord Hui Ye is very polite, it's my honor to have you come to my territory as a guest."

. . . . . .

"It's better to be famous than to meet. The lord of the universe is really extraordinary."

"Lord Haichen is too polite."

. . . . . .

Everyone touted each other and exchanged cups, finally making the atmosphere of the banquet a lot more normal.

Huang Yu politely dealt with many lords, while tasting his own delicacies, while waiting leisurely for these lords to be staged.

He wouldn't naively think that these lords came to the universe for the purpose of possessing magic patterns and shopping, plus a big meal.

All human lords have long coveted all kinds of things in the universe, rich materials, mechanized medicine and equipment production technology, systematic professional training institutions, powerful equipment research and development centers, mysterious dragon incubation bases, and unique The magic pattern technology. . . . . .

None of the items here, taken out alone, can make a qualitative change in a top human territory.

Especially the magic pattern technology!

If you can get a share from the lord of the universe, any lord present can reach the pinnacle of life.

Of course, the lords present felt that it was impossible to contaminate the magic pattern technology.

As the developer of magic pattern technology products and the exclusive supplier other than Chaos Mall, Huang Yu will definitely not share it with everyone.

This can be seen from the magic pattern technology products in the Points Mall that are not even available in the Chaos Mall.

The most valuable magic-weave construct in the Chaos Mall right now is the Magic Cannon.

And there are several more magic texture constructions in the points mall of the same grade as the magic gun.

Huang Yu has now begun to monopolize the magic pattern technology, and it is almost impossible for him to share it.

The first time they bought the magic weave structure, some lords also researched it. Unfortunately, these magic weave products are not the same system as ordinary equipment casting and potion production.

Except for Huang Yu, the other lords didn't even have a master-level professional, so they couldn't analyze the magic pattern technology at all.

And all the magic pattern technology products of the Magic Pattern Research Institute have added means to prevent the leakage of core technology during the research and development process.

The beginning of everything is difficult, and without the correct guidance, even a master-level professional, it is impossible to crack the production technology of low-level magic texture construction.

For example, "Magic Pattern Crystal Explosive Arrow", which is the least difficult to make, according to the estimation of Zhuling and others, to crack the production method of this fine-grade magic-patterned construction, only a senior master-level foundry who has produced extraordinary-grade equipment Just a chance.

Not to mention the more difficult magic pattern possession technology.

According to Mu Ping, a dual-professional master, there is no possibility of leakage of the core technology of magic pattern technology if the holy professionals are not born.

Of course, some lords are more concerned about another ability of Huang Yu than the magic pattern technology.

That is how Huang Yu obtained so many commodities with lower prices than Chaos Mall.

Since the early days of his arrival, Huang Yu has shown financial power unmatched by other territories.

Picking up leaks at the Universal Shop has become an unmissable part of the lords every day, and when Lord Huang Yu spends in that lord shop, it is possible that the lord's development speed is much faster than that of other lords.

The presence of Lord Gasd and Lord Xuanji in the early rise had Huang Yu's contribution.

If it wasn't for Huang Yu's frequent purchases of wood and stone in Xuanji's shops, Xuanji's territory would not have been able to be promoted to Tier 3 before the assessment, and cultivated two rare-grade arms, and even nearly won the A-level evaluation in the assessment.

When the Spartan warriors were attacked by the orc prophet Ragnar, and the first large number of casualties occurred in the universe, Huang Yu emptied the potions in Kashid's shop because of insufficient potions.

As a result, Lord Kashde obtained the Great Swordsman of Gala, and completely occupied a medicine valley near the territory, laying the foundation for the rapid development in the future.

Sure enough, after three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, the atmosphere of the banquet has dropped.

The gentle and elegant Lord Kaguya came to Huang Yu and asked with a smile:

"I was fortunate enough to come to the Universal Territory today, which really opened my eyes."

"The plazas, roads, castles in the territory...special building materials are used everywhere, and the richness makes me feel like sitting in and watching the sky."

"Besides, I was surprised to find that the golden string tree on the side of the square was only picked in the morning, and the string buds had already grown in the evening."

"This level of growth~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is only possible with high-level territorial characteristics!"

"The universe has been promoted to the fifth rank now, right? And it is the fifth rank that has been upgraded with special building materials?"

"Can you share with everyone how you developed the territory to this extent?"

Hearing the words of Lord Kaguya, many lords were a little surprised.

They were amazed at the power of the Universal Territory, and they were able to fill up with special building materials to advance the territory to the fifth rank.

Their territories are all Tier 4. Compared with the Murayama Territory and Heiyan Territory, which are raised to Tier 4 after throwing in a hundred low-grade special building materials, they are more or less invested in some excellent or even perfect grades. Special building materials.

Regardless of the low unit price of special building materials, whether it is a territory upgrade or a building upgrade, the special building materials required are not a small amount.

According to the price of Chaos Mall, only 200 units of special building materials of excellent grade would need hundreds of thousands less.

And the price of high-grade special building materials is outrageously high. If you want to obtain a Tier 4 territory characteristic, it will take millions of soul crystals at least.

According to Lord Kaguya's description, a plant of perfect grade can grow buds in less than 12 hours, and maybe it will be able to draw strings tonight. Can't reach it!

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