So far, the human lords who have seen Huang Yu's shot have all died. Except for Saironda, who revealed that Huang Yu had a relationship with the dragon before his death, Huang Yu's other abilities are a mystery among the human lords.

They knew that Huang Yu's strength would not be weak. After all, with such a strong territorial support, even if Huang Yu's ability was mediocre, he could, with the accumulation of resources, reach a level beyond the reach of ordinary lords.

As human lords, not only are there huge territorial gaps, but even their personal strength is like a moat, which makes some lords feel a little bit of frustration in their hearts.

Their pride was completely shattered by Huang Yu. At this time, Huang Yu was not only the only existence among human lords in their hearts. Even in the Chaos Continent, they could not find a lord comparable to Huang Yu.

The lords present are all human lords. The most powerful ones.

But in the face of the coercion released by Huang Yu, even Kashid, Jia Luo, Kaguya and others felt breathless.

In the face of Huang Yu, who had released his coercion with all his strength, they didn't even have the desire to resist.

Lord Gasd adjusted the fastest, but his mood was also the most complicated.

When the lord was assessed, he got an S-rank evaluation, which gave him a legendary talent-restricted liberation.

With this ability, he even had the upper hand against halfling angels.

Originally, he thought that even if Huang Yu was stronger than him, his strength was very limited.

But at this time, he felt the strength gap between himself and Huang Yu most clearly.

Especially the ability of his lightning incarnation, he was aware of it before, at this time Huang Yu was furious, and the energy of the elements in the city began to boil. Only then did Lord Gasd realize that his lightning incarnation ability had failed!

The speed of Jia Luo's reply was not slow, and he looked at Huang Yu's eyes with brilliance.

Her innate abilities are not related to elements, and she cannot feel Huang Yu's dominance and authority in the field of elements.

However, when the two extraordinary abilities: Devil's Breath and Soul Killing Nether Tomb tried to run, they also felt stagnant.

Between words, it was easy to suppress fifteen human lords with the power of one person!

Huang Yu, who chewed Yalong meat slowly, had a much higher image in Jia Luo's heart.

Those people also looked for her in the name of human righteousness, but as the first person to eat crabs in front of Huang Yu, Jia Luo refused without hesitation.

On the one hand, she is not stupid and doesn't want to be used as a gunman. On the other hand, she has cooperated with Huang Yu for a long time and cherishes this relationship very much. As long as Huang Yu doesn't nod her head, she will not do it.

Even the results promised by those people are enough to make all human lords jealous.

But seeing Huang Yuwu's aura, Jia Luo knew that his decision was correct.

Why do they think that they can reach a balance with Huang Yu when they join forces?

Neither the Oneworld Alliance nor Huang Yu's individual will be transferred because of the number of people.

Because from beginning to end, Huang Yu did not take them seriously.

"It's a pity that some people just don't remember."

"If you get a little cheaper, you want to get more benefits."

"It's okay to ignore the Supreme Court. If you want to fight the doctrine of the One Universe Alliance, you don't need to look at yourself."

Lord Garo looked at Lord Kaguya.

Although this person still looks like a light cloud and wind, but she still sees a little stiffness.

All conspiracies and tricks are as brittle as paper in the face of absolute strength, and they will be broken with a poke...

"Has he been promoted to extraordinary?"

Lord Hui Ye looked at Huang Yu, although the surface was calm, but his heart was filled with turbulent waves.

He is an ambitious man.

In his opinion, Huang Yu's use of a fifth-order alliance as a tool to earn soul crystals is really a waste.

If the world alliance can be used to twist the top lords of mankind into a single rope, the alliance will definitely develop into the top power in the Chaos Continent!

It is a pity that during this period of time, he knew that Huang Yu had no idea about this matter, and only wanted to earn soul crystals.

But after seeing the background of the universe and Huang Yu's strength, Lord Hui Ye knew why Huang Yu was not keen on joining forces and creating the strongest force in the Chaos Continent.

Because it is only one side of the universe, it is already the top power in the Chaos Continent, and Huang Yu does not need to join forces with others.

Although they are the top lords of human beings, if they unite, they are not only helpers, but fuel bottles.


A soft sound.

Huang Yu put the knife for cutting Yalong meat on the disk, and wiped his hands with the handkerchief handed by the maid behind him.

At the same time, the surging pressure disappeared instantly.

The elemental command was silent, and the elemental storm outside the restaurant subsided instantly, revealing the stars and the bright white moon.

The power of Longwei was silent, and the giant dragon soaring in the sky turned back in the Dragon Valley and disappeared into the sword peak.

The golden dragon churning in the clouds suddenly disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.

The Heroic Spirits guarding the palace also turned into a golden light and returned to the Hall of Heroes.

The team of musicians composed of elves and humans in the restaurant was not affected in any continued to play the melodious movement.

The young and beautiful maids shuttled through the crowd, smiling, turning a blind eye to what had just happened, just replacing the empty dinner plates and wine glasses according to their duties.

Huang Yu got up under everyone's attention, walked to Lord Edmund, looked down at Edmund who was slumped on the ground, and said:

"Tell me, what do you want from me?"

Realizing his gaffe and embarrassment just now, Edmund was embarrassed and his face flushed.

But seeing Huang Yu coming in front of him, the shadow that Huang Yu had just cast reappeared, Edmund opened his mouth, but couldn't say a word.

"Oh, don't be nervous."

Huang Yu chuckled, turned his head and said to the butler:

"How can you let the guests of the Universal Territory sit on the ground?"

"When I saw him fall, why didn't anyone come to help him?"

"Subordinate negligent!"

The butler waved, and a footman trotted to Edmund's side and helped him to a chair beside him.

Edmund's **** was just glued to the seat when he saw Huang Yu standing in front of him, looking at him with a smile, and bouncing off the chair like his **** was on fire, and said:

"Just stand, I'll stand."

Then he looked around, but found that the lords who had just stood with him were now far away from him.

He was isolated.

"So can you answer my question now?"

Huang Yu did not let Edmund's thoughts go, and continued to ask:

"Just say what you want?"

"Maybe I'll agree as soon as I'm happy."


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