【Ding! 】

[The Imperial Guard Camp has been upgraded to a fifth-order building! 】

Huang Yu sat on the silver dragon Gregory and meditated. While waiting for his mental power to return to its peak state, he received a message that the Imperial Guard Camp had been upgraded to the fifth rank.

From the early hours of yesterday to this evening, it took only one and a half days for the Imperial Guard Camp to be upgraded to Tier 5, which is faster than the Magic Pattern Research Institute.

Huang Yu stopped meditating, and called up the information panel of the Imperial Guard Camp to check its upgraded details.

【Forest Guard Camp (Extraordinary Grade Building)】

[Level: Level 5]

[Note: Upgrading to Tier 6 requires Tier 6 Fire, 11.25 million soul crystals, 28.5 million units of wood, 29 million units of stone, 5.6 million units of refined iron, and 10,000-100,000 units of special building materials. 】

[Introduction: The Imperial Guard Battalion automatically generates 100 extraordinary troops every day—the Imperial Guard (level lv1). For every 50 soul crystals paid, 1 extra level lv1 kings guard can be generated!

When the Imperial Guard is in a unit building, his stamina and injuries will recover quickly.

The imperial guards have the responsibility of guarding, and arrange for them to guard the lord, the territory, and the people. . . . . . , they can be upgraded continuously, and even advanced to hero, king or even god-level units. . . . . . 】

[Architectural characteristics 1 - Earthmovement (second order). . . . . . 】

[Architectural feature 2 - Radiance of the Sun Flame (Tier 4): The Imperial Guards born in the Imperial Guard Camp will gradually acquire the physique of the Radiance of Sun Flame.

This physique will make them exude a sun-like aura all the time. When attacking the enemy, they will continue to cause burning damage, especially for dead soul creatures.

In addition, under the brilliance of the sun, the negative spells below the fourth level will lose their effect, and the negative spell effects of the fourth level and above will be reduced. . . . . . 】

[Architectural feature 3 - motionless as a mountain (fourth order):

When the imperial guards are fighting, they are absorbing energy from the ground at any time, so as to recover energy loss, replenish physical strength, and quickly recover from injuries, so that they can fight for a longer time.

Actively triggering this characteristic ability can be combined with the responsibility of guarding, so that the imperial guard can be transformed into a guardian of the earth and gain the blessing of the power of the earth.

In this state, as long as the Imperial Guards remain motionless, if the enemies under the supernatural are not overwhelmed, they will not be able to break through the defenses of the Imperial Guards, causing them to take a step back, and the damage of offensive spells will also be weakened. Fifty percent. . . . . . 】

[Architectural Feature 4 - Additional Preparation (Tier 5): The upper limit of the Imperial Guard Battalion is increased by 50%! (The Imperial Guard Camp can currently accommodate a total of 7,500 Imperial Guards)]

[Architectural feature 5 - Linghui is born (fourth order). . . . . . 】

[Architectural feature 6 - Domain of Innocent (sixth order). . . . . . 】

[Building Feature 7—Blood Boil (Tier 4):

Under the blessing of the blood marrow boiling characteristic, the various physical qualities of the Imperial Guard will continue to improve. After active activation, the Imperial Guard will break through the limit within a period of time, bursting out with strength beyond grade and potential.

After the outbreak ends, the Imperial Guard will fall into various degrees of weakness, but after the blood boil is over, some permits can greatly increase the level. . . . . . 】

[Architectural Feature 8—Golden Thunder Fury (Tier 4):

The unique energy field of Jin Leisha can make the birthed Imperial Guard look like a vajra and swift as a thunderbolt.

Under normal conditions, the defense, strength, speed, and agility of the Imperial Guard will be improved to a certain extent. When moving fast, there will even be thunder and lightning, which will automatically attack surrounding enemies.

If the Imperial Guard enters an angry state, it will trigger the characteristics of Golden Thunder's Fury. The Imperial Guard will have the body of a vajra, the defense and strength will be greatly improved, and the spell-like ability to release powerful thunder and lightning will be obtained. . . . . . 】

. . . . . .

In this upgrade, the four architectural features originally possessed by the Imperial Guard have been improved, except for the useless "unmovable ground".

The architectural features of the radiance of the sun have been upgraded from the third-level to the fourth-level, and the function has increased the resistance to negative spells on the original basis.

The original courage and perseverance, after Huang Yu invested 2000 units of geocentric stones, not only upgraded to the fourth-order characteristics, but also had a new name of "moving like a mountain".

In addition, the architectural features of the fourth-order immobile as a mountain can also be integrated with the "responsibility of guarding" that the imperial guards already have, so that the imperial guards can obtain a high-defense combat state of "earth guard".

The 2,000 units of Xuankong Jade invested by Huang Yu also increased the establishment of the fifth-order imperial guard camp from 5,000 to 7,500, which is three times that of the fourth-order imperial guard camp!

Because only 1,000 units of Soul Nurturing Stones were added, the natural characteristics of Linghui in the Imperial Guard Battalion were the same as those of other arms, only Tier 4.

But the 2,000 units of water marble gave the Imperial Guard Camp the architectural characteristics of the sixth-order unsullied domain.

With this feature, when the Imperial Guards gather together, it is like fighting against a spring, and can quickly recover from injuries and energy anytime, anywhere.

One thousand units of blood cherry stones gave the imperial guards the architectural features of fourth-order blood marrow boiling, but Huang Yu was more interested in the architectural features of fourth-order golden thunder's wrath than blood marrow boiling.

The body is like a diamond, and it is as fast as thunder. This architectural feature directly makes the imperial guard a war madman with high defense, high outbreak and high mobility.

After reading the upgraded information of the Imperial Guard Camp, Huang Yu paid 250,000 soul crystals and directly summoned 5,000 lv1 Imperial Guards, bringing the total number of Imperial Guards to 7,400.

Tomorrow, the summoning time will be refreshed, and the Imperial Guard Camp will be able to reach the upper limit of troops.

However, the level of the new 5,000 imperial guards is still too low, and it will take a period of time to upgrade before they can enter the battlefield.

To conquer Guiluo territory tomorrow, only 1,400 imperial guards led by Ying Changtian will go out.

Fortunately, there is the "responsibility to guard" and the existence of the magic tower training ground. Although the number of guards in the forest is large, the upgrade speed should not be too slow.

"A thousand guards are stationed in each of the three sub-cities, and there are still 4,500 guards."

"When the Guiluo territory is destroyed and the western part of the city is established, a thousand imperial guards can be sent to guard it."

"Even so~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I still have 3,500 Kingsguards."

The three sub-cities are all Tier 4. Among them, Rising Sun City has the longest wall, but it is only 17 kilometers long. The 1,000 Imperial Guards and the Offi Chapter can already meet the defensive needs of Rising Sun City.

Jingbei City has the Black Armored Sect, and Tiger and Leopard Cavalry has Qingzhou soldiers and Youni Army, all of which can cooperate with a thousand imperial guards to guard the city.

But for Universal City, which has been upgraded to Tier 5, the 3,500 Imperial Guards are a bit stretched.

In the past, 1,400 Imperial Guards were only enough to guard the Universal Palace and the Forbidden Wall in the inner city. Although the outer city walls were completed, they were basically undefended. Only a few Imperial Guards patrolled together with Kate Zhanji. .

You must know that the forbidden wall in the inner city of Huanyu City is 25 kilometers long, and the Kunjinyan City Wall in the outer city is more than 50 kilometers long in order to connect the Nanhai Weng City!

For the time being, there is no full-time defense unit like the Imperial Guard in Universal City. There are only nearly 1,000 Heroic Spirits in the Hall of Heroes, and Kate, who has yet to find a place to use them, to assist in the defense of Universal City.

The 3,500 imperial guards were not only stationed on the city walls, but also needed to maintain the successful completion of the Northeast Development. . . . . .

Huang Yu felt that it was necessary to add an army such as the Imperial Guard that could be incorporated into other legions and specialized in defense.

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