"The terrain here is good, it's a natural place to build a city!"

Huang Yufei was in the air, looking at the high ground below, he planned to build the fourth branch city here, more than ten kilometers south of the Guiluo Territory, which is closer to the due west of Yucheng than the Guiluo Territory. It looks like an irregular circle. It protrudes from the dense forest and sea species to a height ranging from 20 to 30 meters. It is like a bulging round platform about 6 kilometers at its widest point. The upper area is very flat. Most of the surrounding areas are steep cliffs composed of hard rocks, and there are also gentle slopes with rocks and soil deposits. If you build a city wall along the cliff, you can also use the power of the steep cliff to become a fortified city that is easy to defend and difficult to attack. The total area exceeds 25 square kilometers. As long as it is transformed, it can fully meet the regional shooting requirements of the fourth-order sub-tinder. In the early stage, as the western part of the city, the urban area is completely sufficient. Huang Yu, the core area of ​​the inner city of the four sub-city, moved to the center of the highland, and the eighteen Yanyun cavalry, who were disarming the demonic dragon and riding the dragon beast, also landed one after another. This is where they found and led Huang Yu to decompose the Guiluo territory. Afterwards, Huang Yu explained that Guiluo's lordship, Blood Sea, has the function of changing the terrain, just like Canyon Mountain, which is relatively suitable for Guiluo's life, but Tinder does not have this ability. Cliffs and hills will instead affect the distribution and planning of the land in the sub-city. In addition, the actual direction of Guiluo territory is more towards the west of Xiweiyu territory of Ganyu, so when Su Yade brought the secondary fire, Huang Yu thought about choosing an address to build a city. Yan Yun Shiba had been cruising in this area for many days, and after meeting the request, he immediately put forward suggestions for him. After Huang Yu refused, he took him to this highland, and Ding also came down." In order to ensure the structural stability of the highland , Huang Yu specially opened the mixed vision and checked the geological structure of this area. Unexpectedly, he got an unexpected joy. This highland is more like a stone mountain buried in the soil. The festival is only a part of the stone mountain that is less than one-fifth of the stone mountain. The structure of the stone mountain is tight, such as one piece, and the density is much higher than that of the stone material in the small land. If it has a little energy reaction, it may become a high-quality ordinary building material. Yu was not surprised by the stone mountain, but around the "ridge" that was nearly 100 meters away from the ground. There was a violent and heavy energy reaction. This also meant that there was a small deposit of material, and the scale was huge and the grade was quite different. The enemy not only found the address of the city, but also obtained a mineral resource that may be of extraordinary grade. How could Ning not be surprised? The only problem now is that the minerals are buried very deep, and it is relatively troublesome to mine, but for Yu Territory The mining difficulty is not very big. "When I go back, I will find someone to come and test and say what is the advanced professional of the miner?"

"It really doesn't work, just find a few dwarf professionals."

"They are experts in this field who have discovered a huge mine, which makes Huang Yu feel very good. I don't know if it's a matter of luck or what. The Yu Territory now has an area of ​​​​10,000 square kilometers, but Huang Yu's subordinates are few. Natural minerals and common materials have been discovered. Before this, the most valuable natural mines found in Yu Territory were only the golden rocks far away in Niven Territory. As for small plants, only some low-grade ones have been found sporadically. Wild plants, unlike Lord Shide, there is a medicine valley directly next to the territory, and the small area of ​​the lord's territory has an active and wide-ranging red gold wood forest. However, it is rare. The large-scale special minerals and ordinary vegetation in the Yu Territory are all built by Huang Yu through discounted artifacts. After writing down this incident, Huang Yu took the auxiliary fire from Yan Yi’s hand with interest, and a piece of fire. The information prompt emerges in the consciousness. Is the secondary fire activated here?

Whether or not he saw the information prompt, Ning immediately chose to protect the golden protective cover of the secondary fire. The small blue flame slowly fell to the ground, and the golden light radiated, covering an area of ​​nearly 100 meters. Soon, a wooden house, two A thatched hut emerged from the area covered by the secondary fire, and in front of the wooden hut, there was a stone platform ten centimeters high. It was the transmission channel that Yucheng established with other branch cities after he was promoted to the fifth rank!

Twilight Raiders: You have 37 warriors and have been promoted to heros!

Hall of Valor: 128 Heroic Soul Seals have been activated~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Please check the lords one by one and determine whether they are converted into Heroic Spirit units!

Dragon Valley: A black dragon transforms into a giant dragon, and the result awakens its true name, please pay attention to the lord...

Just after the fourth branch city was established, Huang Yu received a series of information prompts, but to his disappointment, whether it was the Twilight Raider or several other extraordinary arms participating in the war, although many warriors were promoted to heroes , but there was no king-level unit, which made Huang Yu believe that there were too many high-end weapons in Yu Territory, which led to the lack of intensity of the war, so that the combat pressure of the arms was greatly reduced, so there was no chance to get a breakthrough. Among them, 128 warriors and heroes died, and their souls belonged to the Hall of Valor. Huang Yu checked it. More than half of the warriors were from the Black Gate Chapter. Although they were promoted to the second rank, they would automatically become Warrior-level arms, but compared with the extraordinary arms, there is still a bit of a gap. Moreover, at this time, the war between Beicheng and Luo Zhong in Moxiaodi has not yet begun, and there will be arms sacrifices. The soul belongs to the Hall of Heroes Huang Yuluo With emotion, he turned his attention to the destruction of the Guiluo Territory on the newly-built sub-city, which means that all the alien races within the 150 kilometers to the west have been pacified. Entering the next stage, the four cities have opened up territory, the main city has accumulated a lot of savings, and coupled with the discovery of a large-scale high-grade mine, Huang Yu is particularly happy to see this branch city that is still in shape, Huang Yu thought about it, Named the city "Qingxi!"

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