When talking to Yuri and Aier before, Aier had released a range of language proficiency to everyone. With this spell, Mo understood Sen's words and knew that the next thing to do was his last battle. "Human, I am Mo!"

"Remember the **** of Luo who gave you five deaths!" "Maybe there will be a sixth time"

Taking the only super-grade healing potion left in his hand, the calmness in his heart that has never been seen before Luo Zhong's fate is doomed, his heart no longer cares about his only thought now, is how to leave an indelible immortality to the enemy in front of him Since the birth of the trace, Sen is the first god-level warrior it has encountered, and will bring it the smoothest battle right away!

Seeing Ma taking the healing potion, Sen did not prevent him from obtaining not only the body blessed by Immortal Breath, but also Sen's ability and combat experience. The war that is coming to an end has cattle effects.

In the case of delaying the Lord's planning guide, Sen doesn't mind giving him a fight. Compared with the god-level troops, the powerful self-healing ability of the super-level healing potion has accelerated the recovery of the injury for a while. , waited until the wound on the inner abdomen appeared with eight swords, and looked at Mo coldly. This time, it was not ready to take the initiative to attack, because the offensive and defensive side saw Mo's move, Mo was not firm, and set up a silver light. After the flash, dozens of spear shadows were separated, and Huang Huangyu's eight arms moved, with the sword in his hand, the knack of the spear shadow, spear and sword collided with the face, like hundreds of birds arguing in unison. The energy impact after the slash and spear light is complete, it cuts off the ground under their feet layer by layer. The two god-level troops don’t say a word. Yu's defense was impenetrable, but he was shocked by the huge force from the sword, and he retreated again and again. It didn't take long for his body to be covered in blood. Regardless of strength, speed or physical strength, Fang was far superior to Fang, and Mo Yuan was far behind in combat skills, and he was also inheriting. It didn't take long for Huang Yu to be overtaken by Sen's attack. First, he lacked energy and could not protect the sword in his hand. With a few blows from the silver of the front, he knocked out the five swords in Huang Yu's hand. After breaking into several knots, these broken swords have not yet flew out of the attack range of the two, and they are smashed into a large number of fragments in the manic counterattack, and fly to both sides of the war at a very fast speed. Under the blessing of the breath, the undead body has been transformed into the indestructible. Those fragments are indeed extremely lethal, and can break through the defense of the god's body, leaving him with shallow or deep wounds, but these wounds are often torn. At the same time, it can recover in a short time, and even a drop of blood has no time to flow out. In contrast, it is much more convenient and tragic. It is subject to Fang's fierce offensive and the loss of the sword in its hand. It has no spare power to defend these fine sword fragments and the yellow Yu didn't have this level of self-healing ability. When those sword fragments penetrated into the body, the battle came to an end. Huang Yu's whole body suddenly sent out a fine blood mist, and the power in the body also leaked out. , after the impact of the debris, it flew out and waited until it landed, and the whole body was completely soaked in blood. "Cough cough!"

Huang Yu's eight arms wanted to support the body to sit up and continue the fight, but because of the serious injury, he couldn't stand up. Knowing that he couldn't get up again, Fang released the only three swords left, lay flat on the ground, and rubbed his shoulders. Said: "You beat me once...but I beat you five times before hahahaha...cough!"

"Kill me, this life is yours"

"However, you will never be able to beat me four times again, so am I still earning..."

At the end, Mo's voice has become much quieter because in its sight, a familiar man with black hair and a handsome appearance suddenly looked at it with interest, and then said: "This is Not necessarily "Next, you may have more opportunities to cut"

"And it will also become weaker"

Huang Yu raised his eyebrows slowly. This person was standing right in front of him, but he couldn't feel any breath of this person. If it wasn't for the pain in his body, it would be very real, and there was no sign of his delusional eyes opening. It even thought that it was Baiji who had fallen into the illusion again "Who are you!

Looking at the young man who appeared in front of him, Fang couldn't help but ask, but before the man could answer, Mo, who was on the side, took the lead in giving Huang Yu the answer, "Mo has seen the lord!"

And Yuri and Aier, who had previously restricted Momo, also appeared next to Huang Yu and saluted Sen and shouted, "Lord!"

Lord Lord?


Glory change?

Countless thoughts flashed through my mind~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I learned that the person in front of me was a human lord, and Huang Yu, the master of the two god-level spellcasters, felt some power gushing out of his body, and suddenly attacked Sen. The power of time and space one by one space lock!

The sudden burst of Huang Yu made Mo, Yuri and Aier a little surprised. Before waiting for their armor, Sen who had been prepared for a long time put a space lock on Huang Yu. Mo's body stayed in mid-air and stretched out his arm towards Sen's neck. It was only ten centimeters away, but he couldn't move at all. At this time, Huang Yu realized that Huang Yu was extraordinary, and the fact that the human lord could not perceive it did not mean that the human lord was a special person. On the contrary, it was more likely because of this name. The strength of human beings has completely surpassed the ability of Delusional Eyes!

How is it possible that even an extraordinary existence can't get rid of the delusional eyes of this human being... How can it have such a powerful power?

What kind of monster is standing in front of him?

Facing each other, Huang Yu didn't even have a chance to make a phone call. He fell into a short period of self-confidence and Sen smiled lightly and said, "Your name is Huang Yu, right!"

"Are you ready to accept my grace?"

Hearing Huang Yu's words, Huang Yu felt a sense of crisis in his heart, but before he could open his mouth to agree, it was convenient to see the human lord stretched out to him the center of the black, slender palm, and slowly opened his mouth. In Huang Yu's terrified eyes, he bit its neck

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