The horses hooves shook, the flags covered the sky, and the stone horned beast knights formed a group of hundreds of horses, lined up in a wall-shaped queue, and pushed towards the mixed army of foreign races in front. The equipment is poor, and it can't resist their breakthrough. Waves of enemies rush in. As soon as they come into contact, they are extremely fast, and they can't even escape. Kratos, who charged with the spear and charged alone in front of the battle, was even more dazzling. He was enveloped in a thick dark red aura, as if soaked in blood mist, and the blood double-edged in his hand was like a fast-rotating meat grinder. , strangling all the enemies in front of him. The thick perfect grade armor on his body was nothing to him, and his eyes were red with blood, and when the battle came, he would make a few roars of unknown meaning to the surrounding enemies. All were shocked by him. Even if several heroes and troops were killed together, they could not hinder his progress in the slightest. At this time, Kratos was like a killing god. Under the influence of the ability of "Spartan Wrath", every kill. If an enemy dies, he will become stronger and stronger, and the heroic figure of Kratos who never tires inadvertently stimulates Asth in the rear. This new king can't hold back his desire to fight. After the knight was handed over to Demos, he held the long sword and indulged his inner desire to kill. Assi was also a fighting king. He had just entered the battlefield with some characteristics of being promoted to the king level, and his body appeared like a flame. Different from Kratos's fighting style of opening and closing, his body turned into a phantom, wandering in the middle of the army, every time it was a picture of the heroic death of the enemy, even to those who were not very powerful. It is often only seen that the slaughter of the two fighting kings, these miscellaneous soldiers sent by various foreign races, have no resistance at all, but compared to Kratos, Ass's combat efficiency is still better. When Ass is in When he met Kratos in the chaotic formation of the enemy, Kratos had already killed the enemy, and then turned around and killed him in the opposite direction. In the face of countless resentful spirits, the spirit is still there, let alone the battle with Kratos. In their eyes, Kratos is a dead **** who has entered the WTO. The enemy's remnants ran everywhere, completely disrupting the enemy's already unstable formation with one person until the entire army broke through arrogantly from the alien soldiers, Kratos was still a little unhappy, as the mission required them to be eliminated. After the enemy reconnaissance troops, they immediately returned and joined the main force. Kratos must turn around and recoil, cutting off all the alien races that he could see around him, in order to calm his inner raging fighting spirit and calm down the half-human territory with the momentum of thunder. Breaking through the enemy's blockade with unrivaled combat power, although Kratos still shouted that he didn't kill enough, but as the commander of this unit, Sparta is a lot of clothes. Of course, the battle will not end because of this. Wait for bronze. The intertwined alien territories under the dragon were cut off one by one, and the two major armies in the northeast marched toward the bronze dragon territory. This battle will enter the most critical moment. Until then, the lord will come in person, for the sake of this battle. A perfect ending to failure "!!!"

Suddenly, a dragon roar came from the sky, and Xionghong's voice seemed to make Sparta subconsciously look back. He saw a giant dragon with a wingspan of more than 200 meters, heading towards his side with great momentum. This giant dragon is greenish-yellow all over, with a dark and thick bronze around the edges, and it glows in the sun. Its body is extremely strong, its bulging muscles are like pieces of iron, and its eyes are like glowing lights. Green ball, which contains the surging anger "Bronze Dragon!"

"This giant dragon is not nesting in the territory, why did it sneak here?"

"Isn't it afraid of the lord?"

Sparta was surprised that when the Bronze Dragon battle had just started, Huang Yu had a brief fight with the Bronze Dragon, not even a fight, but only saw Yan Jie, who turned into a dragon, from a distance. The dragon performed the cloud fog technique, and then disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye in the gust of wind. To this end, the bronze dragon also paid two vassal territories, three thousand servants, and five hundred dragon blood warriors. Seeing the bronze dragon fleeing without a Huang Yu was also very bored, so he handed over the front-line matters to Leonidas and Jiang Chengzi. Come over to fight the bronze dragon and transform it into his fourth blood **** general. In the two days of battle, the bronze dragon has not emerged, but let the half-dragons under him lead the team and cooperate with the servants in the territory. The vassal territory's own army came to resist the attack of the Stone Horned Beast Legion and the Tiger Cavalry Legion, but Sparta did not expect that this bronze dragon would dare to come out to see the chasing bronze dragon today. Yan Jieliang was a little worried. The giant dragon was regarded as a candidate for the Blood God General by the Lord, and his strength was definitely not bad, but their giant dragon was still young. There is no means of fighting the big thing in the air, but Kratos's thoughts are the exact opposite of Yan Jieliang. I saw Kratos stand up from the back of Lower Demos and wave to the red and white knight in the sky. He turned his head and said to Assi, "There's a big guy here!"

"I have a lot of experience dealing with such a guy."

"How about it, Assi, do you want to join forces to make this big guy!"

Hearing Kratos' words, Sparta's eyes twitched, this man who only knew how to fight, why would he feel that riding an iron lion, he could fight a giant dragon in the air, and he was eager to see Ass Sparta was a little tired, and at the same time, was Dodi too timid and cautious? If the three of them went together, even if the giant dragon had the ability of a god-level weapon, it might not be able to deal with it, right? Where did my courage come from?

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