Why did the Yu army know the information about the arms of the bronze dragon territory, and the information that the servant army was divided into two and rushed to the two defense lines in the southeast?

And how did Huang Yu know that the bronze dragon survived by breaking its tail and locate its territory before the legion commanders reported it?

All of this is due to the fact that Huang Yu's troops are even more mysterious than the blood **** generals - the faceless ones. During the past period, Huang Yu has upgraded the Thousand Faces Temple to the fourth rank, the faceless ones that he can control. It has also increased to 200. Like the two faceless hunters and nomads who explored the deep sea and hid in the South China Sea Peninsula, Huang Yu, after upgrading the Thousand-faced Sanctuary to Tier 4, gathered a group of faceless people through teleportation, and sent them together. They were placed in the alien territory around the Yu Territory and in the Bronze Dragon Territory, and they needed a faceless person codenamed Xinghuo, and with the help of Huang Yu, the identity that Xinghuo borrowed was not simple!

It is now a heroic arm of the Dragonblood Warriors, and one of the four commanders of the Dragonblood Warriors. It is responsible for guarding the cave of the bronze dragon Fabilio. The power is mainly divided into one part. The first part is the self-defense army of the Fukang Territory with the largest number but the weakest. These arms are formed by the Bronze Dragon vassal territory, but in the event of a war, they will also obey the Bronze Dragon deployment guide. The second part is composed of a thousand half-dragons and two half-dragons. This servant army is the main force of the bronze dragon territory. Among them, the warriors are also the bronze dragon territory to expand and maintain the territory. Bi and Wa serve as the third part of the commander-in-chief, that is, the army of more than 1,000 and a half dragons, 2,000 dragon blood and martial arts, also known as the Dragon Guard, an army composed of more than 4,000 dragon creatures, is the main force of the Bronze Dragon Wing Territory They are the confidants of the bronze dragon Fabilio, standing in a mountain from the dragon castle of the half-dragon man, through a small mouth, the territory in front of him is leaning over behind him, a respectful, standing spark, As well as a pile of fragmented dragon blood warrior corpses, Mount is a characteristic defense facility of the dragon family. It is usually built very tall, and there is no climbing channel. Only dragon creatures with flying ability can enter the Mount and use Mount. The firepower facilities in the middle of the firepower attack on the ground and air targets. Through the opening, Longbao saw the new Fabilio, saw the defense facilities of the second ratio, and saw the flying half-dragon people and dragon blood. Warriors and Dragon Warlocks The giant dragon and its servants have just arrived here, and they are handing over the work with the garrison that was originally stationed here, and the bronze dragon Fabilio is healing in its new residence, and by the way, uses dimensional spells on himself. The treasures that were put away were taken out again and used to dress up their own caves. Abandoning the territory and losing the land seems to have no effect on them. Even if they lose Baiji's territory and the alien servant army, relying on human strength and the blood guards in their hands, The bronze dragon Fabrio is still a strong force. It is confident that it will soon be able to lead the territory to be conquered, regain its glory, and take revenge on that human territory. Of course, for a long time, Fabili has Aodu doesn't want to deal with that human territory anymore. This is also the reason why it moved the second territory more than 150 kilometers to the north. The space is fluctuating, and Yuri, the teleporter, squeezed out three figures. Ai'er, the son of the element, put it down, and after salutes the Dragon Fort, he disappeared again. He wanted to guide the people he followed to arrive here, clean up and take away the spoils here. Now he has set off, but before they arrive, Fu Jie is still confident that he will be there. All the enemies here were dealt with. After all, he was not alone. With eight blades, Fu Jie glared at the sword in his hand intoxicated, leaned down and said impatiently, "Master, when will we start the fight? !"

The eight-handed sword is that after Huang Yu became the blood **** general, Longbao asked Mao Jiang, a master caster from the Magic Weave Research Institute, to customize the weapons for him. Each weapon is a perfect equipment, including the perfect light armor. , it took master casting master Mao Jiang three weeks to complete Huang Yu's equipment, which is worth more than 3 million. In front of other territories, even the lords will be jealous, but in the Dragon Fort territory, it is very In general, Fu Jie can buy five or six perfect-grade discounted weapons from the mixed mall every day, and his 21 master-level professionals can also contribute one or two perfect-grade equipment a week. The high-end combat power of Yutian has never been There will be a lack of equipment~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Even many people have already used extraordinary equipment, and no one can stand up to the equipment. "If you want to make trouble, you can do it now"

Fu Jie took out the Yuanzhi Kongyu in his hand, and while injecting energy into it, he said nothing at the same time: "This territory is noisy with you, but don't destroy those ordinary buildings and minerals."

"Although this territory is only Tier 3, but the mineral resources and ordinary buildings are still very valuable, the eight pole sword mad Huang Yu nodded excitedly, and then the red light of the eight sword blades in his hand skyrocketed, dancing a red lotus, rubbing the top of the And the wall was cut into pieces and the gravel flew, the wall collapsed, and the smoke and dust were pushed out around by the force of the sword energy. During the whole process, not a single dust fell on Fu Jie's body. Swordsmanship has been practiced to the pinnacle, and the existence of integration, the swordsmanship is superb, no one in the Yu Territory can match the sudden disintegration of a motorcycle, which has attracted the attention of the entire Bronze Dragon Territory. Just when the surrounding dragon creatures are different, Huang Yu is in a Driven by the wings, Fu Jie inherited part of the ability of the Dragon Castle to plunder the void from another Mopu book, and obtained the heaven of God's taste, and the pair of wings behind him came from a fifth-order strength. The birds of prey saw the weird-looking Huang Yu rushing towards them, and the dragon creatures in Mozhong were the first to react and attacked Huang Yu. However, their sight was filled with the flashing red blades, and then they merged with Mo. At the same time, the elemental son Aier also slowly flew into the air, just like the early dragon castle, and four elemental spins condensed behind it. Then, ice, fireball, rock thorn, and wind blade seemed to be endless. The two blood gods poured out to the dragon creature, ended the creature created by Faberio, and vented their desire to kill

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