world territory.

Fabrio flew into the Dragon Valley steadily, his huge body was like a hill, and a pair of dark blue wings that spread out almost touched the cliffs on both sides.

And as the wings of Cang Qing flew in, the entire Dragon Valley suddenly boiled.

The giant dragons all stuck their heads out and roared one after another. Some were puzzled, some guessed, and some primitive dragon cubs who did not know the sky and the sky for a long time declared their sovereignty, but they were kicked back to the dragon's nest by their reincarnated dragon elder brother. . . . . . .

Reincarnated dragons such as Flame Arc Chloe, Charming Dance Grace, etc., have stepped into the extraordinary in their previous lives.

At that time, they were already mature dragons. After experiencing extraordinary transformation, their wingspan easily exceeded 300 meters. Some old dragons who entered the sanctuary even had a wingspan of more than 1,000 meters.

They are the real overlords of the sky, and every time they appear, it is no less than a disaster for other races.

At the same time, they also know how terrifying the strength of the dragon above the extraordinary.

The dragons in the entire Dragon Valley combined are not enough to fight the bronze dragon-like guy in front of him alone.

The current Fabrio, the world champion who was introduced to kindergarten, can definitely punch a child.

Of course, what the dragons in the Dragon Valley didn't know was that Fabio, the blue-winged wing, had not yet been promoted to extraordinary.

First, with the blessing of the lord, and the first embrace of Huang Yu himself, Fabilio's strength has undergone earth-shaking changes, and his body shape will also undergo extraordinary growth like Huang Yu's demonization.

Fabrio glided into the valley, but the huge body did not bring out a bit of gust of wind. Even when it landed, it was as light as a goose feather and silent, so that there was not much dust on the ground.

This kind of flying skill directly fooled a large number of reincarnated dragons in the Dragon Valley. Even the dancing graceful dance Grace was full of inconceivable eyes.

When Fabilio flies, it seems that he is not flying in the wind, but that the wind is supporting him.

However, it was at this time that the dragons noticed Huang Yu standing on Fabilio's back, as well as three blood-born gods Emile, Yuri and Wumo, and a blood-born apostle Manus .

The dragons did not dare to shout at night to prevent Huang Yu's dissatisfaction, or to be reported by the territorial people outside as disturbing the people.

They looked curiously at Fabilio, the blue-winged wing, and guessed the origin of this strange kin.

Huang Yu took the others and jumped off Fabilio's back.

They flew in from the place where Fabrio first embraced, and in less than an hour, they crossed more than 200 kilometers and returned to Universal City.

After the transformation of the first embrace, Fabrio almost catches up with Huang Yu in the control of the wind element.

Along the way, everyone didn't even feel like the wind was paved, but Fabilio was indeed flying at an extremely fast speed.

Not surprisingly, Fabrio inherited the talent of Huang Yu's element master, but unlike Emile's son of the element, Fabrio inherited the wind element control ability in the element master, while Emile Inherited the full element control of the weakened version.

Turning back, Huang Yu said to Cangqing Wing, who was crawling in the Dragon Valley:

"Faberio, you will spend the night in the Dragon Valley tonight, and I will have someone take you to Weng City tomorrow morning."

Fabilio is essentially a bronze dragon, likes to stay in the sea or deeper water, and has good underwater mobility.

Huang Yu is going to send it to the southern Wengcheng, and cooperate with the knights of the deep tide to sweep the sea clan in the South Bay, and prepare for the knights of the deep tide to settle in the South Sea Island.

Not long ago that titan began to be active in the South China Sea, and the knights of the deep tide even destroyed a patrol ship by it.

Now that he has the wings of azure blue, it is easy to fight against the Thunder Titan. Huang Yu is no more worried that the Knights of the Deep Tide who go out will be attacked by the Thunder Titan or other overlords in the sea.

"Yes, my master!"

Fabilio bowed his head in a very respectful manner,

Huang Yu called out Fabrio's information panel and quickly read it.


[Original Race: Giant Dragon Bronze Dragon (Dragon Lord)]

[Current Race: Giant Dragon, Bronze Dragon, Vampire]

[Level: lv42 (fifth order)]


1. The Lord of the Storm: The first to possess the fusion ability.

Fabilio is able to manipulate wind elements, creating various storms to destroy enemies, and is immune to all wind elemental energy attacks.

It can affect the enemy's wind element spells, and can also increase the wind element spells of your own.

Possesses the body of the wind element, and is immune to physical damage and most spell damage after use.

Combined with its breathing ability, it can release a manic and deadly dense wind blade.

. . . . . .

2. The power of true name: the racial ability of the dragon family.

Through inheritance memory, you can quickly comprehend various inheritance spells and combat skills.

Fabilio has now learned Cloud Mist (Tier 4 Excellence) Huge Ice Cone (Tier 3 Rare) Huge Wind Blade (Tier 3 Rare) Invisibility (Tier 5 Perfect). . . . . .

3. Dragon's Breath: The racial ability of the dragon family. Fabilio can unleash a gust of wind, and if he is in the sea, he can use this to set off huge waves and drown his enemies. . . . . .

. . . . . .

4. Phantom Movement: Fabrio's promotion to the fifth rank, the awakened epic talent!

Fabilio releases phantoms (the number of phantoms is related to strength), these phantoms have the same breath as Faberio, but their strength is only one-tenth of Faberio's, and maintaining the clone will continue to consume energy.

After the phantom is killed or touched, Fabriore takes no damage and can receive the memories of the phantom's existence.

Fabilio can also swap positions with his phantom at any time. The farther the distance between the two, the greater the energy consumption. . . . . .

5. Dragon Whistling Sound: Fabilio's promotion to the third rank is an extraordinary talent awakened by him.

Fabilio's long whistling allows his troops to instantly clarify their orders and intentions, and inspires all his own personnel who hear the whistling, so that they can exert their own strength beyond normal.

And the enemy army who hears Fabrio's whistle will be mentally shaken, distracted, and even afraid of fighting.

Unleashing it at full strength creates a substantial sound wave.

Those who are affected by the sound wave will enter a state of madness, without fear of death and pain, and burst out with cross-grade combat power.

The enemy affected by the sound wave will be hurt, the five senses will be weakened, and the energy and blood in the body will not work smoothly. . . . . .

. . . . . .

6. The messenger of the wind: The ability that Fabrio acquired after his first embrace can manipulate the wind element to create all kinds of gusts, and he can also use the force of the wind to mimic the shape to create wind blades, wind whirls and other means.

7, the body of the wind element. . . . . . 】

. . . . . .

The power of blood. . . . . . Vampire body. . . . . . Vampire Embrace. . . . . . 】

. . . . . .

Fabilio's information panel is very different from the other three blood-born gods. Its current race is still a giant dragon, but in addition to the bronze dragon species, there is another vampire species.

It seems that the appearance of Fabilio has made a giant dragon such as the bronze dragon have an extra branch of the vampire bronze dragon.

The bloodline of the super race is indeed so powerful that the vampires of the advanced race cannot assimilate, but can only integrate.


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