"This is Ou Yunhai, who will be the head of the commercial department of the secondary department of the manufacturing center, in charge of commodity operations in the manufacturing center."

"Nan Xing, he will be your deputy from now on."

Many people present knew Ou Yunhai's identity.

Therefore, many people were very surprised by Huang Yu's appointment.

Only Celine and Nanxing were not surprised, because Huang Yu had discussed with them when he established the commercial department from the manufacturing center yesterday.

Ou Yunhai was also a little dazed. He had already made preparations for a mediocre life in an ordinary position in the universe.

After all, he has a special status, that is, the enemy who surrendered to the universe, and he was once a lord.

For a person like himself, a normal lord should not give him the opportunity to touch the power of the territory, even if he will not strictly guard it.

But now, Huang Yu has publicly appointed him as the head of a real power department.

This made Ou Yunhai have mixed feelings, and he was still touched and excited by the recognition in his heart.

A person with talent and ambition, who wants to be buried.

"Yunhai, you are welcome to join us."

Nan Xing opened his mouth to greet Ou Yunhai, and the others also applauded. The person in charge of the second-level department is also a senior manager of the universe.

Except for the special point of the military department, his status is comparable to that of the head of the Magic Pattern Research Institute Center, the dean of the professional training base college, and the helm of the Crown of Mysteries genre.

Although everyone has not yet cleared the operation model of the Ministry of Commerce and Ou Yunhai's ability, as long as it is someone appointed by Huang Yu personally, it is worthy of their attention.

As a professional manager in Ou Yunhai's previous life, professional communication had become his instinct, and he quickly accepted it.

After glancing at Huang Yu with complicated eyes, he coped with the conversations of other colleagues with ease.

He is very clear about his positioning. Since he joined the universe, he must do what the universe said.

Moreover, although he was a little surprised by Huang Yu's choice, he was able to return to a similar job position at Blue Star, and he felt a little bit of integration into the universe.

As for Huang Yu, he added a business department, but it is not without loss that he takes care of his "compatriots".

The manufacturing center is now an important production department in the world, mainly responsible for the large-scale manufacturing of equipment, machinery and daily necessities.

But in addition to production, the manufacturing center also has material procurement, production planning, product distribution, product proofing, quality inspection, mechanical research and development, as well as some financial and human-related functions.

Nan Xing is a R&D engineer, and doing research is his forte, but if he wants to coordinate affairs in so many fields, he is a little out of control.

Prior to this, these functions were under the control of government departments.

On the other hand, Ou Yunhai has rich experience in the management of real enterprises. In terms of research and development, he is inferior to the masters of the Universal Territory. In terms of politics, he may be inferior to Celine. In terms of combat power, the Universal Territory surpasses him even more.

But when it comes to business operations, there are really few people who can compare to him in the entire universe.

Moreover, the commodity operation model in the Universal Territory is relatively simple. The military department of the consumer terminal is the largest, followed by the markets throughout the territory, and foreign trade has just started.

It's just that the entire manufacturing center is too bloated and the management is chaotic, and one person needs to coordinate it.

After Ou Yunhai takes over, they should be able to integrate soon.

After Ou Yunhai's affairs were arranged, the entire court meeting came to an end.

After the court meeting, Huang Yu teleported to the Dragon Valley and came to the young dragon named Rui Ge.


! "

Just as Huang Yu appeared, Lan Long Ruige, who was originally extremely weak, struggled to get up and let out a hoarse roar at Huang Yu.

There was an arc jump in its wide open mouth, but it was too tired to spit out another dragon breath.

"Tsk tsk, it is indeed a good seedling."

Huang Yu looked at the blue dragon Ruige, and still admired this young dragon. Even if there are nearly a hundred giant dragons in the Dragon Valley, few of them can match Ruige in terms of temperament and potential.

Sure enough, there is indeed a gap between people.

Lord Garo bought a blue dragon egg at will. Not only can he hatch a giant dragon whose real name is awakened, but the aptitude of the dragon hatched is also very good.

On the other hand, some lords have only hatched two dragon beasts at a high cost, and they have not even developed the ability to breathe.

Huang Yu complained a few words about Lord Cathed, and then skillfully grasped the soul of Blue Dragon Rigg and began to reshape his memory and concept.

Now this matter has become Huang Yu's most proficient thing. After all, the alien professionals in the territory, the blood **** generals, and the giant dragons all go through this process when they are born.

Before and after, Huang Yu has performed hundreds of operations, and even the unruly young dragon can only submit to his feet.

Half an hour later, the wounded Blue Dragon Ruige crawls in front of Huang Yu. The hatred and indomitableness in his eyes have disappeared, and what appears instead is the worship and awe of Huang Yu.

Huang Yu reshaped the memory of Blue Dragon Rigg, using the same set of the Dragon Lord.

It's just that the shadow of Garo is added to it, so that the blue dragon Rigge thinks that Garo is the divine choice identified by Huang Yu, and that it is to serve the great master of dragons by listening to Garo's dispatch.

Huang Yu did this not because he wanted to control the blue dragon. A giant dragon with good qualifications was nothing to him. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

The main reason is that rebuilding a set of soul language skills is really a troublesome thing, and Huang Yu doesn't want to spend energy on this matter.

After throwing an excellent-grade potion to Lan Long Rui Ge, Huang Yu returned it to Jia Luo through the trading platform after his injury improved slightly.

After a few polite words with Garro, they came to the Thousand Faces Church and put on the mask of the Shadow Girl.

After a while, Huang Yu's eyes came to the country of shadows.

The Land of Shadows also has various landforms, but unlike the Chaos Continent, these landforms cannot be easily observed.

They are like reefs exposed by the tidal surge, appearing and disappearing in the gray realm of shadows as the concentration of shadow energy changes.

And after this period of observation, Shadow Girl has also obtained a lot of information about the country of shadows.

If the world is likened to a complete eggshell, most worlds are the part outside the eggshell, and the Land of Shadows is the part inside the eggshell.

In the Land of Shadows, as long as you keep going absolutely straight in any direction, you can return to where you started.

Sometimes when the shadow energy concentration is too high, the shadow creatures can even see the world above them.

Shadow creatures can instantly reach the world above them thanks to a special feature called the Well of Shadows.

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