In the Thousand Faces Church, the face originally belonging to the shadow girl quickly lost its luster and slipped off Huang Yu's face.

Huang Yu reached out to catch the shadow girl's face, and the feeling of starting was as smooth as real skin.

After the connection with the shadow girl was cut off, Huang Yu knew that the first death had occurred among the 200 Faceless under his command.

Using death may not be appropriate, the Shadow Girl should have been successfully transformed into a shadow creature in the end, and she should have deceived those native species with the ability to transform into inauthentic.

But now the shadow girl is not only not a human, nor even a real creature, but a shadow creature.

Huang Yu looked at the human face in his hand, and originally wanted to burn it to ashes with flames, but after thinking about it, it was most likely the only thing Shadow Girl left in the real world.

If the shadow girl really wants to lead him into the kingdom of shadows in the future, then this ineffective shadow girl's face may be an opportunity.

After thinking of this, Huang Yu put the shadow girl's face into the space ring, then left the Thousand Faces Church and walked towards the palace.

It was noon at this time, and it was said that the palace chef had discovered a way to eat raw and pickled with the glass animal meat supplied by Xuanji's territory.

Huang Yu has a high pursuit of appetite and is looking forward to it.



Suddenly, a dragon roar came from the northern part of the inner city.

There is the area where the Magic Pattern Research Institute is located. There are many accidents in the past, and Huang Yu has become accustomed to it.

Huang Yu just wondered why there was a dragon roar, and subconsciously extended his perception to see what happened.

However, when Huang Yu extended his perception, he couldn't help but make a light "huh", and then his body flashed and moved to the vicinity of the Magic Pattern Research Institute in an instant.

Magic Pattern Research Institute, outside the Magic Pattern Possession Center.

The security guards who rushed to the scene because of the sound of the alarm held long sticks made of black gold bamboo and surrounded a monster, with a bit of disgust and nervousness in their expressions.

The monster was covered with disgusting sarcomas, and the few parts that were still intact were either large or small, with irregular bronze-colored scales, or simply bare, bright red muscles leaking out and secreting a kind of pink mucus .

And that monster, although in human form, has almost no human appearance.

He is more than two meters tall, with beast-like teeth and huge claws, a deformed fleshy wing on the back, and a half-straw-like tail behind the tail vertebra.

But what is puzzling is that the clothes on his body are bulging, but it can be seen that it is a special research suit from the Magic Weave Institute of the Magic Weave Research Institute.

The reason why the surrounding security officers did not dare to step forward was because they were holding a woman in their arms.

The woman had already passed out in a coma, and there were several shocking wounds on her abdomen, which were gurgling with blood, and it seemed that she could not last long.

A security supervisor standing behind the monster took two steps forward carefully. Before he could move, the monster turned his head and roared at him.


The monster's eyes instantly turned scarlet, and the sound like a dragon's roar seemed to contain some kind of special power.

The security supervisor's face turned pale, and he stepped back again and again, and the black gold bamboo stick in his hand was a little unsteady.

After a while, the security director came back to his senses, feeling a little ashamed by the enemy's retreat.

Then he mustered the courage to step forward and warned the monster:

"I don't know what kind of monster you are!"

"But this is the territory of the universe, and it's not your turn to go wild!"

"Before the Imperial Guards arrive, I advise you to put down the Sang Shuang expert and raise your hands to surrender!"

I don't know what I heard, but the red light in the monster's eyes dimmed a lot, holding Sang Shuang with one hand and holding his head with the other, and faintly whimpered.

At this moment, A Huai, the owner of the Demon Possession Center, hurried forward, and after seeing the monster and the dying Sang Shuang, he shouted eagerly:

"Chai Jin?"

"You are Chai Jin, right?"

Seeing that after calling out Chai Jin's name, the monster froze in place, A Huai quickly said:

"Look at Sang Shuang, she was seriously injured and her life is in danger."

"Calm down and hand her over to us."

"We'll cure her."

After hearing Ah Huai's words, many people looked at the monster in surprise.

Recently, Chai Jin and Sang Shuang are well-known people in the world.

In addition to their own fame, the two of them are also the first special professionals to become husband and wife in the universe.

On the day of their wedding, even Huang Yu was present in person.

In addition, Chai Jin and Sang Shuang are also expert-level magic weave possessors of the Magic Weave Research Institute. The two worked together to develop a kind of possessed magic lines of different grades due to the use of different materials.

It can graft basic abilities such as strength, speed and even self-healing possessed by other creatures onto humans.

It's just that this kind of possessed magic pattern is a rare "one-time" magic pattern, and the time for each power increase is limited, and it also has the side effect of reducing sanity.

The applicability is not strong, and there are very few arms in the universe that will bless this possessed magic pattern.

Seeing Chai Jin standing on the spot, staring blankly at Sang Shuang in his arms, A Huai gritted his teeth, ignoring the dissuasion of others, and walked slowly towards the two of them.

"Chai Jin, although I don't know what happened, everything will be fine."

"Even if you don't believe me, you still have to believe in the world territory, and even more in the lord."

"Maintain your sanity and leave Sang Shuang to me, okay..."

While A Huai gently persuaded Chai Jin, he cautiously reached out to Sang However, at this moment, Chai Jin, who was stunned in place, suddenly stretched out his hand to A Huai, a sharp claw blade like a To cut off Ah Huai's slender neck.

"Be careful!"

"Director Ah Huai!"

"Damn, everyone!"

Chai Jin's violent attack made the surrounding security guards startled, and immediately hugged him regardless.

A Huai, who was closest to Chai Jin, was in a hurry to stop him, so he fell together with Sang Shuang, who was tucked into his arms.

When she helped Sang Shuang sit up, she saw that Chai Jin was already fighting with the security guards.

Originally, Chai Jin, who was only a little stronger than ordinary people, was like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, and there was no one enemy wherever he went.

Although a pair of claw blades could not cut through the black golden bamboo, they could knock the entire security officer into the air.

In the end, the security officer either broke his hand or vomited blood, basically losing his combat effectiveness.

In addition, Chai Sang's speed is also very fast, and none of the more than 20 security guards can get close to him.

In less than two minutes, it knocked all the security guards to the ground.

Looking at the security guard who fell to the ground and wailing, then look at the monster with scarlet eyes and white air spraying out of his mouth and nose.

The demon possessed masters who came out with A Huai did not dare to go forward, so they could only quickly bring A Huai and the injured Sang Shuang back to the demon possessed center, while secretly scolding the imperial guards for not coming.

The monster named Chai Jin took a deep look at the center of the demonic possession, and after Sang Shuang's face disappeared behind the closed gate, he took a step and ran to the outer city.


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