As a member of the Alliance of Gods, [Desolate Wolf] knows a little bit.

For example, the most powerful Church of Light has already descended on three angels, but these three angels are not all controlled by the territory of Silla.

Shortly after the Silla Territory became a believer, Pope Joshua, the representative of the territory, returned to the prison for unknown reasons.

After Joshua's death, Silla gained the approval of angels through unknown means and became the only lord with the status of pope among the believers.

Perhaps it was because the power controlled by the lord of Silla was too great. Not long ago, a believer named Osaicus was watched by the prison of God, and an angel of light descended on the territory.

And Osaycus also took the title of Pope himself, and there were faint signs of contending with the lord of Silla.

During this period of time, the two have been attracting followers of the Church of Light. After [Wild Wolf] revealed that there was a Templar in their territory, they could not help but attract the attention of the two lords.

Not only Lord Silla and Lord Osagecus, but other churches secretly threw olive branches to [Wild Wolf].

These churches have promised a lot of benefits, with the intention of making the Murayama Territory re-establish a gate, or in the war of beliefs, abolish the Murayama Territory through internal friction, so as to prevent the Church of Light from reappearing in a territory that can support the arrival of angels.

But what they didn't expect was that the Murayama territory had already fallen into Huang Yu's control, and even the lord and the church bishop had been replaced by Huang Yu with the Faceless.

Without Huang Yu's permission, [Wild Wolf] would completely ignore the solicitations of other churches, and show loyalty to the Lord of Silla.

After many trials, Lord Silla finally agreed with the attachment of Murayama's territory, and deliberately pulled [Wild Wolf] under his command.

Only then was he willing to send a king-level unit to help the Murayama Territory solve the trouble, and at the same time conduct the last wave of inspections.

The three walked up the stairs together. During this process, [Wild Wolf] was very attentive, causing Marco to laugh a few times from time to time, and finally he patted [Wild Wolf] on the shoulder and assured:

"[Desolate Wolf] Lord, please rest assured, your loyalty to Guangming is obvious to all."

"When I go back, I will have a few good words for you before His Majesty the Pope."

"With the support of His Majesty the Pope, you must have a place in the position of the Thirteen Supreme Lords!"

The Alliance of the Gods is managed by the Eighteen High Lords. Not long ago, the weakest Church of Truth, because of its initial losses, was unable to come to the Angels so far, and was kicked out of the management by the Eighteen High Lords.

Now all parties are vying for this spot.

The Murayama Territory now has 2,000 Templars and is very powerful. Although there are no angels in the territory, it is a strong contender for this spot.

"Then thank you Lord Marko!"

[Wild Wolf] With a smile, he trotted to a guest room and opened the door for Marko.

"Lord Murayama is too polite."

Marco rushed to the room impatiently.

Without the constraints of the law, the dirty things in the major churches have almost been brought to light.

As long as you dedicate your faith to the creatures of the gods and prisons, how to vent your desires will not have too many constraints.

But after entering the guest room, Marco couldn't help but be taken aback.

Because there were no nuns, priests, or women ready to serve in the guest room, not even a single female wind spirit captured today.

There was only a lion and an ordinary human in the guest room. Although the human man had extraordinary looks and temperament, he was not his type.

"Lord Murayama, Bishop Manu, did we go to the wrong room?"

Marko was puzzled, hesitated for a while, then turned his head and said to the two:

"Did one of my **** make fun of you?"

"It's Avat who likes to **** with interracial people, but it is Butch who likes to **** with men... My orientation is still relatively normal."

good guy...

Hearing Marco's words, [Wild Wolf] and [Bishop] were also stunned for a moment.

They just made up an excuse and led Marko to the guest room, who would have known that they would get such a powerful piece of information.

These under the lord of Silla... are really good at playing...

Hearing Marco's words, Huang Yudan's expression twitched.

Once a person enters a new environment, it is difficult to restrain his inner desires without restraint.

Because many lords have great power and are unchecked, it is easier for them to go wild and act recklessly.

My subordinates also follow suit and break away from the shackles of moral civilization.

Huang Yu doesn't want to comment too much on this. After all, he is also a human being, and he has such desires. He even had some stories with some beautiful women around him.

But he has his own bottom line, and he will not ruin the atmosphere of the entire territory for the sake of being cool for a while, and he will not indulge in it.

After all, for Huang Yu, the attraction of carnal desire is really lackluster. With the physique of a predator, he can adjust his body structure at any time to obtain stimulation far better than carnal desire.

He prefers a sense of spiritual accomplishment rather than wantonly venting his desires.

Seeing the expressions of [Wild Wolf] and [Bishop], Marco also felt something was wrong, stepped on his feet hard, and rushed towards Huang Yu.

As a commander-type king-level unit, Marco has a strong control over occupation and people's hearts, and immediately discovered the core characters in this room.

However, what he didn't know was that he was standing in front of him with its terrifying existence.

The power of time and space suddenly unfolded, the time in the guest room stagnated, everyone's expressions were frozen on their faces, and they couldn't feel what happened.

Marco's body stopped in mid-air, and his expression was full of doubts and confusion.

When he instinctively warned and launched an attack he still didn't know where the problem was.

And this doubt can only accompany him into reincarnation.

After the time stagnation was cancelled, Huang Yu forced Marko into a coma, and then let [Night Lion] launch a causal loan to deprive Marko of his identity.

[Wild Wolf] and [Bishop] continued to go back downstairs to deal with the temple knights who came with Marco.

Among the faceless beings currently controlled by Huang Yu, [Yi Shi]'s body strength can be ranked in the top five.

Without Huang Yu's help before, [Night Lion] could even deprive a Scarlet Tearer hero of his own identity. With Huang Yu here this time, he would definitely be able to successfully deprive Marco of his identity.

However, the king-level arms are worthy of being able to create legends. After more than an hour of busy work, the causal borrowing of [Night Lion] was determined to be successful.

"Invincible begins with the sacrifice of ancestors"

[Night Lion] After bowing like Huang Yu, he walked out of the guest room in the image of Marco and returned to the banquet.

During the banquet, the Templars laughed and said a few nasty words, and [Ye Lion] also dealt with it with ease, without showing any clues.

Huang Yu watched for a while, chuckled lightly, and activated the space anchor to return to the universe.

The Silla Territory, the Council of the Gods, had become a sieve in front of him.

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