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In this expedition, in addition to the Red Skill Knight Legion, there are four legions sent to participate in the battle.

Jingbei City Amazon Army, Qingxi City Twilight Raider Army, and Zhanyi City Tiger and Leopard Cavalry Army will send four chapters to participate in the battle.

Having just been promoted to the fifth rank, the entire army of the Kate Zhanji Legion, whose personnel has been expanded, will fight.

The Imperial Guards have special duties and need to assist each legion in garrisoning the sub-city.

The strongest Spartan legion sits at the rear to protect the world territory.

The knight of the deep tide is not suitable for participating in the land battle with the undead because of the particularity of the arms, so it was not dispatched this time.

This time, for the annihilation of the undead, a total of 42,000 soldiers were dispatched from the universe to launch an encirclement and suppression of the undead army in three directions.

In addition, the eight-pole swordsman Wumo, the teleporter Yuri, and the Thunder Fury Kraos will also participate in the battle.

Among the twelve golden men, the "ugly" golden men, the "yin" golden men, the "mao" golden men, the "wu" golden men, the "wei" golden men and the "xu" golden men will also set off with the army.

After this period of precipitation, the twelve golden men have completed the second upgrade, all of them have been promoted to the third rank, and each head is about forty meters.

Although they are not as large as the Skeletons, they possess fighting skills and energy attacks that the Skeletons do not possess.

If the "You" golden man can combine the two other golden men at will, their combat power is not much smaller than Thunder Fury Kraos.

In addition, Huang Yu also sent three war frisbees, 600 arcanists, and 63 dragons in the growth and youth stages.

When necessary, Huang Yu, who holds Yuanzhikongyu, can summon a thousand heroic spirits at any time to help.

If the war drags on a little longer, when the Hall of Heroes is upgraded to Tier 5, Huang Yu can even summon more than 1,600 Heroic Spirits to participate in the battle!

Huang Yu doesn't care about God's strategy or not. In terms of leading troops to fight, battlefield strategy, and the three commander-type king-level arms, he is more professional than him.

In this regard, as long as it is handed over to them, it is the best choice.

Leaving the military department to connect with other departments, Huang Yu left the Fire Hall first and teleported himself outside the Thousand Faces Church.

Outside the Thousand-faced Church, there is a building surrounded by high walls. It looks a little gloomy and empty inside, and it looks like it is inhabited.

This is the residence that Huang Yu prepared for the faceless. Some faceless people who have lost their territory and whose identities are of little value, and who can be brought back to their territory by Huang Yu's ability, live here.

Now, there are seven Faceless in this courtyard.

Perhaps because of professional reasons, these seven faceless people basically stayed in the courtyard, staying at home, and few people in the territory had ever contacted them.

And now, Huang Yu has a new task to give them.

When Huang Yu walked into the courtyard, seven faceless people appeared one after another.

Four of them maintain human form, two have alien status, and one has wild monster status.

After seeing Huang Yu's arrival, the seven faceless people saluted and said hello. In the era when the Thousand-faced Demon God did not appear, the Lord of the Thousand-faced Temple was the only owner of the Faceless.

Huang Yu didn't say much, raised his hand and left two faceless people with human identities, and launched the space anchor with the other five faceless people.

The power of time and space surged, wrapping the bodies of Huang Yu and the six people, and after a shocking turn, Huang Yu and the faceless people appeared in Cangxuan City.

The current Cangxuan City has undergone a lot of changes.

At the north gate of Cangxuan City, dozens of arcanists cast spells and raised a high platform on the ground.

Then, using the shaping spell, he simulated a throne similar to the Titan Throne on the high platform, and finally decorated it with illusion to make the Titan Throne more vivid.

When Huang Yu sent it over, Thunder Fury Kreos was still sitting on the throne, looking in high spirits.

But after looking up to see Huang Yu's arrival, Kraos stood up like his **** was on fire, and walked to the high platform to salute Huang Yu.

"It's almost ready."

Huang Yu nodded, not caring about Kraos' actions, and said:

"Don't make it too complicated."

"Wait for those aliens to come over, Bi showed an attitude of indifference and agreed to form an alliance."

"When they say something about cooperation, you show an impatient look and ask them to send one of them to find your vassal - Fergus."

As Huang Yu said, Kraos nodded, his towering body shape, but he showed a simple, honest and well-behaved look, which made people feel extremely incongruous.

After instructing Kraos, Huang Yu said to Yuri and Youan who had teleported here not long ago:

"You are responsible for shielding their perceptions. What Miao Zhen's territory was, you have to let them see."

"Can it be done?"

Hearing Huang Yu's words, the extraordinary archmage You An and the teleporter Yuri immediately nodded and replied:

"Please rest assured, Lord!"

Huang Yu nodded, and called the relevant personnel to give instructions again~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Then he took the Faceless people into the complex and waited for the arrival of the Puntagan Alliance team.

The reason why he went to great lengths to perform a play for ten visitors was to replace five of them with the Faceless, so that the Faceless could carry out some espionage activities.

Of course, Huang Yu didn't need to be so troublesome. He directly captured all the Puntagan team, modified his memory, and controlled them so that they could return to the territory to act as his own spy.

However, brainwashing of the soul will affect its own memory and habits after all, and there is a great risk of exposure.

Especially the believers who are based on faith, and the half-orcs who are in sympathy with their relatives, the exposure is almost 100%.

In contrast, after the Faceless is deprived of his identity, it can be said that it is like a natural creation. As long as he does not take the initiative to die, it is basically impossible to be caught. The concealment is much stronger than the brainwashing of the soul.

Moreover, with the existence of the Thousand-faced Sanctuary, it is much easier for Huang Yu to obtain information from the Faceless. If the territories of these alien races are not far from the territory of the universe, Huang Yu can still visit from time to time.

"The weak bugs want to form an alliance with me? Humph, interesting..."

Huang Yu didn't wait too long when Kraios's muffled voice sounded outside.

Unexpectedly, Kraos' acting skills are quite good. He first showed disdain, and gradually became serious as the conversation progressed. Finally, his tone became more and more kind, and he looked moved.

"I promised to form an alliance... Those conditions are too annoying for the Titans, you go to my most trusted personal choice!"

"Fergus, come here!"

"Serve these people for me, remember to take a look at the terms of the alliance contract, if there is no problem, bring it to me!"

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