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The Raven Guard Camp was placed in the eastern part of the outer city by Huang Yu, and it rose to the third level in one breath, and it is now upgrading to the fourth level.

Five hundred Dark Crow Guards walked out of the barracks. After expressing their allegiance to Huang Yu, they went to the Magic Tower training ground to train and upgrade according to Huang Yu's order.

The Raven Guards are very different in appearance from other extraordinary units under Huang Yu's command. They have light gray skin, dark eyes, and lips that are so dark that they are almost black, and they can't see the slightest bit of blood.

Each of them is very taciturn, and even when expressing allegiance, they only use a few words to express their allegiance.

When they collectively appeared in Universal City, the shadow energy on their bodies made the surrounding environment seem a bit obscure.

These warriors have their own temperament that no strangers are near, but Huang Yu can feel the power of these warriors.

All of them are tall and long, with nearly perfect body proportions, and although their muscles are not as exaggerated as the Twilight Raiders, they look very tight.

Huang Yu originally thought that in an area with thin shadow energy, the combat power of the Raven Guards would be greatly reduced.

But after seeing the training scene of the Dark Crow Guard in the magic tower training ground, Huang Yu realized that the Dark Crow Guard is no worse than any legion in the universe in terms of personal strength and teamwork ability.

The most difficult and valuable thing is that perhaps they are under the pressure of survival all the time before the summoning. The Raven Guards are very determined, and they are squeezing their potential and challenging their own limits every minute and every second during training.

If they are matched with a high-grade characteristic system, the Raven Guards who have grown up will definitely have the ability to compete for the strongest legion in the universe.

In the magic tower training camp.

Huang Yu stood in the central control room, and in front of him was the training status of the five hundred Dark Crow Guards.

These ranks are only first-order extraordinary arms, and the targets of challenge are far stronger than themselves.

The target of the largest group trial of 200 people turned out to be a third-order bronze dragon and its half-dragon genus with the Blue Wings Fabilio as the template.

And what Huang Yu is paying attention to, the Raven Guard named Pairush, the training target at this time turned out to be Citeria, who has the most complex and changeable combat skills in the universe.

Of course, the real Citeria was still staying in Jingbei City at this time, serving as the head of the first leg of the regiment.

Her current rank has reached the fifth rank, and she is one of the highest ranks of units under Huang Yu.

As a training target, Citeria was only one level, and her strength was weakened in all aspects.

Under Huang Yu's gaze, Crow Guard Pai Rush had been beheaded twenty-one times by Tier 1 Citeria in just ten minutes.

However, his outstanding potential is also being realized at a very fast speed.

The original Pairush was killed by Citeria several times in a row, but at the time of the 21st death, Pairush had been able to fight Citeria for nearly a minute.

In Huang Yu's eyes, Pairush's talent almost overflowed.

And just as Huang Yu was about to leave the magic tower training ground, a thick golden light emerged from Pairush.

At the same time, Huang Yu received a message from the Raven Guard Camp.

[Dark Crow Guard Battalion: You have a warrior class that has been promoted to a hero class! 】

This Dark Crow Guard, who was born in less than three hours and trained for less than an hour, was directly promoted to a hero unit in the magic tower training ground!

And until now, the level of Pairush is only first-order.

This kind of thing is something Huang Yu has never heard of, never seen before!

Among the five hundred new Raven Guards, Perush is the one with the most outstanding potential, even more outstanding than the Deep Tide Knight Asimia.

This is also the reason why Huang Yu pays special attention to Pairush. Not surprisingly, when the Raven Guard Corps is established, Pairush will become the commander of the Ninth Universe Corps.

After watching for a while, Huang Yu left the magic tower training ground and flashed to the Thousand-faced Sanctuary.

The Temple of Thousand Faces has also been upgraded to the fifth rank, and the number of faceless people that Huang Yu can master has reached 499.

The lesser one is the Faceless [Shadow Girl] who died in the Land of Shadows

The Thousand Faces Church is different from other buildings. Every faceless person in it is a special existence. If one dies, there will be one less. Currently, it cannot be supplemented by other means.

Moreover, most of these 499 faceless people are of low status at present, and the distance from the universe is extremely far away, so they are basically useless.

However, in the later stage of Wanzu's hegemony, these faceless people will become the most terrifying spies under Huang Yu.

The deeper it is buried now, the more it will play a role in the future.

Entering the Thousand Faces Church, Huang Yu first picked up the face of the faceless [Danmo] and put it on his own.

The Faceless [Danmo] is the priest of Danmo who went to invite the Titans to join the alliance, and the same group of Faceless as him are [Light Elf], [Eagle Man], [Red Dwarf] and [Orc] .

The five Faceless were distributed in the five main territories of the Puntagan Alliance, and Huang Yu would regularly learn about the Puntagan Alliance's intelligence from them.

As his vision was twisted and deflected, Huang Yu's will descended on the church in Danmo's territory.

At this time, the faceless man [Dan Mo] was praying with a group of priests in the church. After feeling Huang Yu's arrival~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The faceless man [Dan Mo] calmly stood up and walked to the bathroom of the church .

After Danmo left the prayer hall, Huang Yu asked in consciousness:

"Dammer, tell me the latest information from the Puntagan Alliance."

"As ordered." Danmo calmly walked into the bathroom and replied to Huang Yu, "After the news that the undead went east, the red dwarves and the orcs wanted to dissolve the Puntagan territory, but they were stopped by the light elf lord and the bishop of Danmo. already."

"Now the Puntagan Alliance still exists, but there have been cracks inside, especially the orcs, who have escaped into the mountains last night. Although they are still members of the Puntagan Alliance in name, they can actually be regarded as leaving Puntagan. ."

"Just today, the red dwarves and the Eagle Tribe have begun to prohibit the people from believing in the church and attack the faith forces in their own territory."

"However, a vassal race in the Eagle Territory was rebelled by Bishop Danmo and became the believer's territory. Now the Eagle Army is confronting the Holy Army of Denmore outside the Peig territory."

"It's just that Lord Piguet voluntarily became a believer, and Lord Light Elf will never allow civil war in the alliance that he has just maintained. This matter is very likely to end."


The Faceless [Danmo] is also considered to be the upper-middle class of the Danmo territory, and has a very comprehensive understanding of the current situation of the Puntagan Alliance.

Once the alliance is disbanded, there will be chaos for a short period of time. In the muddy waters, even in the territory of the relatively powerful light elves, there will inevitably be some accidents.

In order to maintain their position, the Light Elves and the Danmor Humans joined forces to maintain the balance of the Punta Gan area.

However, the Danmo Territory, which shined brightly in the War of the Undead, suffered a backlash from the elves first.

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