Popular recommendation:

[Lord Aolai bows his head and agrees to the search troops of the Church of Light, Church of War, and Church of Wisdom to enter the territory of his believers to conduct a search. 】

[Other churches on the same front as the Holy Church were also forced to enter and search. 】

[And this time, the scope of the search has been expanded again, increasing to twenty-three, and all the searchers are from the territory of the Supreme Lord. 】

[Sir, Chifeng Territory is the territory of the believers of the Holy Church, and this time is also included in the search, please make arrangements early. 】

[In addition, although the Holy Church has kept its position in the alliance of the gods, it has lost the allies it has won in the past. If there is no accident, it will be difficult to fight against the territory of Silla in the future. 】


Standing on the tower of Shanyin City, Huang Yu looked at the Kashejin Stormtroopers, which were crowded with gongs and drums outside the city. , What emerged in his consciousness was that the Faceless [Wild Wolf] used the information from the friend list with the help of the identity of the lord of Murayama.

Today was the day when the Chifeng Expeditionary Force assembled and set out, so Huang Yu did not put on the face of the Faceless [Wild Wolf] to attend the meeting of the Alliance of Gods. Instead, he deliberately came to Shanyin City to send the Chifeng Expeditionary Army on an expedition.

However, what Huang Yu didn't expect was that the Allied Forces of the Alliance of the Gods had not fought a single war, and the Holy Church, the second largest force among the believers, was hanged and beaten by the Church of Light inside.

And it's still the kind that steals chickens without losing rice.

"The High Lord sent someone to search..."

After reading the information of the Faceless [Desolate Wolf], Huang Yu couldn't help frowning.

The northern Danmo territory has the double insurance of the teleporter Yuri and the faceless [Danmo], and it is also the believer force of the Church of Light, so there will be basically no problems.

The only troublesome thing is Chifeng Territory.

Although Huang Yu also installed a believer in Chifeng territory, his status was not high and he could only obtain limited information.

Now that the Chifeng Expeditionary Force is about to go on an expedition, if the two sides meet, there is a risk that the universe will be exposed in advance.

The coalition army of the Alliance of the Gods has been raising for more than a month, and it has long been ready to arrive at a distance.

If you want to avoid large-scale collisions, the most important thing is speed, in addition to snuffing out the search troops of the Supreme Lord who do not know when they will come.

"The Chifeng Territory must be completely wiped out before the allied forces of the Alliance of Gods arrive on a large scale!"

Huang Yu looked outside Shanyin City.

Seven thousand Kashejin Stormtroopers were mixed with three thousand Cadian Raiders to form ten Chapters.

In these ten chapters, fifty red and white knights were placed in each to serve as the medical soldiers of the chapter.

Huang Yu matched the Kashejin Storm Chapter with an extraordinary mount called the Wind Demon Tiger. Now that the Wind Demon Tiger's lair has been upgraded to Tier 5, there are about 5,000 Wind Demon Tigers that can act as mounts.

At this time, these wind demon tigers have been dispersed into five Kashejin chapters, and these five chapters are also the most elite cavalry units of the Kashejin Storm Legion.

For this expedition, Huang Yu also deployed 500 Thoron giant eagles and 50 maglev vehicles for the Eastern Expeditionary Force to quickly transport supplies.

In addition to escorting some heavy ordnance, the giant peak beast can also serve as a heavy cavalry mount for attacking fortifications during special periods.

After the Kashejin Storm Legion and the Spartan Legion rendezvous, the Chifeng Expeditionary Force will have more than 23,000 troops.

Among them are the Spartan Shadow Scouts, the Meteor Mountain Rangers, the Spartan Heavy Cavalry, the Kashezin Fine Cavalry, the Kashezin Commando, and the Ophie Troops.

Each of these arms has a rare grade suit, and there are also forty magic cannons, two twelve golden figures, and a war Frisbee to help out.

In addition, the two legions control a total of twelve young and even adult dragons, and a thousand red and white knights who drive the iron-feather griffins will form a powerful air force on these dragons.

In the information sent back by the Shadow of Sparta, there is no territory in the entire Chifeng Mountains that can compete with this power!

The only difficulty in clearing the believer's territory near the Universal Territory is that it cannot give the Alliance of Gods time to react.

Although the Universal Territory has the ability to fight against the entire alliance of the gods, if it is delayed by the alliance of the gods, it will be more than the loss.

And three weeks ago, the Alliance of the Gods had been promoted to the fifth-order alliance, which not only unlocked the lord teleportation function, but even the angels could teleport.

In particular, the angels in the Silla and Olai territories have successfully regained their extraordinary rank. According to the faceless man [Barren Wolf], the angels in the Silla territory already have a complete body, and the only thing left is to break free from the body. God's lock on it.

Its ability is very terrifying. It once directly destroyed a third-order Niven banyan tree with the Holy Light of Judgment, so that the Silla Territory wiped out a Niven territory without a single shot.

Although the power of the Holy Light of Judgment is far inferior to that of epic-level spells, it is definitely above the power of extraordinary spells.

Even the "Magic Light Burst", the most lethal Magic Light Cannon, was inferior to the Holy Light of Judgment.

Although there are many existences in the Universal Territory that can confront angels head-on, if you don't make preparations early and choose to fight head-on, the Universal Territory will definitely suffer heavy losses.

While thinking about the next action, Huang Yu waited for the arrival of the Spartan Legion.

Shanyin City is the easternmost city in the Universe Territory, and the city closest to Chifeng Territory, so it became the gathering place for the Chifeng Expeditionary Force.

At this time, the Spartan Army of Zhenyuan City and the Spartan Army of Rising Sun City were gathering towards Shanyin City.

However, it was not until noon that the two legions were united.

The commander-in-chief of the Chifeng Expeditionary Force is Leonidas, and Pantheon and Stuka serve as deputy commanders~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The post of marshal of the universe will be granted by Huang Yu only when there is a war that requires multiple legions to join forces Someone, not a permanent position.

In the entire Chifeng Expeditionary Force, there are 23 regular chapters, one special chapter, two army mages, and one air force chapter.

Among them, there are nine king-level arms and one god-level arm, which can be regarded as a wealth of talents.

However, in order to solve the battle in the shortest time and at the lowest cost, Huang Yu thought about it, took out the Yuanzhikongyu, condensed space anchors on it to prevent loss, and then handed it over to Leonidas, the commander of the Chifeng Expeditionary Force. .

"Leonidas, at a critical moment, you can use Yuanzhikongyu to summon heroic spirits to fight."

"I will explain the situation to Yuan when I go back, and the heroic spirits will definitely obey your command."

"But you have to remember that heroic spirits have limited time outside the territory, so pay attention to the timing of their use."

Seeing the empty jade ring handed by Huang Yu, Leonidas solemnly saluted it before taking it from Huang Yu.

Heroic spirits have a special status in the universe and are usually only driven by Huang Yu. This is the first time they have been handed over to others.

Seeing that Leonidas carefully put Yuanzhikongyu on his hand, Huang Yu patted Leonidas on the shoulder and said:

"When you return in triumph, I will hold a feast for you to celebrate!"

When Leonidas heard it, he immediately offered a military salute to Huang Yu and said in a loud voice:

"Please rest assured, Lord, the Chifeng Expeditionary Force will surely win victory for you!"

The sonorous and powerful voice reached the ears of the Chifeng Expeditionary Army, and immediately aroused everyone's approval.

"Victory will belong to the universe!"

"Long live the universe, long live the lord!"

The voice echoed in the sky, and it took a long time to disperse.

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