Lord of the People: Start Sign-in Discount Artifact Chapter 658 Orc's Breakfast

The sky was getting brighter, the cauldron for the meat had just boiled, and the orcs didn't even put on the hangers, so they carried the pots and pans, followed the smell and walked out of the tent, crowded beside the pot table, and shouted for the meal.

There are a lot of Orcs in the Blood Axe Tribe, and the amount of food is limited. If you can't grab a stutter early, you can only starve when the food is gone.

After wandering around the Danmo Plateau for more than a month, the Blood Axe Tribe's harvest was mediocre, and in the past two days, in order to hurry, it was even more fruitless.

After camping yesterday, in order to save food, the orcs of the Blood Axe tribe slept on an empty stomach for a whole night.

Now seeing the chunks of meat that were churning in the pot, the orcs' eyes were all red.

Although the meat in the pot was some water, and most of it came from the dirty goblins captured the day before yesterday, but for the hungry orcs, it was already very good to have a meal at this time.

Besides, I have to browse the Puntagan Mountains today. If I don't eat enough, I will probably die of exhaustion on the way.

So today's orcs are no longer as lazy as they were a few days ago.

The orcs who were cooking were guarding the stove, roaring and slapping the orcs who wanted to steal food with the shovels in their hands.

The halfling cook who used to cook is now simmering in the pot.

So this meal was a temporary guest chef of an orc hero, and it was indeed majestic enough to make those orcs dare not **** the food.

That pot of strange color and strange taste is really hard to make people feel appetite.

Fortunately, the food of orcs does not require too much technical content, even if it tastes like shit, ordinary orcs can eat it with relish.

So the orc chef has plenty of time to maintain order by the stove.

However, as the orcs gathered more and more, the scene became more and more difficult to control.

The roar of the orc chef was gradually covered by the noise of the crowd, and it was unknown which **** kicked the orc chef in the back.

After a staggering fall to the ground, the orc cook never got up again.

The orcs who had been hungry all night rushed towards the pot platform, screamed the orc chef's trampling repeatedly, and then, regardless of the scalding boiling water, reached out and fished out something from the pot and stuffed it into their mouths.

It didn't take long for a large pot of food to be emptied, and even the iron pot was smashed into several pieces, and each piece was licked brightly.

After the chaos was over, only a few of the relatively strong orcs ate their oily faces, but most of the orcs didn't even drink the soup.

Driven by hunger, the orcs kept roaring, and some orcs even set their sights on the mounts of the orc cavalry.

But unlike these ordinary orcs, or the low-level arms among orcs, most of the orc cavalry are high-level arms, and food will be guaranteed first.

Just now those orcs ate water, while the orc cavalry and other high-level troops ate meat.

Even the mounts of these orc cavalrymen eat much better than ordinary orcs.

They are not only full of energy, but even their equipment is much better than ordinary orcs. Although ordinary orcs covet those tall mounts, they only dare to **** in their minds, and dare not really put in practice.



"You **** who have entered the goblin, dare to step on Lao Tzu!"


Under the support of his excellent physique and equipment, the orc chef looked very embarrassed after being trampled by other orcs, but he did not change at all.

At this time, he got up from the ground, picked up the shovel and smashed the beastmen who were burping.

The beaten orcs screamed and fled, until the shovel in his hand was turned into scrap metal, and the orc chef stopped panting.


The horns sounded like howling ghosts in the camp, and the orc camp suddenly jumped.

When the orcs who were running around heard it, they immediately ran to their tents, put on their armor, and searched for weapons.

During this process, many orcs shouted and cursed.

When they were just grabbing the meal, some orcs didn't even have time to put on hangers and weapons.

Returning to the tent at this time, only to find that the house is in a mess.

Since the Blood Axe tribe left the Puntagan Alliance and cut off contact with the red dwarf territory, armor and weapons are resources that are scarcer than food.

An orc without a weapon lost most of its deterrent power in the tribe, and even a female orc could not be found.

For a time, the camp of the orc tribe fell into chaos again.

Before, they were snatching food, but now the orcs have begun to **** weapons, and many orcs have seen blood.

The entire camp was full of backlash, and several orc leaders tried their best to maintain order, but with little success.

The horn continued to sound, but the chaos had no intention of stopping.

After breakfast, the orc lord wearing the armor saw it, his face quickly gloomy, and he kept scolding the large number of ordinary orcs, but the red-eyed orcs did not restrain in the slightest.

Unable to bear it, the orc lord directly used the wolf cavalry to suppress it.

A small team of wolf cavalry rushed into the crowd of beasts, and the sharp blades in their hands looked at the ordinary orcs without mercy.

Amid the continuous screams, the anger in the orcs' minds quickly subsided, and they returned to the team~www.wuxiaspot.com~ While cleaning up the bodies of their companions, they dismantled tents, stakes and other materials, and trapped them on the cart. .

After these ordinary orcs finished their work, the main force of the Blood Axe Tribe, which had already assembled, began to set off.

The two sides, one after the other, walked towards the Puntagan Mountains.

The Blood Axe Tribe also has a prophet, who is just a Tier 4 professional, trained by the Blood Axe Tribe lord to help him take care of the tribe.

Orc lords, while good in force, are not very good at governing their tribes.

After suffering a loss in the Puntagan Alliance, the orc lord trained a prophet in accordance with the customs of the ancestral land.

It's just a pity that although the prophet has good spell ability, his ability to govern the territory is only better than that of the orc lord.

Until now, the Blood Axe tribe is still a mess.

However, just some time ago, the prophet of the Bloodaxe tribe resonated with the imprint of the alliance left by a great prophet in the east of Puntagan during a game.

Prophets have a very high status in the ancestral land of the orcs, and the prophets who can step into the extraordinary are even more special.

The orc lord and the orc prophet were overjoyed to learn that there was an extraordinary prophet in the east of Punta Gan, thinking that they had found an organization.

Immediately gave up the plan to go northeast along the Puntagan Mountains, turned his head to the east, intending to go to the Jiawan Forest and pursue the guidance of the extraordinary archmage.

However, after walking for more than ten miles, the former army had just stuck his head out of a canyon, and suddenly there was a mocking bird song in the canyon.

The originally sunny sky was instantly darkened by the appearance of a group of crows. +Bookmark+

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