boom boom-

The area hit by the beam began to explode continuously, and the strong shock wave shook the entire castle.

After a stalemate for more than ten seconds, the priests in the castle fell one by one, and the protective cover outside the castle became thinner and thinner.

With a sound like a broken bubble, the protective cover completely disappeared, but the golden light was like a sharp blade, directly inserted into a secondary fort.


In the sound of the explosion, the deputy fort was blown off by the beam of light, and the defending Templars were either blown to pieces, or were crushed by the collapsed stones, and their life and death were unknown.

The Adamantite Magic Light Cannon was the most powerful magic-patterned construction in the universe, and the power of a single magic burst was comparable to the strongest extraordinary spell.

However, because it consumes too much energy and has too high requirements for carrying the target, it is not installed on the war frisbee.

However, under the joint research and development of goblin master Eugene and Zhuling, the magic beam device modeled on the magic light explosion was successfully developed and loaded on the war frisbee.

The current war frisbee, in addition to the mage warehouse, not only has the magic light ray that cuts the target, the magic light rain covered by firepower, but also has a powerful single-point attack device - magic beam!

Although the explosion power of the magic beam is less than one-tenth of that of the magic beam, its special feature is that the magic beam can suppress the target and continue to cause damage to it.

The protective shield maintained by nearly 100 clerics is indeed not to be underestimated, but under the continuous bombardment of the magic beam, the number of clerics who can compete with them will only become less and less, and it will be a matter of time before they are blasted away.

Looking at the groaning clerics all over the floor, and then at the deputy fort that was destroyed by the magic beam, Lord Danmo's heart was ashes.

He stared at the open space in front of the castle, hoping that the reinforcements of Lord Murayama would appear in the next moment, but the next moment, it was not the defenders he was thinking of, but the streamers of various spells projected from the war frisbee.

The dense spells were sprinkled on the Dunmore Castle like rain, and the entire Dunmore Castle immediately turned into a purgatory of spells.

The Universal Army outside the castle also took the opportunity to launch an attack.

A human female warrior who moved like a beast quickly approached under the cover of night.

They were agile and perceptive, and the spears of the castle defenders could not hit them at all.

Only some area magic attacks and spell scroll attacks can affect them, but where does Dunmore Territory have high-grade spell scrolls.

And Kate Zhanji not only has a rare-grade suit per person, but also has a variety of bloodline awakening ability support, plus the assistance of the Arcanist in the war frisbee, and the increase of the possessed magic pattern, the effect of these spell attacks is poor.

Soon, the Kate warriors broke into Dunmore Castle through the gap opened by the war frisbee.

The Templars in the castle faced Kate Zhanji, but in terms of individual strength, how could these Templars be Kate Zhanji's opponents.

You must know that even among the ten extraordinary arms in the universe, Kate's individual strength is unique.

In addition to the unique bloodline ability, after receiving the potion transformation, Kate Zhanji also has a powerful physique like a beast, as well as combat skills that integrate the essence of the entire empire's combat skills.

Even for the Dark Crow Guard, it would be very difficult to defeat the Kate War Girl with the same conditions in a frontal 1V1 without the assistance of the Shadow Crow.

So the two sides just fought, and the Templars in Dunmore Castle were losing ground.

And the several king-level troops of Kate Zhanji headed by Leia are even more like no one. The Danmo defenders without saints and saints can't resist Kate Zhanji's edge.

Lord Danmo looked at the Kate War Girls who slaughtered his own subjects, and couldn't help but recall the scene when the territory was weak when it was difficult to resist the beast tide, but the enemy this time was far more terrifying than the beast tide in the early days!


When the Danmo Territory fell, and the Light Elf Territory attacked by the Universal Army at the same time, the situation was not much better.

The elf mother tree that covered the entire territory was full of surging fire, and the whole mother tree turned into a flaming torch, emitting light that illuminated the area for several miles as if it were daytime.

The five chapters of the Twilight Raiders Corps cooperated with the warriors of the Black Armor Gate Chapter to form a formation and advance steadily, confronting the mixed troops of light elves and treemen.

The Amazon female warriors walked through the elf mother tree and various elf buildings, turning the world upside down behind the light elves. This time Zhang Si

They purposely sniped the casters in the light elves, and at the same time set fire to weaken the increase of the elves' mother tree to the light elves. Even the lord of the light elves died tragically at the hands of the Baji Swordsman Wumo not long ago.

However, seeing that the territory was about to be destroyed, the light elves did not give up their resistance.

The key to supporting them in the fight is a light elf who is unrealistically beautiful in appearance in front of Huang Yu.

This light elf is three meters tall, much taller than a normal light elf. It has a slender body and perfect proportions. Its long soft golden hair exudes a hazy golden light. Added a sense of mystery.

This light elf is the "premature child" of the elf mother tree after the death of the light elf or the **** child of the Temple of Light!

"Human, your actions make me angry!"

The Child of Light's eyes were like torches, spitting out golden light, and the pure power of faith entangled around it, and soon formed a set of exaggerated armor and a slender blade. Strong Sacrifice Read Sacrifice

Sacred golden flames wrap around its armor and blade, making the image of the Son of Light even more majestic.


Huang Yu shook his head, waved his hand to draw out layers of flames, and patted the Son of Light.

Child of Light held swords in both hands and slashed with a golden slash.

When the slash separated the flame wave, the Son of Light turned into a streamer, and under the cover of the flame, quickly rushed towards Huang Yu.

However, Huang Yu has chaotic vision, how can he be blocked by flames.

Seeing that the Son of Light wanted to melee him, Huang Yu calmly controlled the flame wave to change its nature, causing it to explode.

The Child of Light originally wanted to use the cover of flames to approach Huang Yu, but he did not expect to put himself in a more dangerous environment.

Layers of flames exploded one after another, and in the roar of explosions, the Son of Light rushed in front of Huang Yu in an extremely embarrassed form. control the big lord

Enduring the pain and dizziness, the Son of Light stabbed the long sword in his hand towards Huang Yu from a distance of more than 30 meters.

The turbulent golden light burst out and came to Huang Yu in the blink of an eye, as if it could pierce Huang Yu's heart in the next moment.

Seeing that his attack was about to hit, the Son of Light couldn't help but show a trace of grimness, but soon the Son of Light found that he and the sword light were stagnant for some reason.

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