
Not only has the ability to teleport over long distances, but also has the ability to attack the soul level.

With the support of Yuri's huge spiritual power, it can distort and intervene in the mental level of enemies who are weaker than himself, and send information to them.

When Qiao Xi was negotiating with Huang Yu, Huang Yu, who was staying at the level of his consciousness, also received the message that Yuri briefly broke through Qiao Xi's spiritual defense.

The teleporter Yuri has arrived near Josie and launched a mental attack on him.

On the Danmo Plateau, Qiao Xi forcibly disconnected from the face of the Faceless, expelled Huang Yu's consciousness from his mind, and looked around with a gloomy expression.

The surrounding area is still surrounded by mountains and rolling hills, lush trees, birds chirping, and the warm sunshine pouring down from the clouds, creating a peaceful and peaceful world.

But in Josh's mind, this illusion was too fake, it made him think that the enemy was insulting his IQ.

Obviously, he was still under the cover of the night and fled northwards, but he was only distracted for a moment when talking with Huang Yu, and he came to a world where the sun shines... Everyone knows that he has been in an illusion. .

Could it be that the blood **** generals under Huang Yu are only at this level?

Josh was quite puzzled, and while searching for the enemy's whereabouts, he tried to break the illusion.

Although Qiao Xi knew a little about the blood-born **** generals and blood-born apostles under Huang Yu, he didn't know much.

Among them, the one with the most contact is Thunder Wrath Kraos.

This Thunder Titan transformed by the bloodline is a big killer in the land war of the universe.

As the liaison between Dunmore Territory and the Titans, Josie has also met the Thunder Titans alone once in the past month.

And in tonight's war, he was only a dozen meters away from the Thunder Titan's big face.

Even if he became a **** scroll, Josh was still in awe of Thunder Wrath Kraos. In the face of these super races, without some special means, it was difficult to fight against them.

Correspondingly, Josie was also full of awe for the other four blood-born gods alongside Thunder Fury Kraos.

Guarding the South China Sea, the blue-green wings that control the storm.

Swordsmanship is superb, and the Baji Swordsman is slaughtering swiftly.

Master the elements, the elusive son of the elements.

And a teleporter with space ability and good at soul attack...

Each of them has a powerful strength that is not inferior to the god-level arms, and is the most powerful group of people under the powerful lord of the universe.

And this time, it was the teleporter that Josie had never seen before.

Although he has just become the God of Light, Josie has undergone a complete transformation, both in body and soul.

In terms of spiritual power alone, Qiao Xi is even stronger than all the arcanists under Huang Yu's command.

But now, he has not noticed how the teleporter Yuri pulled him into the illusion, and only in terms of mental power, he has fallen behind.

It's just this illusion... why is there such an obvious flaw?

Josie let go of her perception and tried her best to search, but she did not find the figure of Yuri, the teleporter, and whether it was birdsong, sunshine, breeze or soil, they were all so real.

Even the power of faith that operates within the body is not at all different.

"How do I break this illusion."

He clearly knew that he was in illusion, and had an insight into the biggest flaw in illusion, but Josie still couldn't find a way to relieve illusion.

Because his five senses and spiritual power all told him that everything around him was "real".

Over time, this conflict of cognition and perception made Josie gradually irritable.

He knew that he couldn't stay here for too long, Yuri the teleporter had already chased after him, and the lord of the universe might appear in front of him at any time.

If he can't break the teleporter's illusion and escape before Huang Yu arrives, then he will lose the chance to escape forever.

Standing in the same place for a while, Josie had no clue about breaking the teleporter's illusion, so he could only grit his teeth, use the advanced holy word technique to insert a pair of angel wings for himself, and continue to fly north.

The wind slapped Josie's face, and the hills and rivers were thrown behind by Josie.

Josie flew for more than half an hour, and at the same time was observing the surrounding things. Under the perception of her powerful mental power, Josie found that every place she went, and every thing she passed, turned out to be different.

Even if there are no two identical leaves on a tree, the authenticity of this illusion is terrifying!

At the same time, he did not find any trace of Yuri, the teleporter, as if this illusion was not released by it.

After flying around like a headless fly for a while, the anxiety in Josh's heart became more and more intolerable.

Knowing that he was trapped by the enemy, but unable to find the whereabouts of the enemy and how to solve it, Qiao Xi had a sense of decadence that a tiger swallowed the sky and could not speak.

"First Clan"

So Josie couldn't help it.

The surging power of faith spewed out, and the holy light surrounded Josie's hands, forming a blade of light in the blink of an eye.

Holding the light blade condensed by the Holy Light, Josie madly destroyed everything she could see.

One after another holy light slashes burst out from the blade of light, trees fell in rows, and the earth was plowed into ravines, and all the birds and beasts that were too late to escape turned into powder...

But chopped up and down, the illusion still did not show any signs of collapse, the damage caused by Josie still had no trace of repair, and the hills and trees in the distance that had not been affected also existed intact.

Even in the process Josie accidentally hurt herself, and the pain from the wound was extremely real.

"How do I get out?"

"The teleporter... mind? Is it an illusion created in my subconscious?"

"If I choose to commit it possible to escape the illusion?"

"No, no!"

"The pain is so real that if I commit suicide, I will most likely die directly."

"At that time, not even the God of Light can save me!"


Josie sat on the ground decadently, looked up at the sun in the sky, and gave up struggling.

After a while, Josie raised her head and shouted:

"Teleporter, I surrender!"

"Where is the lord? I want to see the lord!"

"As long as you let me live, I will do whatever you want me to do!"

After shouting for a while, Qiao Xi did not receive any reply. In desperation, Qiao Xi could only take the initiative to communicate with his past face in the Thousand Faces Church, intending to contact Huang Yu directly.

Time passed little by little, but Qiao Xi not only did not sense the coming of Huang Yu's will, but met a group of uninvited guests in the illusion.

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