[Lord, please note that technical difficulty is not directly related to item grade. 】

[And the reason why Chai Sang is recognized as a master-level magic pattern biochemist is because he initially established a new set of biochemical transformation technology when he studied Chai Jin's corpse, and the biochemical core is only the first step of this technology! 】

[For more information, please explore the lord by yourself! 】


When Huang Yu questioned the information panel, he also got a corresponding explanation.

The first point is that it is easy to understand that technical difficulty is not directly related to item level.

For example, Huang Yu polished the claw blade of Cangqing Wing Fabilio into a machete, which would definitely become a perfect grade equipment.

But this does not mean that Huang Yu has mastered the master-level casting technology, he just made a piece of equipment based on the grade of the material itself.

As for the second point...

Huang Yu turned his head, looked at Sang Shuang with bright eyes, and asked directly:

"Sang Shuang, have you developed a magic pattern biochemical transformation technology?"

Sang Shuang was a little nervous because Huang Yu suddenly turned his head to look at it. After hearing Huang Yu's question, he subconsciously replied:

"Yes... yes, Lord."

"It's a transformation technology that transfers the high-quality abilities of the half-dragon people to the human body."

After pausing for a moment to quickly sort out the language, Sang Shuang continued:

"At present, I divide it into five stages. The first stage is to implant the biochemical core."

"In the technical system I have established, the biochemical core is the basis for human transformation."

"The influence of the magic pattern on the human body is too strong, and it is an explanted energy system that is incompatible with the human body's circulation. It needs a new center to regulate."

Hearing Sang Shuang's answer, Huang Yu couldn't help thinking of the scene he just saw.

The organs and tissues in Chai Jin's body have basically mutated, especially the heart that originally belonged to a human being has changed beyond recognition.

Thinking of this, Huang Yu couldn't help but ask:

"Then why not choose to transform its original organs, but implant them?"

"Because it's too dangerous!"

Hearing Huang Yu's words, Sang Shuang's expression darkened, and he subconsciously grabbed her husband's hand.

The two looked at each other, and Sang Shuang said slowly:

"Under the extraordinary, without special means, the heart is still one of the most vulnerable organs of human beings."

"If you modify it without authorization, it is extremely dangerous. Even if you don't die, there may be irreversible mutations."

"In my opinion, this is an option with no retreat."

"In addition, this move will also affect the genetic inheritance of the implanter, which is why the biochemical core can only temporarily replace the implanter's original heart for blood supply, but cannot directly replace the implanter's heart."

"Although the biochemical core can directly improve the immediate combat power of the implanter, if it is not stopped in time, the implanter will also mutate and affect the next generation."

"In the final analysis, human implantation modification is just an added insurance on the basis of human body mutation modification."

"Even if one day the implanter regrets it, or wants to replace a more powerful magic pattern biochemical tissue, there is still room for manipulation."


Huang Yu listened carefully to Sang Shuang's words and understood what Sang Shuang meant.

Biochemical transformation is counterintuitive after all, and not everyone is willing to become a monster for greater power.

Take Kate Zhanji as an example, after activating the bloodline ability, they will more or less have some inhuman characteristics.

Although Huang Yu thinks that cat ears and foxtails are quite exciting, the parties do not necessarily think so, and ordinary people with simple thoughts may not really accept such existence in their hearts.

Although human body mutation transformation can give people the strength to break through the limit of potential, it must also bear a certain price.

And, even if the implanter himself did, would his offspring do so?

In order to avoid these things from happening, Sang Shuang learned lessons from Chai Jin and developed a relatively safe, controllable, safe and leeway implantation transformation system.

The cultivated magic pattern biochemical tissue is transplanted into the human body, and a set of magic pattern built-in system is created separately.

With proper control, the implanter retains his human essence while possessing greater power.

Thinking of this, Huang Yu couldn't help but admire Sang Shuang.

Not only did he open up a new branch of magic pattern technology with Chai Jin, but he also extended a path that is more suitable for people's hearts on this road.

Perhaps this is why Sang Shuang can become a dual-professional master in one fell swoop.

"Sang Shuang, Chai Jin, you did a good job."

"I sincerely thank the two of you for your contributions to the world."

"In the future, you will enjoy the second-level treatment of the world territory!"

At present, only Zhuling and Pan Sen have the first-level treatment in the universe.

The second-level treatment is currently only enjoyed by the top leaders of various departments and some special personnel.

In addition to generous allowances, cadres with secondary treatment also own an inner-city villa close to the palace, served by servants paid by the territory.

There are also imperial guards on the trip, you can meet Huang Yu at any time, and a series of benefits such as free consumption in most official industries in the world territory.

"Thank you Lord Lord!"

"It is an honor for our husband and wife to work for the world territory."

Chai Jinsang and Shuang didn't have much idea about the improvement of their treatment.

Sang Shuang's original fourth-level treatment was enough for her to live a carefree life in the universe, but Chai Jin has now become a heroic spirit, and her material needs are not high.

"The Star Wants To Retire"

However, the expressions of the two were still very excited.

The Lord Lord + the approval of the savior~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is more important to them than the promotion of treatment.

【Ding! 】

[Chaos Mall evaluates [Biochemical Core (Half-Dragon)] with the value of inclusion! 】

[Whether to submit [Biochemical Core (Half-Dragon)] to Chaos Mall for inclusion? 】

[Lord will have the opportunity to get 2.63 million experience points, and [Biochemical Core (Half-Dragon)] is sold in Chaos Mountain City, 16% of the sales! 】


Although the reminder of Chaos Mall was late, Huang Yu took a look and agreed to submit [Biochemical Core (Half-Dragon)] to Chaos Mall for inclusion.

The positioning of the magic pattern biochemical creation and the possessed magic pattern is a bit similar, the important thing is the technology, not the item.

As long as Huang Yu has the implantation technology firmly in his hands, others can only look at them even if they have obtained biochemical creations.

After handing over the [Biochemical Core (Half-Dragon)] to the Chaos Mall, Huang Yu opened the Chaos Mall to check it out.

Like the Poison Potion, the price of [Biochemical Core (Half-Dragon)] is not sold across grades like the Magic Weave Construct.

After all, these two magic grain technology products need corresponding technical support in order to play a role.

A perfect grade [Biochemical Core (Half-Dragon)] is priced at 480,000 soul crystals, which is not low.

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