Huang Yu has not been transformed into a blood **** general for a long time.

The main reason is because no suitable blood-born transformation target has been found.

After Thunder's Wrath Kraos was transformed into a blood-born **** general, dozens of territories, large and small, have been destroyed by now, and none of them, including the light elf lord, have met Huang Yu's blood-born transformation requirements.

However, there are quite a few king-level arms that were first embraced by five blood-born **** generals and transformed into blood-born apostles, and now the number has exceeded twenty.

Now seeing a god-level soldier, Huang Yu couldn't help but see the hunting heart and wanted to kidnap him and turn him into a blood **** general.

Huang Yu turned a blind eye to the thunder elves coming in, using the power of time and space to move instantly, and the next moment he came to Thunder Dragon.

The sudden appearance of humans startled Thunder Dragon and Xinglo, but as a god-level soldier, Xinglo subconsciously stabbed out the spear in his hand when Huang Yu first appeared.

The thunder and lightning danced wildly, hitting Huang Yu almost instantly.

Because the distance was too close, Huang Yu was hit by lightning in the stagnant space where Huang Yu didn't even come.

Seeing that he had hit the enemy with one blow, Singlo didn't have the slightest hint of joy. Instead, he stepped on the Thunder Dragon and ordered the Thunder Dragon to attack Huang Yu, and then sternly swung a long long shot towards Huang Yu. spear.

As a warrior's intuition, he felt that the enemy in front of him would not be so easily killed by him.

At the very least, the enemy who can fly through the sky without the help of spells is likely to have reached extraordinary strength!

Although he is confident that he can compete with the opponent who has just entered the extraordinary, it is basically impossible to kill the opponent with one blow.

However, the development of things was beyond Singelo's cognition.

The lasing electric light did not penetrate Huang Yu's body as he expected.

But after coming into contact with Huang Yu, like a tamed snake, it "gently" wrapped around Huang Yu, as if he had found a home.

Looking at Xingaluo, who looked shocked, but still unswervingly stabbed his spear again.

Huang Yu first turned his left hand into a dragon, and smashed Thunder Dragon's head with a punch. The huge force made Thunder Dragon's head make a crackling sound, and he immediately lost consciousness.

And Singro, who was sitting on the back of the Thunder Dragon, lost the accuracy of his attack movements, and the electric light he spewed wiped Huang Yu's body and flew into the distance.

Taking this opportunity, Huang Yu took out the book of creation, turned it to the third page, and released the engraved spell.

Nine giant dragons flew out of the book of creation, and in an instant they enveloped Singalo and Thunder Dragon.

Although Singlo struggled, he was still unable to break free from the shackles of the nine dragons.

When the nine giant dragons were connected end to end and turned into a ball, Singro completely lost the possibility of breaking free.

Magic Dragon Nine Bans!

The sealing technique refreshed by the Book of Creation is between the extraordinary and the legendary.

This sealing technique has a powerful sealing ability, but it cannot be fixed permanently and will disappear automatically after a period of time, which is more suitable for use in battle.

Huang Yu also wanted to learn the Magic Dragon Nine Forbidden, but unfortunately the skill book of the Magic Dragon Nine Forbidden is a legendary-grade commodity, and the price is high.

Moreover, even if Huang Yu bought it, he couldn't use it after studying.

After being promoted to Extraordinary, Huang Yu can release seventh-order sanctuary spells at most.

However, the Nine Bans of Magic Dragons now released by the Book of Creation, although the strength is only equivalent to the spells of the extraordinary grade, but it is enough to restrain Xingaluo and Thunder Dragon who have not yet been promoted to extraordinary.

After beckoning, the sealed Xingeruo and Thunder Dragon quickly turned into a sphere of ten centimeters in diameter, which landed in Huang Yu's palm.

And on the Book of Creation, an excellent-grade spell was immediately refreshed.

"What happened, Lord Singalore?"

"Lord Singlo was captured by that human being!"

"Damn, kill that human being and rescue Lord Singro!"


The battle between Huang Yu and Xingluo ended quickly, and many thunder elves didn't even react.

It was not until after being reminded by their companions that they saw the sealed orb in Huang Yu's hand, the thunder elves turned their targets and attacked Huang Yu.

At the same time, the Thunder Elf mother tree below also emitted dazzling thunder and lightning, turning into a sea of ​​thunder and lightning.

Those jumping thunderbolts also contained unique changes in nature, which actually brought Huang Yu a sense of danger.

"Obviously it was you who did it first!"

Huang Yu automatically ignored the fact that he had invaded the sky above the Thunder Elf's territory, pouted, and casually threw the new spider web technique in the Book of Creation to a Thunder Elf riding a Thunderbird.

Then connect to an anchor point in the distance, activate the teleportation ability, and teleport himself out of the Thunder Elf territory.

Only a bunch of thunder elves were left, looking at each other at the ground where Huang Yu suddenly disappeared.


In the barren mountains, Huang Yu took out and reinforced the cave.

The scarred Thunder Dragon nestled in the depths of the cave, closed his eyes and shivered.

Just when he broke free from the seal, Leilong, who dared to resist, was taught a lesson by Huang Yu, and even his wings were broken by Huang Yu, and then under Huang Yu's intimidation, he squatted in place obediently.

And its owner, Xin Geluo, had already accepted Huang Yu's first embrace. At this time, he turned into a blood cocoon and was undergoing the transformation of blood At this time, Huang Yu had completed the teleportation of the extreme distance.

After the human lord took a short rest and recovered a little energy, Huang Yu found this place before the end of the Magic Dragon Nine Bans.

After modifying his memory, he gave him a drop of blood essence and transformed it into his own blood descendant.

Huang Yu has already seen it with Chaos Vision, and there are no alien activities within 50 kilometers of this area.

However, in order to prevent the meeting from leaving, there will be wild monsters coming to harass the transformation of Xingaluo, or the Thunder Dragon revenge damage.

Huang Yu took out the sealed crystal of the teleporter Yuri, released the sealed Yuri, and ordered it to guard Singro to complete the transformation.

The transformation of the blood descendants will take at least a few hours. Now that noon is over, Huang Yu has to go to the Welsh Territory. Naturally, he can't keep wasting time and accompany Xingeruo.

Therefore, Huang Yu specially left the teleporter Yuri, just to let his guard Xingro complete his transformation and bring him to the Welsh territory.

It is only seven or eight hundred kilometers away from the Welsh Territory. With the ability of a teleporter, after teleporting a few more times, you can bring Singleon to the Welsh Territory.

Huang Yu will also use the communication crystal to take pictures of the scenes required for the transmission and stay in place to keep the communication successful.

After the body returned to its peak state, Huang Yu gave a few words to the teleporter Yuri, and then communicated to the space anchor in the Welsh Territory and initiated the teleportation.

The war to cross the fifth district and destroy Wales is about to start!

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