
A pair of huge arms pressed against the broken city wall, supporting a huge dark blue body, and slowly stood up from outside the city wall.

Its body is so tall, it is half higher than the city wall, and it is not inferior to the angels.

Its scarlet eyes are extremely oppressive, and when it looks at the small figure in the city, it seems to be watching a group of captive livestock, choosing objects that can be slaughtered.

This is a Thunder Titan, but a Titan that Wales has seen in the League of Gods meeting.

So... the existence that traveled through the Welsh territory just now is the lord of the universe?

The thought of Wales couldn't help but shiver.

When the members of the Universal Alliance visited the Universal Territory for the first time, the profound rhythm of the Universal Territory and the horror of the strength of the Universal Lord had already spread on the World Channel.

Thinking of the teleportation ability of the universe lord, Wales instinctively felt fear.

However, feeling the protection of the Rune Barrier, and seeing the Holy Army and the Templars pouring out of the city, Wales forcibly calmed down and began to search for Huang Yu's traces outside the city.

"What about the lord of the universe!"

"After all, he only has one person and one Titan!"

"Four thousand Templar warriors and nearly 20,000 holy soldiers in the Welsh Territory, what did he use to kill..."


A dragon roar interrupted Wales' words of comfort.

When the Titan stood up from the ground, a giant dragon spread its wings that covered the sky and flew into the sky.

In an instant, the sky was dark and the earth was dark, the wind was blowing, the black clouds overwhelmed the city, and the thunder and light lasing, like the end of the day.

Looking at the giant dragon wandering outside the Rune Barrier, Wales couldn't help but breathe.

Why is this bronze dragon so huge? Has it entered the supernatural?

However, Wales' shock is far from over.

A dazzling white light more dazzling than an angel condensed outside the Welsh territory, and a moment later, a huge building with splendor and grandeur was formed.

Welsh could vaguely see that there seemed to be a lot of people standing in the palace. They were equipped with different equipment, but each had extraordinary bearing.

After the Hall of Valor was completely solidified, it turned into a stream of light, occupying part of the city wall and the outer city.

Heroic Spirit!

Unique to the Universal Territory, a unit with powerful combat capabilities!

Its lowest strength also has the combat power of hero-level arms, among which there are many terrifying existences of pseudo-king, king and even god-level.

In the hearts of many members of the Oneworld Alliance, it is the second most cooperative unit after the Twelve Golden People.

But...why are there so many Heroic Spirits?

Didn't the collaborator in the Oneworld Alliance say that one empty jade can only summon one heroic spirit?

Could it be that the lord of the universe brought all the empty jade in the territory?

Welsh stared blankly at the golden area in the outer city. After counting down, he found that there were actually two thousand heroic spirits!

What is the concept of 2,000 troops with the lowest hero level and the highest **** level?

In a head-to-head confrontation, the four thousand Templars in the Welsh Territory are not enough for these heroic spirits!

Since the arrival of the Heroic Spirit, "Yin" Jin and "Chen" Jin have also appeared in the Welsh Territory one after another.

On the contrary, the son of the element, Emile, Baji Swordsman, Wumo, and fifty military cadres, who were small in size and had no special effects, attracted the attention of everyone in the Welsh Territory.

However, just a few waves of personnel have been in place one after another, which is enough to shock the Welsh lord.

Until the end, he couldn't figure out how Huang Yu brought so many people from the eighth district to the fifth district to the Welsh Territory.


"The Lord of Wales has called for help!"

"The lord of the universe has arrived in the fifth district? How is it possible!"

"The Thunder Titan that destroyed the Danmo Territory, the strength may break through the extraordinary dragon, 2,000 heroic spirits... How did so many troops arrive in the Welsh Territory quietly?"

"Stop talking nonsense, what matters now is how to support Wales!"

"The time is too short, and asking for help now, he can only get a thousand Templar warriors or an angel, it won't help!"

"In any case, we have to rescue Wales. A High Lord was slaughtered, and the impact was too bad."


As Wales' call for help popped up, the Alliance of the Gods immediately convened an emergency meeting.

Of the eighteen supreme lords, none of them thought that Huang Yu would suddenly appear in the Welsh Territory.

Thinking of the distance between the eighth district and the fifth district, all the lords present cast a shadow on their hearts.

Some of them have lands no farther than the Welsh lands.

Now that Huang Yu can suddenly kill the Welsh territory, he must also have the ability to go to their territory and launch an attack.

For a time, the Supreme Lords were all in danger.

The lord of the village, occupied by the faceless [Desolate Wolf], was the one with the most gloomy and gloomy expression on the scene.

The supreme lords present all thought that the Murayama lord was frightened. Seeing that someone was worse than himself, although they felt relieved, no one felt uncomfortable going to the Murayama lord.

But what they didn't know was that the Faceless [Wild Wolf] showed a gloomy appearance because he deliberately controlled his emotions...

"If you have your own believers near the Welsh Territory, you might as well ask those believers to help and assist the Welsh Territory to eliminate the world lord."

As the nominal leader of the Alliance of the Gods and a partner of the Church of Lord Silla also stood up in time to ask for help for the Lord of Wales.

After hearing the words of the lord of Silla, the lords of all parties also expressed their willingness to communicate with believers of other alien races.

Seeing this, Lord Silla nodded with satisfaction and continued:

"I don't know which lord's angel is willing to support Wales? In this case, only the angel can stabilize the battle."

As soon as these words came out, the other sixteen Supreme Lords immediately stopped talking.

Lord Murayama and others are newly promoted to high lords, and angels have not yet descended on the territory.

Although there are angels in other territories, except for the lord of Silla, each family has only one.

At times like these, it is extremely risky to send angels to the Welsh Territory.

Don't forget, Huang Yu has a record of killing the Angel of the Church of Truth.

Once their angels fell in the Welsh Territory, the High Lords had nowhere to cry if they wanted to.

"There are all the supreme lords present, but you are the only one who has two angels."

"As the leader of the alliance, who do you support?"

A voice suddenly jumped out and immediately pointed the finger at the lord of Silla.

The supreme lords of other churches looked at the Silla lord, especially the other lord of the War Church, with both eagerness and doubt in their eyes.

Lord Silla frowned and turned his head to see that it was indeed Lord Ole, his nemesis.

But this time, Lord Silla had a legitimate reason to refuse.

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