Moreover, although Huang Yu successfully destroyed the Welsh territory this time, the main reason was that Huang Yu made a sneak attack and caught Welsh by surprise.

From the beginning to the end, the arms of the Welsh Territory never got together.

Now that the Welsh territory is destroyed, other supreme lords must be vigilant. If Huang Yu wants to make a sneak attack in the future, it will not be as easy as it is today.

After all, the main force of this battle, Huang Yu's 2,000 heroic spirits, when fighting outside the territory, the power of belief is consumed very quickly, and it is impossible to fight for a long time.

The other High Lords also knew about this.

For them, as long as they persisted until the Heroic Spirit returned to the Hall of Valor, it meant defending their territory.

No matter how strong the blood-born **** general and fifty territorial elites led by Huang Yu were, it would be very difficult to kill tens of thousands of holy troops and temple warriors.

God-level arms and above extraordinary do not mean invincible.

Battlefield killers like Azurewing Fabio and Thunderfury Kraos also have their own weaknesses.

The ants killed the elephant. If Huang Yu led someone to fight the Welsh territory head-on, and the Alliance of Gods would support an angel in Wales, it was really uncertain who would win or lose in this battle.

However, Huang Yu's goal was still achieved.

His act of destroying the Welsh lords across the region will surely cause an uproar among the human lords.

From now on, Huang Yu is the sword of Damocles hanging over the heads of the believers in the Alliance of Gods.

They must beware of Huang Yu at all times, and dare not offend the universe easily.

Moreover, being prepared for Huang Yu's raid for a long time will also consume a lot of energy of the believers.

It not only delayed the development of the believers' territory, but also inhibited the recovery of the **** creatures in disguise.

Attacking the enemy across regions is the nuclear weapon held by Huang Yu, and it is more about deterrence.

After the news of Huang Yu's destruction of the Welsh Territory spread, if anyone still wanted to oppose Huang Yu, he had to consider whether Huang Yu would suddenly come with a group of people to attack.

In the past, Huang Yu couldn't beat people along the World Channel, but not now.

After the Welsh Territory castle was also dismantled, Huang Yu saw the situation outside again.

The sun was now in the west, and the time was approaching dusk.

As the Welsh Territory was destroyed, many spoils that were not within the scope of decomposition were scattered everywhere.

Fifty cadres of the army were collecting loot all over the Welsh Territory at this time.

Even if you only pick some valuable things, the efficiency is still very slow, and it should consume a lot of time.

As for the Heroic Spirits, they have all returned to the Hall of Heroes.

Being able to fight with Huang Yu for such a long time, the power of belief stored by the heroic spirits has basically been exhausted, and even some heroic spirits have experienced a drop in level due to some special reasons.

For a long time to come, the heroic spirits will need to rest, even in the cooperation area of ​​the Oneworld Alliance, the heroic spirits will not provide employment combat services until the power of faith is not stored enough.

Boom! !

"Haven't the reinforcements of the believers still retreated?"

With the sound of thunder, Huang Yu turned on Chaos Vision and looked into the distance.

In the distant sky, there are still lightning flashes, and the rumble of thunder echoes between the sky and the earth, and it can be heard very clearly even in the Welsh Territory.

It was Thunderfury Kraios at war with the believers who came to aid the Welsh lands.

And not far from Thunder Wrath Kraios, there is a tornado connecting the sky and the earth, and the figure of Fabio, the blue wing, can be vaguely seen from the tornado.

After initially disturbing the Welsh Territory, the two blood **** generals were sent by Huang Yu to intercept the reinforcements in the Welsh Territory.

There were two enemies who came to support first. One was human believers, consisting of 200 Templar warriors and 2,500 holy troops.

The other is a kobold believer, supporting 3,000 holy troops.

Looking at the other people who were collecting loot, Huang Yu suddenly had an idea, and when he was about to call everyone over, he said:

"Let's put the loot aside for now, we still have a battle to fight."

When Huang Yu said that there was still a battle to be fought, everyone immediately cheered up.

The high-intensity battle with the Welsh Territory has given everyone present a lot of experience.

Some people have already seen their way to god-level, and some people are only one step away from reaching the supernatural.

They need more battles to catch up with Pan Sen and others.

Seeing that everyone was not tired, Huang Yu pointed in the direction of Fabio and Thunder Wrath and said:

"The enemy's main force is now entangled with Fabilio and Kraus, and we're going straight to steal the house."

"Our main purpose this time is to kill the enemy lord and occupy the lord's authority."

"Everyone, don't fall in love with the war, and leave as soon as the mission is completed."

After briefly explaining the situation, Huang Yu began to arrange tasks for everyone.

Because the human territory and the kobold territory are both 40 to 50 kilometers away from the Welsh territory, and they are also 20 to 30 kilometers away from each other.

In order to solve the battle as soon as possible, Huang Yu divided the team into two groups.

He brought ten people including Emile, the son of the element, and Queen of the Morning Star, Rhianna, to the human territory that was a little far, while the Baji Swordsman Wumo and Pan Sen, Pairush, Leia and the others headed to the kobold territory.

Baji Sword Madness Wumo has the ability to transform into a Thoron giant eagle with a wingspan of over fifty meters, and can quickly carry other people to the kobold territory.

The reason why Huang Yu attacked these two believer territories is not only because these two territories have assisted Wales, but because he intends to assimilate their lordship and establish a branch city in the fifth district!

Even the name Huang Yu had thought of when he was just assigned the task, it was called Yangwei City.

If a branch city is successfully established in the fifth district, Huang Yu will not need to borrow from the Huiye territory if he goes to the fifth district in the future.

The teleport function between the main city and the sub-city can easily solve this problem.

At the same time, the development space of the Universal Territory will be wider, and Huang Yu's deterrence range will also be greatly improved.

The only trouble is that the sub-city of the fifth district is an enclave, which is not easy to manage.

After all, there are quotas for territorial teleportation, and only a small group of people can be teleported every day, which requires Huang Yu to sit here.

When Yangwei City develops, Huang Yu can return to the territory.

In order to save energy, Huang Yu did not directly transfer himself and ten of his subordinates to that human territory, but chose to transform into a dragon, and let his subordinates hold his calf tightly and fly quickly towards the territory of human believers.

And Baji Swordsman Wumo turned into an eight-winged Thoron giant eagle, carrying the remaining forty army backbones, and flew to the kobold territory at an extremely fast speed.

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