Ordinary citizens who are summoned to the Chaos Continent are usually not very intelligent and can only perform some simple tasks.

Only through the functional blessing of some special buildings, or the blessing of the territorial characteristics, will the wisdom of ordinary territorial citizens be improved.

Of course, the intellectual enlightenment project recently researched by Zhili Association is said to have achieved certain results.

However, for the vast majority of lords, this method not only consumes a certain amount of manpower and material resources, but also has a very long cycle, so there is basically no energy to do it.

In fact, most of the territories don't pay enough attention to ordinary territorial residents. For them, it is enough for these territorial residents to be able to farm, dig, chop down trees, and knock rocks.

The battle is left to the arms, and the territory construction is left to special professionals and mages. The meaning of the existence of ordinary citizens is not great for them.

This is also why in most territories, the ratio of troops to ordinary citizens is basically within 1:5.

There are even more troops in some territories than ordinary territories.

With the Chaos Mall, the consequences of fighting the war are not serious. As long as there are soul crystals, there is no need to worry too much about food, equipment, potions, occupation scrolls, etc.

The Chaos Continent has a lot of wild monster resources, and the wild monster corpses harvested by the beast tide every week are enough for an ordinary territory to use for a day or two.

It's just that Huang Yu can also feel that the number of wild monsters in the Chaos Continent is rapidly decreasing.

However, when the wild monsters in the Chaos Continent are difficult to form a scale, as long as a certain amount of capital is accumulated, the lords will come back and have the energy and resources to improve the basic quality of the ordinary citizens of the territory.

So for many lords, survival is the first priority.

As long as you can survive, there is hope.

The many shortcomings accumulated in the early stage for the rapid development of the map can also be corrected.

However, as far as people's wisdom is concerned, Universal Territory is still doing very well.

Whether it is the blessing of characteristic abilities or the enlightenment of people's wisdom, the universe is very comprehensive.

In terms of characteristics and abilities, all cities in the universe are considered outstanding.

Every city has its natural and fertile land, and the basic qualities of its citizens have been rising steadily.

The monthly enrollment of vocational training bases is increasing, which is a reflection of this aspect.

In terms of people's intellectual enlightenment, Universal Territory has a more mature training system, which is more comprehensive and in-depth than that of the Governing Council.

It also involves some spiritual and cultural construction, so that the people of the territory have a more sense of belonging to the territory and are more loyal to Huang Yu.

Looking at the citizens of Canglong Territory who were talking blankly in front of him, Huang Yu frowned and said two more words:

"The Canglong Territory has been destroyed, and your lord has also died."

"If you are willing to go to Yangwei City, Yangwei City can protect you from wild monsters and aliens."

"Those who are willing to go can leave the Canglong territory with my entourage when they pack up their things."

Huang Yu did not covet these more than 5,000 people.

For him, let alone 5,000 people, even 50,000 or 500,000 people, Huang Yu can summon to his own territory in a short time.

What's more, these more than 5,000 territorial residents are still people who have been affected by the creatures of the gods and have been traumatized.

Whether the special occupation of the territory can be cured, or whether the ability of the territory characteristic can help it recover, is a question.

But to let Huang Yu throw these 5,000 people here and let them self-destruct, Huang Yu couldn't do it.

Because Huang Yu knew that if he ignored these five thousand people, most of them would not survive for three days.

The crooked melons and cracked dates in the tens of acres of thin fields in the Canglong territory are not enough for these people to eat.

After losing the blessing of the power of faith, most of the remaining Holy Army's combat power is not as good as that of the security guards in the universe. If they go outside the city to gather food or hunt, they are simply dying.

The reason why Huang Yu said that these people would not survive for three days was because there would be a beast swarm that night two days later.

With the strength of Canglong's territory, it is impossible to survive in the beast tide.

As a human being, Huang Yu can kill all the alien races without leaving a living, and he can also **** suppress the hostile human territory, shocking people's hearts.

But he couldn't sit back and watch these fragile humans die at the hands of aliens and the mouths of wild monsters.

If you can help, Huang Yu will definitely help.

In the final analysis, she is not really a Virgin, but she still maintains the conscience and the bottom line of being a human being.

After all, whether these people are saved or not will not have much impact on the world territory.

However, it only takes about a day of wasting one subordinate's time, plus food worth no more than a thousand soul crystals, to save the lives of more than 5,000 compatriots.

Is there any reason not to do such a thing?

The glory of the strong lies not in being cold-blooded, not in bullying the weak, but in daring to draw a knife to the stronger.

After Huang Yu's explanation, the few special professionals and warrior-level arms in the Canglong Territory responded first, and immediately clamored to join Yangwei City.

Although their spirits were also hurt, they were stronger than ordinary citizens after all. After a little help from Huang Yu, they immediately understood their situation.

Although other ordinary territorial residents still don't know how good the territory is, why should they move to other territories.

But seeing that the "big men" of the past were eager to go to Yangwei City, they also shouted, and went to Yangwei City with Emile~www.wuxiaspot.com~ However, there are also three surviving heroes and arms, hidden in the boiling water The crowd returned to their respective residences.

They know that their territory has been destroyed, but the pride of being a heroic unit makes them resist joining the territory of their enemies.

In this regard, although Huang Yu saw it, he didn't say anything.

As long as those few people don't make trouble, Huang Yu will go with them.

Even if those people survived in the following days, it is difficult to become a threat to the universe.

Take out a maglev vehicle from the anchor space, and take out a batch of fine-grade potions and a lot of food.

Considering that it was already dusk at this time, night would soon fall.

Huang Yu instructed Emile a few words, and then asked her to instruct the citizens of Canglong Territory to pack up as soon as possible, and rush to Yangwei City Election at dawn tomorrow.

On the way, Ruianna wanted to stay and help Emile, and Huang Yu agreed to her request.

At present, Ryana has not only stepped into the extraordinary, but also found a way to step into the god-level arms in today's battle, and her strength has grown by leaps and bounds.

Even in the universe, there are only a handful of people who can surpass her.

After arranging the affairs of the Canglong territory, Huang Yu took out the communication crystal and contacted Pan Sen and others, and learned that they had destroyed the kobold church and were attacking the kobold castle. After Huang Yu ordered Cangqing Wing Fabi Leo went to support.

For these aliens, Huang Yu would not be so polite, and ordered Pan Sen to clean up those kobolds.

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