Lord of the People: Start Sign-in Discount Artifact Chapter 719 Time Accelerates


Blue Lightning: The racial ability of the Thunder Elf clan can control a special blue lightning that is weak but can increase physique.

This kind of thunder and lightning can not only be used to attack the enemy, but also can be blessed on oneself, enhancing one's own strength, speed and even self-healing ability.

In addition, the use of blue lightning to stimulate the body's cultivation method can enhance the strength and potential of the Thunder Elf, and it is the basic training method that every Thunder Elf needs to master...

Thunder Burial: A special move developed by Singro after he was promoted to the god-level unit.

It can draw lightning from other targets and store it for a short period of time, which can be used to enhance its own attacks in subsequent battles.

It can also be released all at once to create a thunder field, attack the enemies within the range, and increase the thunder spirits within the range.

During the duration of the minefield, Singro is immune to all physical attacks and most energy attacks, and can move freely in the minefield.

Instant Thunder and Sky Flash: Singlo has a special skill, which superimposes the damage of the blue thunder light through teleportation to enhance the power of the skill.

With this skill, Xinglo can instantly reach the position extended by his thunder and lightning, and detonate the blue thunder light, causing huge damage to the enemy.

Elf Combat Skills: As a god-level unit in the elves, Xinglo has mastered all the combat skills of the thunder elves.

Whether it is swordsmanship, archery, or spear, they are among the best in the Thunder Elf territory.


Time Acceleration: The time-related ability inherited by the Singro bloodline after the transformation

Single Gross is able to enter a state of time acceleration independent of the surrounding environment.

In this state, the operation of all things in the outside world will become extremely slow relative to it, even close to time stop.

Correspondingly, Single's speed of action and thinking ability will also be accelerated.

Immortal Embrace: Thingaro's bloodline inheritance ability.

Stimulated by the potential of his own god-level arms, Xingaro retained a trace of immortality in the transformation of the blood descendants, thus gaining super self-healing ability.

It's just that Xingaluo's immortal embrace is low, and before entering the ninth-order immortality, there is basically no possibility of transforming into the breath of immortality.


The power of blood: the bloodline ability of the vampire family, able to control blood, release blood spells...

Vampire Embrace: Thingaro has the power to make bloodborn...  

Vampire body...


"The inheritance turned out to be the ability of time!"

Huang Yu was also slightly surprised after seeing the time acceleration skill on the information panel of Singlo.

Among the six blood-born gods under his command, the teleporter Yuri obtained the lower-level ability space apostle of the time-space anchor.

Thunderfury Kraos gains a scalar increase in the lower-level ability of scalar manipulation.

On the pros and cons of inheritance, Kraos and Yuri are the best among the five blood-born gods.

But now, Singro has inherited the power of time's low-level ability to accelerate time, and the strength of the ability is not inferior to Kraos and Yuri.

In contrast, the abilities inherited by the Son of Elements, Emile, Wings of Cangqing, Fabilio, and Baji Swordsman, Wumo, are slightly inferior to those of the first three.

"The degree of fit between the time stagnation and the blue thunder light is so high!"

"Under the fusion of each other, the powerful ability of the blue death light was born."

After reading Singlo's information panel, Huang Yu also knew where the speed that Singlo just showed came from.

This kind of speed has nothing to do with the running speed of Single Gross itself, but is a misaligned perception caused by relative time.

Singro, who turned on the blue death light, seemed to jump into another space with a faster time flow, and could influence or appear on the Chaos Continent at any node.

It's just that from the perspective of the ability that Xinglo has shown so far, the limit of its ability is a high wall called Time Stop.

No matter how fast it is, it can't keep pace with time, let alone jump out of time, through the future and the past.

As one of the supreme laws, the law of time and space cannot be surpassed by living beings.

Compared with the blue death light and the time stagnation, Xingaluo's other abilities are not so dazzling.

In addition to the skills created by Singlo himself, as well as the skills of the vampires and elves, only the Embrace of Immortality is worth mentioning.

This ability to infect the owner with immortal characteristics can be called a bug in battle, and only a few abilities can restrain it.

"As my strength increases, the strength of the blood descendants created will become stronger and stronger."

"In contrast, Emile, who was first created, and Wumo, who was transformed from a god-level unit, became the weakest among the blood-born **** generals."

If Huang Yu has not stepped into the supernatural, after the transformation of the blood descendant of Xingeruo, there is a high probability that he will inherit one from the Void Plundering talent like the Baji Sword Mad Wumo.

Although the strength is still not to be underestimated, but there is a certain gap with the teleporter Yuri, the thunder wrath Kraos and the blue wing Fabio.

Among the six blood-born gods, the son of element Emile and the Baji swordsman Wumo, one is a magic fort, the other is a melee machine, and they all have certain weaknesses.

The current strength of the two is even worse than that of Pan Sen.

In contrast, the abilities of the other four blood **** generals are much more comprehensive.

"When Emile is promoted to supernatural, maybe I can give her another drop of blood."

"Combined with extraordinary transformation, it may improve her strength."

As the first blood-born **** general, Emile also serves as Huang Yu's life assistant at ordinary times. His status is relatively special among blood-born **** generals~www.wuxiaspot.com~ So Huang Yu doesn't mind favoring her more. .....

As time came late at night, Yangwei City was still very lively.

Under the protection of the backbone of the army and the imperial guards, the ordinary citizens were divided into two groups. One group went to the Welsh territory to clean up the battlefield and clean up the spoils. The other group, under the command of the architect, moved basic materials and built temporary camps.

The third-order secondary fire comes with a core building, a warehouse, and fifty wooden houses.

But this place is obviously not enough for everyone present to rest.

There are still many people and great strength, and there are arcanists and extraordinary arms assisted, and simple houses have sprung up one after another. It is not difficult to support two thousand people in one night.

It was not until one o'clock in the morning that Yangwei City was temporarily stabilized, and the construction plan of Yangwei City was also handed over to Huang Yu by Russo.

After all, Yangwei City is an enclave isolated in the fifth district. In order to strengthen the connection between Yangwei City and the Universal Territory, Huang Yu specially instructed the architects to build it according to the main city of the fifth-order territory.

When Huanyu City is upgraded to Tier 6, Yangwei City will be put together with the capital cities of the eight Huanyu provinces and the four cities in the Central Province as the first branch cities to be upgraded to Tier 5.

Until then, the territory transfer function will not limit the number of places, and Yangwei City will be firmly held in the hands of the Universal Territory.

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