
Thunder's Wrath Kreos kicked down a sub-fortress of the castle in the Dunmore territory, and then condensed the lightning spear in his hand and projected it towards the church.

At the same time, a shield condensed by the power of faith also appeared outside the church, which canceled each other out after contact with the lightning spear.

Two creations of the power of faith about ten meters tall—pseudo-angels also flew out from above the church, wielding spears and killing Thunder Fury Kraos.

There was disdain in Kraos' eyes. Although the Thunder Sky Sunlight had dissipated, its thunder and lightning power still had a scalar increase to increase its power.

Under the control of Creos, the two lightning bolts meandered towards the pseudo-angel like a wandering snake, and spread out like plant roots on the way, shrouding the two pseudo-angels in them.

A pseudo-angel stretched out a shield of holy light to cover another pseudo-angel from attacking Kraos, intending to intercept these fine lightning bolts.

However, at the moment when the lightning and the shield came into contact, the seemingly heavy shield of holy light turned into powder in the sudden burst of lightning.

Immediately after, the thunder and lightning that spread quickly wrapped around the pseudo-angel, and the power of belief and elemental energy were torn and entangled.

Cracks appeared on the pseudo-angel's body, bursting out pure white light.

After a while, the pseudo-angel exploded with a "bang", and the energy of the riot formed a strong shock wave, which directly razed the area hundreds of flats below to the ground.

As a creation of the power of faith, pseudo-angels do not have human-like feelings like heroic spirits and real angels.

The pseudo-angel that exploded and died under lightning did not have any effect on the other pseudo-angel holding a spear.

It still shuttles through the thunder and lightning that bursts from time to time, and its movements are nimble, charging towards Thunder Fury Kraos, and the power of faith burning behind it attaches a layer of holy flame to it and the spear in its hand.

Kraos has the magic eye of true vision. When he saw those flames, he realized that these flames were dangerous. If he was injured by the long spear attached to the flame, he would definitely not feel well.

A crimson thunderbolt jumped out of Kraos' hands, and quickly condensed into a real electric spear.

This crimson electric spear also exudes a full of crimson mist. These mists are like thunderclouds that breed strong thunder and lightning power, and there are constantly fierce electric lights flashing in them.

Thunder's Wrath, Kraos held the crimson electric spear in his hand, looked at the movement trajectory of the Holy Flame Pseudo-Angel, and shot the electric spear in his hand.

The blood-like red light instantly illuminated the entire Danmo territory, like a river flowing into the sea, spreading out in a fan shape, spreading a distance of hundreds of meters.

Wherever the red fog goes, the thunder and lightning go. The red fan-shaped area turns into a thunder field. In the roar of thousands of thunder and lightning, the pseudo-angel has no escape, no escape, and can only be torn into pieces of the power of faith. dissipated in the air.

Seeing this scene, Bishop Danmo's face became extremely gloomy, and the Thunder Titan's strength far exceeded his imagination.

It seemed like a long time for Thunder Wrath Kraos to kill two pseudo-angels, but in fact, less than half a minute had passed.

As the strongest pseudo-angel in Danmo's territory, they all died in one encounter.


"Create a few more angel avatars!"

Bishop Danmo issued an order to the clergy behind him, and at the same time took out a light talisman and began to contact the light elf territory.

And when the clergyman heard Bishop Danmo's words again, there was an embarrassed look on his face, he hesitated for a while, and asked carefully:

"Sir Bishop, the holy pool is drying up, and the power of faith we reserve is almost exhausted..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw Bishop Danmo turn his head and scolded with a ferocious expression:

"Drain it from the believers after consumption, do you want me to teach you this kind of thing?"

"You don't have eyes, don't you see that the enemy has already invaded the city?"

"If we can't stop that titan, we're all going to die today, understand?"

Bishop Danmo scolded his head and scolded his face, causing the clergyman to hold back all the words in his stomach.

Looking at Bishop Danmore's twisted face, the clergyman swallowed, turned his head and ran to the church.

After calming his anger, Bishop Danmo shouted at the clergyman again:

"Call Josie to me, this titan clearly signed an alliance contract with us, why is it attacking us at this time?"

"And how did he sign the alliance contract with Titan in the first place?"

"Why didn't it have any effect on Titan!"

The clergyman waved his hand, indicating that Bishop Denmore knew it, and ran all the way into the church.

In the church, more than a dozen clergymen are sitting around the holy pool, using the power of faith contained in it to maintain the church's defense.

Among them, there is another cleric whose face is like golden paper, with blood from his nose and mouth, but it is a person who was attacked after the death of the pseudo-angel.

After the clergyman ran into the church, he shouted to a priest sitting in the center:

"Pastor Josh, the bishop asked you to come over."

Pastor Qiao Xi is the faceless person who Huang Yu placed in Zaidanmo's territory [Pastor After hearing that person's words, he asked subconsciously:

"What does the bishop want from me?"

"The matter of the alliance." The cleric replied casually, then ran to the holy pool and said to the other clergy, "The bishop has an order, and then condense a few angel fakes."

"If the power of faith is not enough, it will be drawn from the believers."

"We must hold on until reinforcements arrive!"

The man's remarks immediately aroused discussions among other priests.

Everyone, look at me, I look at you, hesitated for a while, and finally, under the urging of the clergy, began to draw the power of faith from the believers.

I saw a priest who was wearing the same clothes as Josie stood up and released a magical technique at the holy pool, and the shallow layer of holy water in the holy pool began to boil.

Afterwards, the originally smooth bottom of the holy pond suddenly appeared one after another bulge, and upon closer inspection, one could see that the bulges turned out to be faces with empty eyes and slightly open mouths.

People's faces are densely packed together, and even if they are shielded by holy light, they still look scary.

"Witt, I'll help you!"

Josie, who had just stood up and was about to go to Bishop Danmo, saw this scene and stepped forward to start performing magic.

After the priest named Witt saw it, he subconsciously said:

"Go see the bishop, I can alone..."

Before the words were finished, Josie had already thrown the magic into the holy pool.

After Witt saw it, he didn't say anything more.

What's more, with one more person, the power of faith can be adjusted faster, and it can also help Witt share some of the guilt after soul refining.

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