【Ding! 】

[Dark Crow Guard: You have a heroic unit successfully promoted to a king-level unit! 】


[Your warriors have eliminated the eagle lord, you have gained 3.67 million experience points and 2.88 million soul crystals! 】


[Your army has found the lordship of the Eagle Race - Ancestral Totem! 】

【Is it occupied? 】


When the notification of the occupation of the Eagle Territory's territory popped up, the war between the Universal Territory and the Puntagan Alliance was basically over.

In the northern mountain range, there are only two vassal territories of the Eagle Race left, but because of their relatively remote locations, the five northern legions have not yet freed up their hands to occupy them.

However, the strength of the two vassal territories is average, and it will basically not have any impact on the universe territory.

After the Pentagan Mountains have stabilized, it is not unreasonable to send someone to clean up.

As for another core member of the Punta Gan Alliance, the Red Dwarf Territory, it was wiped out by the Amazon Legion long before the Eagle Territory was occupied.

After Huang Yu decomposed his territory, he obtained more than 4 million soul crystals, which is quite impressive.

At present, the Chifeng Expeditionary Force composed of the Spartan Legion and the Kashejin Storm Legion is returning to Shanyin City and Zhenyuan City with the spoils.

The five chapters of the Twilight Raiders Legion and the Kate War Girl Legion are also evacuating from the Pentagan Mountains, and the Raven Guard will return to Universal City after the settlement of the Eagle Clan territory.

On the other hand, Huang Yu sent two chapters of the Imperial Guard to the Puntagan Mountains not long ago.

He planned to build two fortress cities in the two throat areas of the Puntagan Mountains. The western fortress city was named the Xizhao Fortress and was garrisoned by the Amazon Legion.

The eastern fortress city is called Yunli Fortress, which is garrisoned by the Red Skill Knights.

For a long time to come, these two fortresses will be the gateways to the northern part of the Universal Territory.

As of now, Huanyu has clearly identified all the alien races between the Puntagan Mountains and the South China Sea, and the total area of ​​the territory has exceeded 200,000 square kilometers.

If it is placed on the Blue Star, it can be regarded as a medium-sized country based on its territory.

However, the territory gradually expanded, and various problems followed.

Even with the help of the communication crystal, the communication base station, and even the portal, Huang Yu had a bit of difficulty in managing the cities farther away.

Moreover, with the increase in the size of the territory comes the population.

At present, Huang Yu has discussed with the government department about the division of provinces and municipalities. Although this matter is not difficult, it involves all the departments of the world.

So it will take some time before the government department can provide Huang Yu with a satisfactory charter.



【Please choose the occupation method! 】


"break down!"

【Decomposition in progress...】

[All building units in the Eagle Race territory have been decomposed, and the lord has obtained 2.88 million soul crystals! 】

[All the fixed resources in the territory of the Eagle Race have been decomposed, and the lord has obtained 2.22 million soul crystals! 】

[The fourth-rank lord of the Eagle Race Territory has been decomposed, and the lord has obtained 1 million soul crystals! 】

【The decomposition is complete! 】


After the territory of the Eagle Clan was disintegrated, Huang Yuyi started with more than 6 million soul crystals.

In the Punta Gan Alliance, the strength of the Eagles was not much different from that of the Orcs and the Red Dwarves.

However, after conquering many vassal territories in the name of the Orc Saints, the Eagles gained a lot of resources by exploiting these territories.

And because of the particularity of all its flying arms, even the stronger Danmo territory and the light elf territory would not dare to offend the Eagleman easily.

Therefore, the Zaipuntagan Mountains of the Eagle Race lived very well, and the development speed was no slower than that of the Danmo Territory and the Light Elf Territory.

Only a territory like the Universal Territory that has no shortage of flying arms, and even a territory with hundreds of giant dragons, will not take the Eagle Race to heart.

Huang Yu activated the communication crystal and sent orders to Pai Rush, the commander of the Raven Guard, and Fergus, the commander of the Red Knights.

The Raven Guard will return to Universal City with some of the spoils, while Fergus needs to continue to lead the Red Skill Knights to the Yunli Fortress site selection area to check the surrounding dangers and prepare for the logistics staff to go.

During the conversation, Huang Yu also learned about the members of the two legions who were promoted to the king-level arms.

Among the Raven Guards who were promoted to the king rank were the First Chapter Chapter Master Yeager, the Second Chapter Chapter Master Hemingway, and the Third Chapter Chapter Master Elliot.

The three of them are all talented people among the Dark Crow Guards, and they are unique among the 7,500 Dark Crow Guards.

However, compared to the commander of the Raven Guard, Pairush, the talents of the three were inferior.

In the reporting process, Pairush said that when he was fighting against the lord of the Eagle Race, he sensed an opportunity to break through the god-level arms. Huang Yu was surprised and happy when he heard it.

As a latecomer, Pairush may be the first to break through to a god-level army before Ryana, Cao Xing, Leia, Asimia, Kratos and others.

Among the Red Skill Knights, the ones who broke through to the king-level arms were the 5th Chapter Chapter Commander Bonn and the 8th Chapter Chapter Commander Davies.

The establishment of the Red Skill Knight Legion was much earlier than that of the Dark Crow Guard. In the previous battle of the dead, many hero arms were promoted to king-level arms.

Although it is a little less this time, the king-level arms in its legion~www.wuxiaspot.com~ are still twice that of the Raven Guard Legion.

However, neither legion has stepped into the transcendent.

And among all of them, only Fergus, the commander of the Red Skill Knights Corps, entered the fifth order not long ago, but there is still a long way to go from the extraordinary.

Whether it is the Raven Guard or the Red Skill Knight, it has not been established for a long time, the number of wars experienced is limited, and the accumulation of experience is insufficient.

After more battles, the level will catch up with those old-fashioned legions.

In addition to the Raven Guard and the Red Skill Knights, Brant, the Chapter Master of the Seventh Chapter of the Twilight Raiders, and the Chapter Master of the Eighth Chapter, Kallio, were promoted to the king-level arms.

The Kashezin Storm Chapter's first chapter chapter leader Abid, the second chapter chapter leader Pugins, and the fourth chapter chapter leader Erwin were also promoted to the king-level arms.

Elina, the Chapter Commander of the 9th Chapter of the Amazon Legion, and Francis, the Chapter Commander of the 7th Chapter of the Spartan Legion, were also promoted to the king-level arms in this campaign.

There are ten extraordinary arms corps in the universe. Although there is only one god-level arm at present, the number of king-level arms is sixty-three!

Of course, compared to the number of 75,000 extraordinary arms, sixty-three extraordinary arms are actually not many.

But if compared with other territories, the background of the universe is also vividly reflected.

After all, even a lord of Kashid who looks at the entire Chaos Continent can be regarded as one of the top lords, and the number of king-level troops under his command is only five.

As for the number of extraordinary arms, there is not as much as a legion in the universe.

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