The magic pattern biochemist is the third new profession born in the magic pattern research institute after the magic pattern constructor and the magic pattern possessor. In the entire Chaos Continent, only Huang Yu has this type of professional.

Moreover, the magic pattern biochemical technology is committed to the transformation of the human body, which can make the human body break through the congenital deficiencies.

This is something that magic texture construction and magic texture possession cannot do.

Whether it is the magic pattern construction or the magic pattern possession, it is an external force, while the magic pattern biochemical technology is an "internal force", which is the ability to completely follow the experimenter's life.

In addition, Huang Yu also has a keen insight into the potential of magic pattern biochemical technology.

You must know that in the Chaos Continent, except for the lords, other creatures basically have potential limitations.

Even if it is an extraordinary arm, the vast majority of potentials are only diamonds, and the level is up to LV49.

Hero arms, king-level arms, and even god-level arms also have their own limits. I haven't heard of any arms that can achieve eternity.

And the magic pattern biochemical technology can make people break through the innate deficiencies, maybe through an alternative method, the arms can break through the constraints of potential and have strength beyond the level!

If this can be achieved, the magic pattern biochemical will bring revolutionary changes to the universe!

Just imagine, if the extraordinary arms of the Universal Territory, after being transformed by the magic pattern biochemical technology, are only at the fifth rank, but have extraordinary abilities comparable to the sixth rank, what kind of scene would it be?

On the battlefield, they are also extraordinary arms. Most of the enemy's extraordinary arms are only fifth-order, while Huang Yu's extraordinary arms have sixth-order strength.

Even if the number of people, equipment and other conditions are the same, the situation will only show a one-sided situation.

However, the magic pattern biochemical center has just been established, and only a preliminary result has been researched at present.

And the extraordinary special and powerful, Huang Yu himself couldn't be more clear, every time the extraordinary transformation, the strength will be stronger.

It is extremely difficult to break the barrier of transcendence by relying on the magic pattern biochemical technology.

Not to mention the magic pattern biochemical technology, even the magic pattern construction technology and the magic pattern possession technology have been stuck at the extraordinary level for a long time, and so far there is no breakthrough limit.

The newly born magic pattern biochemical technology still has a long way to go to break the extraordinary barriers.

"The road is long and I will go up and down to find it."

"If you have a goal, you have a direction, and you can avoid some detours!"

"The current research direction of the Magic Pattern Biochemical Center is to break the strength barriers of extraordinary arms!"

According to the information prompt, Huang Yu easily found the building of the Magic Pattern Biochemical Center and determined the location of Sang Shuang.

Then he couldn't wait to walk to Sang Shuang's laboratory.

He is full of expectations for the magic pattern biochemical technology. With the progress of the race for hegemony, the lords will not be able to gain a foothold on the Chaos Continent if they do not have an extraordinary army in their hands.

In the later stage, Huang Yu's arms advantage will not be as obvious as it is now.

In Huang Yu's opinion, the blessing of characteristics and abilities, the increase of possessed magic patterns and better equipment are far from enough. If the ability of the arms themselves can be improved, then the advantages of arms in the universe will be more stable.

When he came to Sang Shuang's laboratory and pushed in the door, Huang Yu saw Chai Jin and Sang Shuang snuggling together.

The two looked expectantly at Chai Jin's corpse on the bed, which seemed a little weird at first glance.

After Chai Jin died and turned into a heroic spirit, his corpse became Sang Shuang's best research material.

Under the maintenance of the natural elf healer, Chai Jin's corpse maintained a good activity, and the state was similar to a vegetative state.

Sang Shuang should have developed the first magic pattern biochemical technology based on her husband's body.

"Lord Lord!" X2

After seeing Huang Yu, Chai Jin and Sang Shuang immediately separated from each other. Sang Shuang's face was flushed and he looked a little embarrassed.

The two had only been married for less than three months. When Chai Jin was still a human being, the two had only been with each other for a month, so they could not let go in front of an outsider like Huang Yu.

However, Huang Yu did not act as a light bulb at all, disturbing the tender awareness of the young couple.

Sensing a mass of rather active energy, he walked quickly to Chai Jin's body according to the instructions, and then saw a mass of light in Chai Jin's right chest that kept stirring.

Turning on Chaos Vision, Huang Yu saw a heart-shaped organ twice the size of a human through the sutured wound and muscle tissue, and its surface was covered with dense magic-pattern circuits.

When it shrinks, it absorbs the energy of the magic lines entangled in Chai Jin's body, and when it expands, it pours these magic lines into several strange-shaped tumors.

There are also many magic pattern circuits on the surface of these tumors, which seem to be absorbing all kinds of chaotic energy in Chai Jin's body. Each color is different, and one even shows signs of bone formation.

At present, the largest of the few tumors is already the size of a fist, and due to the increase in the strength of the force, Chai Jin, who has almost completely mutated into a half-dragon, has obviously degraded the half-dragon tissue on his body.

It seems that the role of the heart is to restrain the magic pattern circuit of the riot in the human body.

However, Huang Yu couldn't see the meaning of those tumors.

The husband and wife stood behind Huang Seeing Huang Yu's seriousness, they didn't bother.

Huang Yu called up the information panel of the heart to view its detailed information.

[Biochemical Core (Half-Dragon)]

【Quality: Perfect】

[Introduction: The Magic Pattern Biochemical Center of the Magic Pattern Research Institute was created by Sang Shuang, a master-level magic pattern possessor and a magic pattern biochemist. It is the basic research result of the magic pattern biochemical technology on human body transformation.

The raw material of the biochemical core is taken from a fourth-order half-dragon hero-level unit. After the biochemical transformation of the magic pattern, it has become a simple and independent magic pattern implant.

In addition to being able to temporarily replace the blood supply of the implanter's other heart, it burst out with more powerful power.

The magic pattern biochemical core can also guide and transport the energy introduced into the human body by the magic pattern circuit, thereby transforming and strengthening the organs and tissues of the implanter.

If the implanted body already has a magic pattern biochemical tissue, the magic pattern biochemical core can also supply it with energy, so as to maintain its normal operation...]


After reading the introduction of the biochemical core, what surprised Huang Yu was not only the function of the biochemical core.

He didn't expect that this core was actually a perfect-grade magic pattern biochemical creation.

The result of the research just now is a perfect-grade item, which is something that neither the Magic Weave Construction Center nor the Magic Weave Possession Center have done.

What made him even more unexpected was that this biochemical core alone not only made Sang Shuang a master-level magic pattern possessor, but even the new profession of a magic pattern biochemist was achieved overnight, reaching the master-level level!

The current Sang Shuang is already a rare dual-professional master professional in the territory.

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