As the arrival time gets longer and longer, there are fewer and fewer human lords surviving on the Chaos Continent, but apart from luck, these people's own abilities are not that bad.

In addition to the territories that have become vassals, there are already territories that have not been upgraded to Tier 4, and these lords also have a certain purchasing power.

And Huang Yu, as the first lord recognized by mankind, driven by his reputation, whether it is the Huanyu shop or the goods produced by Huanyu in the Chaos mall, he buys quite well.

Equipment such as magic guns, maglev spiral crossbows, and flying ropes are widely praised by human lords, and they are often purchased in large quantities.

Now, just from the share of Chaos Mall, Huang Yu can get millions of soul crystals every day.

It is the biggest source of income in addition to the Points Mall, the Universal Store, and occupying other territories.

This is also the result of Huang Yu's intention to control some special equipment from flowing into Chaos Mall.

When there are more and more things produced by Huanyu in the Chaos Mall, the income from Soul Crystals brought to Huang Yu by the Chaos Mall will continue to increase.

After submitting the [Biochemical Core (Half-Dragon)] to the Chaos Mall, Huang Yu turned around and continued to ask:

"Sang Shuang, you said that there are currently five stages of human implantation transformation. What are the other four stages?"

Sang Shuang said calmly:

"The second stage is to explant bone to strengthen the organ."

"Lord Lord, you should have seen that the biochemical core in Chai Jin's body is connected to four magic-pattern biochemical tissues."

"One of them is a biochemically modified embryonic bone-strengthening organ."

"In order to prevent direct implantation, which would lead to rejection, I chose to implant the embryo, relying on the biochemical core to grow the bone-strengthening organ."

"The same is true for the other three explanted organ embryos..."

With Sang Shuang's explanation, Huang Yu also roughly understood the basic structure of the mulberry plant implantation transformation.

The second-stage bone-strengthening organ is an organ that secretes special energy hormones that have the ability to affect bone growth and healing.

In addition to this, the organ also subtly strengthens the recipient's bones.

If the receptor wants to, it can also direct hormones to affect the state of bone growth, form hard plate armor in the body, or form explanted bones similar to stonehorns in vitro to strengthen its own defense.

The skeleton of the receptor will also gradually become larger in this process, and the bone density, toughness, and strength will gradually increase.

In the third stage, an explanted muscle strengthening organ needs to be implanted. Like the bone strengthening organ, it is also an organ that can secrete special energy hormones.

The rapidity it releases can greatly increase the growth of the receptor's muscle group, allowing the receptor to have stronger muscles and gain far more strength than ordinary people.

In addition, external muscle strengthening organs can also regulate the body's overall hormone levels.

The fourth stage is to regenerate organs by explanting blood.

The implant will be added to the recipient's circulatory system, which strengthens the hemoglobin content of the individual's blood, enabling efficient and rapid delivery of oxygen and nutrients throughout the recipient's body.

In addition, the organ can release a special energy that, when the recipient is injured, quickly stutters the recipient's wound, prevents external infection and blood loss, and accelerates wound healing.

The fifth stage needs to be implanted is the pre-stomach.

This explanted organ is like a new stomach placed before the original stomach of the recipient. In addition to having stronger digestion and absorption capacity, it can also detect and neutralize some toxic or indigestible objects independently of the original stomach. .

"The difference between these four organs and the biochemical core, in addition to their functions, lies in the raw materials they use, which come from the magic-pattern mutant tissue cut out by the receptor."

"And these five organs are just implanted modified organs that I am confident to create at present."

"Currently under experimental research, there are also multiple lungs that enhance the receptor's ability to breathe in a complex environment. Visual control organs that enable the receptors to have stronger dynamic vision, night vision, etc. Auditory control organs that enhance the receptor's hearing , taste control organs that enrich receptor taste, and more."

After Sang Shuang introduced the five explanted modified organs that had entered the trial stage, he introduced to Huanyu some other explanted modified organs that were still in the research state and had not yet produced results.

The whole process is like creating a new ability system controlled by the magic pattern circuit based on the ability of people in all aspects.

There is a certain deviation from the original idea of ​​the couple.

The two people's research started from the possessed magic pattern of "Alien Accumulation", with the intention of transferring the powerful abilities of other races to humans.

But now, with the exception of the biochemical core, other explanted organs are grown from the recipient's own tissue.

This consideration is most likely to avoid the imagination of uncontrollable mutations and genetic disorders.

However, the two still did not let go of their initial thoughts.

After hesitating for a moment, Sang Shuang said to Huang Yu:

"Although this transformation system can comprehensively enhance the strength of the receptor, the receptor still has limitations in its I chose the half-dragon heart as the biochemical core, on the one hand, because I don't want to The reason for directly modifying the recipient's heart, on the other hand, is to leave room for the ability to pass on to other alien species."

"For example, the breath organs, scales and dragon wings of half-dragon people are theoretically possible to be transplanted."

"Even with the increase of the magic pattern, it can reach the strength beyond the original body."

"It's just that there are too many accidents and variables, and I'm still trying to find a suitable way to deal with it for the time being."

Huang Yu nodded, wondering if Sang Shuang's follow-up proposal was acceptable.

He is not very interested in transplanting the abilities of other races into his own unit.

For now, if Sang Shuang's external transformation system can be successfully implemented, the five-stage increase will be enough to make the basic strength of his troops and some advanced races widen the gap.

If a series of augmentation control organs such as multiple lungs, vision, hearing, taste, and smell can be researched, the units under Huang Yu's command will no longer be constrained by the environment.

"How long does it take to perform a recipient if explantation is performed?"

Through Sang Shuang's introduction, Huang Yu also knew that explant transformation should take a certain amount of time.

Sure enough, after hearing Huang Yu's question, Sang Shuang said a little ashamedly:

"The first five stages will take at least half a year, including magic pattern tissue culture, organ implantation, organ cultivation in the recipient's body, and native tissue strengthening."

"If several subsequent organs are also developed, the time required to train a subject may take more than a year."

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