Huang Yu still underestimated the desire of extraordinary arms for power.

I don't know if it was the first time that the Magic Weave Possession was launched, and the impact left behind when it caused a sensation. When I heard that the Magic Weave Research Institute had a new technology, the response from the various legions was extremely enthusiastic.

It has only been less than a week since Huang Yu let the various legions publicize, and more than 5,000 people out of ten legions signed up to participate in the magic pattern biochemical implantation transformation.

In particular, the three legions of the Knights of the Deep Tide, the Kate War Girl and the Raven Guard, the three legion commanders of Asimia, Leia, and Pairush directly visited Huang Yu and Sang Shuang.

After learning about the potential of biochemical transformation, I almost wanted to pull the entire legion over for biochemical transformation.

Deep tide knights want to obtain a physique that is closer to deep-sea activities and fundamentally eliminate the gap with the races in the sea.

Because of the experience of potion transformation, Kate Zhanji has basically no resistance to the new biochemical transformation.

The thoughts of the Raven Guards are more pure. They just want to become stronger, no matter what method they use.

In the other legions, there are also various reasons, but in the final analysis, they are all to gain greater power.

However, after negotiating with Huang Yu and Sang Shuang, they also rejected the large-scale biochemical transformation.

The magic pattern biochemical technology has just started, and it is not as mature as the other two magic pattern technologies, and there are still many uncertainties in the development process.

Huang Yu is unwilling to risk the life and life of the extraordinary arms.

Moreover, among the registered arms, there are many arms that are expected to enter the extraordinary existence, and there are also many arms that have not yet fallen into a bottleneck and are still on the rise.

Premature biochemical transformation is very likely to affect their subsequent growth, which is what Huang Yu does not want to see.

The Universal Territory has a solid foundation to support the normal growth of these people. There is no need to resort to military force. In pursuit of temporary power, the space for the growth of the arms is ruined.

In addition, biochemical implantation requires a relatively long growth time.

Although there will not be many battles in the Universal Territory, the loss of so many main arms will still have some impact on each legion.

So after some discussion, Huang Yu set a few rules for the applicants of each legion.

First, only those warriors with a level of LV49 who have no hope of entering the sixth-order extraordinary level are allowed to sign up.

Second, each legion currently has only fifty biochemical transformation places.

Third, after receiving the transformation, the troops need to stay in the hospital for three months of observation at the Magic Weave Research Center. After the implanted organs have initially grown and formed, and there are no side effects, they can return to the Legion.

Fourth, the receptor can only accept the transformation plan provided by the magic pattern biochemist, and cannot choose other transformation plans by itself.


Once several restrictions were introduced, those who signed up for biochemical transformation shrunk instantly.

Although the Deep Tide Knights and the Twilight Raiders have been established for a while, the level of the arms is not high. The ones who are able to rise to the fifth rank are heroes and king-level arms. The warrior-level arms stuck in LV49 are pitiful. .

Even the legion commanders Asimiya and Arman were only promoted to the fifth rank not long ago.

The Raven Guard, who was very keen on biochemical transformation, and the three late-established legions of the Kashejin Storm Chapter and the Red Skill Knight Legion were also stuck on the first condition.

Not one of the three legions who signed up for the transformation was wiped out.

Although these three legions have also participated in several wars, they were established too late. Even with the assistance of the Magic Tower training camp, it seems that some people have entered the fifth rank, and there are no people who are stuck at LV49.

However, correspondingly, the fifty places of the Spartan Legion, the Amazon Legion, the Royal Guard Legion and the Tiger and Panther Legion appear to be a bit small.

Especially the Spartan Legion and the Amazon Legion, the level is stuck at LV49, and there are hundreds of people who are hopelessly extraordinary, and fifty places are simply not enough.

Even among the auxiliary soldiers of these two legions, many people have reached the level limit and cannot go further.

For this reason, in order not to waste the transformation quota, after several new legions asked Huang Yu for instructions, they made a deal with several old legions.

They temporarily lent their transformation quotas to several veteran legions. After the subsequent transformation quotas are issued, the veteran legions still need to return these quotas.

Huang Yu acquiesced to this kind of transaction. As long as the total number of people does not exceed 500, there will be no problem. Moreover, he also needs to maintain a balance in the number of biochemical modifiers in each legion.

The third rule is easier to understand. As for the fourth rule, it is a small result of Sang Shuang's research in the past week.

The first stage of implantation transformation requires the use of the hearts of other creatures as the center of the operation of the magic lines.

In addition to the hearts of half-dragon people, races such as elves, giants, orcs, as well as the hearts of wild monsters such as flame dragon horses and stone horned beasts, can be used as basic materials.

And this stage will also affect the ability type of the recipient's subsequent magic pattern implantation system.

For example, the Knights of the Deep Tide became interested in biochemical transformation because of Sang Shuang's assurance that he could use the hearts of the sharks and other marine to create a deep-sea magic pattern implantation system.

If the implantation of multiple lungs, heterolimbs, etc. is successful, the knight of the deep tide will be like a sea clan, free to move underwater without restrictions.

To this end, Sang Shuang led the Magic Pattern Biochemical Center to plan ten implantation transformation systems and six special implantation transformation systems according to the characteristics of each legion.

It's just that the abyss implant system belonging to Kate Zhanji and the shadow implant system belonging to the Raven Guard were temporarily shelved due to the lack of specific experiments.

Although most of them are still in the theoretical stage and have no physical results, their technical principles are not bad, and the success rate is not low.

The Bamboo Ling in the magic-pattern construction center has also adjusted the magic-pattern power armor according to the different implantation and transformation systems of each legion.

In the future, every legion in the universe will have a unique army of transformants whose strength is overwhelming!

For this reason, Huang Yu specially divided this special unit and called it "Knights".

The title of this knight is just an honorary title and does not represent power and status.

Each legion will also add prefixes to them according to their unique implantation and transformation system, such as the Kuiyue Knights of the Spartan Legion, the Fengyuan Knights of the Amazon Legion, the Dragon Knights of the Royal Guard, and the Tiger and Panther Cavalry Legion. The Beacon Knights...

These transformed knights not only have powerful combat power and survivability, but also have a long life that is not inferior to the extraordinary.

The number will increase in the future, and it may even replace the arms under the extraordinary and become the main force of the universe!

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