Huang Yu didn't mean to take advantage of people's danger.

He can completely stand by and watch like Lord Kashde and Lord Kaguya, anyway, the Alliance of Gods can't take the world territory.

When the scope of Skyrim Province extends to the vicinity of Murayama Territory, Huang Yu can plan a trap with the Faceless [Barren Wolf] and smash the alliance of the gods.

Although Huang Yu is also a member of the Zhili Association, his relationship with the Zhili Association has not yet reached the level where he wants to work hard for the Zhili Association.

In fact, in the past time, Huang Yu has helped the lords of the Zhili Society a lot.

This time, even if they don't help, no one can pick out any faults. At most, their own reputation will be affected to some extent.

But Huang Yu didn't take things like reputation seriously.

The Universal Territory Tree is a big draw. Even though Huang Yu shared a lot of alien intelligence with the human lords and sold a lot of low-grade goods, there are still many human lords who are hostile to the Universal Territory, and the number is not small.

For example, the predecessor of the faceless [Stranger], Lord Yan Xing, and the predecessor of the faceless [Wild Wolf], the predecessor of Lord Murayama, were all members of the boycott of the universe.

Even in the Zhili Association, there are not a few people who have opinions on Huang Yu.

They believe that the best is to benefit the world, that the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, and always stand on the commanding heights of "for the sake of all mankind", occupying the so-called righteousness to criticize powerful lords like Huang Yu.

In their hearts, a territory with a profound background like the Universal Territory should allocate resources to ordinary territories to drive the rise of the entire human race.

However, they never thought that the Universal Territory could have what it is today, and they have not made any contribution. On the contrary, many territories have also benefited from Huang Yu.

Huang Yu is willing to help, that is affection, not willing to help is duty.

What's more, things like racial justice also depend on people.

As the master of one party, Huang Yu also bears the survival pressure of millions of people.

The first thing he has to consider is his own people, and the other human lords second.

It is good that the Blue Star human beings are his fellow villagers, but compared to these fellow villagers with very different minds, Huang Yu must give priority to protecting the interests of the people in the world who are loyal and love him.

Only if it does not affect the development of his own territory, Huang Yu will help other human lords for the sake of the same source.

Moreover, don't look at the world territory is very powerful now, but this is only on the Chaos Continent.

Compared with the forces of other plane worlds, the Universal Territory is still very weak.

At the end of the day, the world speaks with its fists.

After indicating that Lord Starscar would block other members, Huang Yu told Lord Starscar of his thoughts and told Lord Starscar that he had a way to solve the Welsh Territory, but he did not directly put forward conditions.

As a member of the Universal Alliance, Lord Starscar and Lord Haichen naturally know that Huang Yu has the ability to teleport in space.

When he went to the Universal Territory for the first time, in order to frighten the lords, Huang Yu used his space teleportation ability to capture a believer lord, which shocked everyone.

This is also the reason why the Star Mark Lord is willing to postpone the meeting of hundreds of people in the Zhili Council for Huang Yu alone.

If anyone at the scene could save the Zhili Gui, it would only be the lord of the universe alone.

After learning that Huang Yu was sure to solve the Welsh lord, the star-marked lord was excited and understood what Huang Yu meant.

Immediately in front of all members of the Zhili Association, hand over the position of vice president of the Zhili Association to Huang Yu, as well as the power to use and edit all functional areas of the Zhili Association for free.

However, in order to guard against spies, he did not tell others that Huang Yu could solve the Welsh territory, but only told everyone that Huang Yu promised to take shelter.

The original Lord Star Mark even wanted to transfer the position of the chairman of the Zhili Association directly to Huang Yu, but Huang Yu refused.

On the one hand, it was too deliberate, and Huang Yu didn't have the energy to manage two different leagues at the same time.

On the other hand, the Zhili Association is different from the One Universe Alliance. The vice-chairman has great authority, and the star-marked lord even gives Huang Yu the ability to modify the functional area, which is almost the same as the power of the chairman.

Even if the future star lord regrets and wants to take back this part of the power from Huang Yu, there is only one way to reorganize it.

And once the alliance chooses to reorganize, not only will the people in it need to be re-invited, but even the level of the alliance will be reduced to the lowest level, resulting in great losses.

Although he didn't get what he wanted, he got a better vice-chairman status, which made it more convenient for Huang Yu to take care of him and do something.

Most of the members of the Zhili Association have no great objection to Huang Yu becoming the vice president.

The reason why Lord Haichen can become the vice president is because the current Zhili Council is supported by him and Lord Starscar.

And now, the lord of the universe has promised to protect the council, and with his previous contributions, he is naturally eligible for the position of vice president.

Of course, there are also some people who are dissatisfied with Huang Yu becoming the vice president of the Zhili Association.

But now that it is about their own survival, there is no foolish objection.

As for the spies lurking in the Supreme Council that have not yet been discovered, they can only sell this information to the Alliance of Gods after the meeting

However, they didn't know what the Starscar Lord finally talked to Huang Yu, and they didn't even think that Huang Yu would cross the region and solve the Welsh Territory.

After promising to resolve this crisis as soon as possible, Lord Starscar directly dismissed the meeting.

After learning from Huang Yu's mouth that there are traitors in the Zhili Society, and not a few, the Star Mark Lord is sitting on pins and needles in the seminar group.

With every word and deed, he was afraid that Huang Yu's plan would be revealed.

After everyone left the Zhili Council, the three presidents and vice presidents continued to chat about the settlement of the Welsh Territory.

Lord Star Mark sincerely said to Huang Yu:

[Vice President of the Universe, to solve the Welsh Territory matters, I will leave it to you next. 】

Huang Yu said calmly:

[Although there is no guarantee that it will be completed, I will try my best. 】

[As for the matter of borrowing the territory of Kaguya, I will talk to Lord Kaguya. 】

[Thinking about it, he should not refuse. 】

Kaguya's territory and the territory of Wales, the supreme lord of the Church of War, are in the same region, and they belong to the fifth region in the division of the universe.

You must know that a large area is more than two billion square kilometers, and the area is larger than the surface area of ​​Blue Star.

Between the fifth region and the eighth region where the world territory is located, there is still a large blank space, resulting in an extremely long distance between the world territory and the Welsh Territory.

Even if Huang Yu continued to use the power of time and space to teleport, it would take several days to reach the Welsh Territory from the Universal Territory.

If he borrowed from Kaguya's territory, Huang Yu would have avoided the trouble of crossing the region.

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