"Weeds must be eradicated, and killings must be overextended."

"After all, it is a divine prison creature, and must not leave any hidden dangers!"

Looking at the slowly falling body of the war angel Dalton, Huang Yu still felt that it was not enough, and launched Chaos Drift on the dying war angel Dalton.

When Chaos Drifting was judged to be successful, the Yingying Holy Light on War Angel Dalton also disappeared at the same time.

The body that was originally like gold also melted into a pool of Holy Spirit marrow fluid, leaving behind a God's Lock that was still intact although it was badly damaged.

【Ding! 】

[The lord kills the divine creature (disabled)! 】

[The lord gained 11.47 million experience points and 6.82 million soul crystals! 】

[Raven ability of plundering divine creatures: the power of faith! 】


A golden light flashed, Huang Yu's level rose to LV51, and the energy in his body began to stir.

If Huang Yu did not suppress it, he would be able to perform the second extraordinary transformation immediately.

It's just that the battle has just ended, Huang Yu still has a lot of things to do, and the Welsh Territory is not suitable as a place for extraordinary transformation.

Therefore, Huang Yu tried his best to restrain his inner desire to complete the second extraordinary transformation, put away the star-grazing magic blade, and instantly moved to the front of the holy marrow spirit liquid.

As the second angel killed by Huang Yu, the war angel Dalton not only recovered most of the sixth-order extraordinary abilities, but also borrowed one point from the domain characteristics of the seventh-order sanctuary. Extremely strong.

Therefore, after killing the angel, the experience points and soul crystals given to Huang Yu are also huge, which has exceeded the income after the decomposition of most Tier 4 territories.

In addition, Huang Yu once again obtained the racial ability of the Angel of God - the power of faith.

Huang Yu didn't know if he would resonate with the Hall of Valor after returning this time.

Of course, in addition to experience, soul crystals, and the ability to plunder the void, there is another benefit, which is the Holy Spirit's marrow fluid in front of Huang Yu.

He took out the prepared wooden barrel from the anchor space, and Huang Yu put the "remains" of the war angel Dalton into it.

At first glance, the Holy Spirit marrow juice harvested this time is about 80 units.

Including the angel killed by Lord Cashd, the Holy Spirit marrow fluid produced after the death of War Angel Dalton was the most among the three angels.

Moreover, although Huang Yu has never fought against the second angel, compared to the angel of the Church of Truth, the basic strength of War Angel Dalton is indeed much stronger.

This may have a certain relationship with the amount of the holy spirit fluid in the angel's body.

"These more than 80 units of Holy Spirit marrow fluid are enough for the Magic Pattern Research Institute to study for a period of time."

"If there is a surplus, maybe you can try to integrate the spiritual essence of the Hall of Valor."

"Maybe it can enhance Yuan's strength."

While thinking about it, Huang Yu marked the holy spirit marrow liquid in the barrel and put it into the anchor space.

Then he looked at the cracked lock of God.

There are two things like this in the universe, but they are all broken products.

Although its fragments still have the effect of suppressing energy, the actual effect is not large. Some of the fragments were also integrated into the forbidden magic lock by the casting master of the Magic Pattern Research Institute, which enhanced the function of the forbidden magic lock.

However, it was the first time Huang Yu had seen the complete lock of God.

[God's Lock (Broken/Proof)]

[Grade: Epic]

[Introduction: The equipment made by imitating the real lock of the gods has the function of suppressing the target energy, especially for divine creatures.

At present, the lock of God is seriously damaged, although the function still exists, but it is easily damaged...]


The shards of the lock of God that Huang Yu had obtained before were all extraordinary grade equipment, but they were all imitations.

And the complete God's Lock, as expected by Huang Yu, is epic-grade equipment.

"If it is divided by grade, epic-grade equipment is usually only valid for eighth-tier legends and below."

"Does this mean that the strength of the angel's complete body is actually only the level of the seventh-order sanctuary?"

"In other words, there are only angels who have descended, and their strength is the seventh-order sanctuary. In the divine prison, there are still eight-order legends, and even ninth-order immortal divine creatures?"

"And what suppresses these creatures are legendary or even mythical-grade items?"

"It may even be that unique piece of equipment of unknown grade - the lock of God!"

Huang Yu has not found the lock of God in the Chaos Mall, which means that this thing is not within the range that the lord can remove.

Thinking of the contradiction between Chaos Continent and other plane worlds, Huang Yu felt that the lock of the gods, which was most likely to be the highest grade, should be located in the prison of gods.

There is shadow diamond in the land of shadows, energy crystals are everywhere in the element world, there are rich resources comparable to the Chaos Continent in the abyss, and now there is a rare holy spirit marrow in the prison...

Now Huang Yu is more and more looking forward to entering these different worlds.

Fortunately, the Scroll of the God of Light transformed by the Faceless [Qiao Xi] is still under Huang Yu's control.

In the future, Huang Yu will also retain a little sneak into the prison to reveal the true colors of those angels and so-called gods.

However, I don't know if it is because I killed the angel too fast, or because I have learned the lesson from the previous two times.

When the war angel Dalton wanted to escape, Huang Yu deliberately waited for a while, but did not see those tentacles from the prison.

This also indirectly caused Huang Yu to lose a mythical-level awakening medium.

Although this mythical-grade material is hardly affordable for lords~www.wuxiaspot.com~, considering the power of time and space, immortal breath and other energies contained in it.

The blood of that mysterious creature is still of great research value.

Putting away his thoughts, Huang Yu put the lock of God back in the anchor space, and instantly moved to the Tinder Hall in the Welsh Territory.

Just standing still, a figure flew to the ground, crying bitterly at Huang Yu, begging for mercy:

"Lord Universe, I am also being forced!"

"I don't want to be the lackey of the creatures of the gods, but in order to survive I can only be coerced by the gods."

"Please let me go, as long as you spare my life, I can do whatever you want me to do!"

Huang Yu didn't know who the person in front of him was, and he didn't bother to talk to such a person.

With a single chaotic drift, Malifu, the representative of the Church of War, fell to the ground and died.

【Ding! 】

[The lord kills the coordinates of the divine creature! 】

[The lord has gained 2.4 million experience points and 1.22 million soul crystals! 】

[Plundering Divine Creature Coordinates Talent Ability: Skylight Howling...]

[The lord captured the fragment of the beacon of God's Prison...it has expired! 】


Fragment of the Ineffective Divine Beacon?

Huang Yu frowned. When he killed the Flame Demon and the undead lord, Huang Yu had obtained the complete road sign. Only when he arrived at the Divine Prison, the road sign obtained was not only a fragment, but also invalid.

It seems that Divine Prison is not only keen on invading the Chaos Continent, but is also very wary of his own world, trying his best to cover up his position in the world.

It's just that the consequence of this is that Huang Yu is more interested in Divine Prison!

Like the lord of the whole people: the first sign-in discount artifact, please collect it: () The lord of the whole people: the first sign-in discount artifact has the fastest update speed.

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