[Lord of the People: Sign-in Discount Artifact at the Start] []

【Ding! 】

[The Hall of Valor has been upgraded to a sixth-order building, please pay attention to check it! 】


In the effort of a cup of tea, the last section of the upgrade progress bar of the Hall of Valor was finally filled.

It took nearly two weeks for this legendary building to complete the upgrade from the fifth to sixth orders.

Huang Yu put down the teacup in his hand and descended into the Hall of Valor in an instant. At the same time, he also opened the information panel to check the details of the Hall of Valor after it was upgraded to Tier 6.

[Hall of Valhalla (Legendary Grade Building)]

[Level: Level 6]

[Note: It takes 630 million soul crystals to upgrade to Tier 7, and...]

[Introduction: The Hall of Valor will automatically record the soul seals of soldiers above the warrior level, professionals above the expert level, and formal spellcasters. After their death, their souls will be recovered, and then transformed into heroic spirits...]


1. Holy artifact casting...

2. The power of the Holy Spirit...

3. Heroic Spirit Void Jade......

4. Valkyrie:

Valkyrie will select a woman from the territory and give her powerful power, making her the "Valkyrie" of Valhalla, that is, the Valkyrie.

The Valkyrie has the same undead characteristics as the heroic spirits, masters excellent combat abilities, and the initial level is one level lower than the level of the Valhalla.

Later, you can use the power of faith to upgrade, and you can also upgrade the level through experience points.

At the moment when their mortal bodies are selected as Valkyries, they will merge with the Holy Spirit's marrow that has been tempered by the power of faith, thereby becoming the body of a powerful Valkyrie.

The body of the Valkyrie can help them harvest the souls of their enemies and gain strength and combat skills from them.

It is also possible to change the form and obtain the same power by simulating some ability structures.

The most important thing is that the body of the Valkyrie allows the Valkyries to control the holy weapon and holy soul of any heroic spirit in the Hall of Valor.

Candidates for the Valkyrie must take the will of the Lord of Valhalla as their whole life, and devote themselves to serving the Lord of Valhalla and dedicating everything to the Lord of Valhalla.

Every time a Valkyrie is transformed, 1000 units of Holy Spirit Marrow is consumed.

The Valkyrie does not have the Heroic Spirit Void Jade, but she can be summoned by the Lord of the Hall of Valor at any time and serve the Lord of the Hall of Valor until the last moment...

[Note: The amount of Holy Spirit marrow fluid reserved in Valhalla: 1000 units]

[Note: Currently included soul: 4268]

[Note: Currently, the souls of 5,000 dead can be transformed into heroic spirits! Every time a heroic spirit is transformed, 7000 soul crystals are consumed! 】


When the Hall of Valor was upgraded to Tier 6, Huang Yu put 1,122 units of Holy Spirit marrow fluid into a thousand units, leaving just over a hundred units, which he handed over to the Magic Pattern Research Institute for research.

Originally, these Holy Spirit marrow fluids were used to enhance the strength of several functions of the Hall of Valor, but they did not expect to open a new function.

Create the Valkyrie!

It is not difficult to see from the introduction that the initial combat power of Valkyrie is extremely high.

If it is created now, not only is it a fifth-order at birth, but it also has the strength of a god-level arm.

But to create a Valkyrie, it takes a thousand units of the Holy Spirit's marrow fluid, and its value is equivalent to an artifact such as the Li Yin of the Fushen Realm.

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[Lord of the People: Sign-in Discount Artifact at the Start] []

Before seeing the detailed information of the Valkyrie, Huang Yu didn't know if it was worth it for a while.

After all, the combat power of the fifth-order god-level arms level is not lacking in the universe.

"First, turn the dead warriors into heroic spirits."

"The corresponding propaganda has been paved for a long time, just waiting for the heroic spirits to gain the power of faith after the birth."

Huang Yu put the matter of the Valkyrie aside first, looked at the soul imprints flashing above the Hall of Valor, and threw in the soul crystals to begin to shape the bodies of heroic spirits for them.

After the Alliance of Gods War ended, Huang Yu completed the first 2,000 Heroic Spirits, and now he only needs to convert the remaining 2,268 Heroic Soul Seals into Heroic Spirits.

After the Hall of Valor is upgraded to Tier 6, the cost of transforming a Heroic Spirit has also been reduced.

But the 2,268 heroic spirits still consumed Huang Yu's nearly 16 million soul crystals.

However, considering the fighting ability of the heroic spirit, Huang Yu felt that it was worth paying the fee.

Next, attacking the abyss, or attacking opponents across regions, these more than 4,000 heroic spirits are all very critical combat power.

"Lord Lord, thank you for giving me a new life, no matter when, I will dedicate everything to fight for you!"

"Gerald came upon the call, thank you Lord for waking me up!"

"It is my honor to continue to fight for you, Lord!"


One after another, Ying Soul Seals were transformed into Heroic Spirits. After expressing gratitude and loyalty to Huang Yu, they found their place in the Hall of Heroes and fell into a deep sleep.

The most important thing for them right now is to absorb every power of faith in the territory and raise their rank as soon as possible.

When Huang Yu needs them, he can exert more power.

The transformation of heroic spirits does not require Huang Yu's careful manipulation. As long as he pays enough soul crystals, the Hall of Heroes can transform heroic spirits according to his will.

While communicating with the new heroic spirits, Huang Yu is also using the communication crystal to contact Lincoln, Minister of Culture, and let them start the propaganda plan.

In the next few days, entertainment venues in any city in the universe will continue to publicize the deeds of the new heroic spirits.

The performance hall will continue to interpret the script of the heroic spirit's deeds in his lifetime. In the tavern, there will be chanters who will sing the stories of the heroic spirits. The culture teacher in the school will also give lectures, and arrange after-view and practical homework.... ..

It took more than an hour~www.wuxiaspot.com~ all the soul seals were transformed into heroic spirits.

In the Hall of Heroes covered by the hazy golden mist, there are heroic spirits of various postures standing in a deep sleep.

As for the Spiritual Essence of the Hall of Heroes, it roams among the star-like heroic soul seals, in a half-sleep and half-awake state.

"Yuan, as a spirit of the Hall of Heroes, how much do you know about Valkyrie?"

Huang Yu wakes up Yuan and asks him for information about the Valkyrie.

Hearing Huang Yu's voice, Yuan's body quickly shrank to one meter in length, turning into a streamer and falling on Huang Yu's shoulder.

"Lord Lord, although the Valkyrie is also a part of Valhalla, it is not within my control."

"They only follow your orders, and they don't have much interaction with me."

"I only know that in addition to their powerful combat power, they also have some special powers."

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[Lord of the People: Sign-in Discount Artifact at the Start] []

Yuan doesn't know much about Valkyrie.

Although she is a temple spirit, the Valkyrie was not born for the Hall of Valor, but for Huang Yu, and the two are equal to some extent.

After hearing Dianling's words, Huang Yu hesitated for a moment, but decided to create a Valkyrie first.

When he activated Valkyrie's ability in the Hall of Valor, his consciousness suddenly escaped into a space where the stars and rivers were spinning.

After searching for a moment in the boundless starry sky, Huang Yu realized that those shining stars were the citizens of the universe, and those radiant individuals represented those who were qualified to become Valkyries.

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