[Lord of the People: Sign-in Discount Artifact at the Start] []

"Sorry, I surprised you all!"

Shikodi first nodded to the girl who called him, and then apologized to everyone.

The whole person is generous and generous, making the people around feel that Shi Kedi seems to be back.

Patting the active little white horse beside her, Shikodi glanced at the classroom that had become chaotic because of her, stretched out her hand to draw a slender string in the air, loosened it and swayed a golden wave of light.

After the wave of light swept through the entire classroom, the original damage caused by her was restored to its previous appearance.

Dean Huma felt the mysterious energy rippling in time and space, but he couldn't see how Shikodi restored the classroom.

"I have found where I belong in my life, thank you all for being with us in the past, let's say goodbye!"

She smiled lightly at everyone, and without waiting for everyone to speak, Shi Kedi eagerly rode on the white horse and passed through the walls and glass of the classroom like a ghost.

Seeing Shikodi leave, the students and teachers could not help but crowded to the window, only to find that a magnificent and tall palace appeared above Zhanyi City.

And the white horse under Shikodi was carrying her and running in the air, rushing towards the palace.

"The Hall of Valor is the Hall of Valor!

My friends and I took the maglev to Universal City before, and we went to the Hall of Valor to worship!

It's just that Valhalla seems to be much bigger than before! "

A student who had been to Universal City immediately pointed out the name of the palace in the sky.

There are also some people who have seen Valhalla and affirmed this.

After hearing the name of the Hall of Valor, everyone looked surprised.

The recent preparation by the Ministry of Culture for the heroic spirits to acquire the power of faith has made everyone present familiar with the heroic spirits and the Hall of Valor.

And Huang Yu did not hide the relationship between the power of belief and heroic spirits in his previous publicity, and the focus has always been on the meaning of praising and worshipping heroic spirits.

Therefore, all the territorial people know that the heroic spirits in the Hall of Valor are heroes who guard their safe and stable lives.

They worship, sing praises, and dedicate their faith, but they are actually protecting their own lives.

At the same time, it is also known that these heroic spirits actually entered the Hall of Valor after they died.

"Isn't it possible that only the deceased who contributed to the territory can enter the Hall of Valor?"

"Shikodi...she's not dead, is she..."

"Impossible, how could someone as good as her die suddenly!"

"Then how to explain it? Look, she has already flown into the Hall of Valor on a white horse!"

"If we want to see Shikodi in the future, don't we have to go to the Hall of Valor in Universal City to worship her?"


After seeing Shikodi entering the Hall of Valor, she and her first-year students began to discuss a lot.

Among the students of Zhanyi, Shi Kedi is a veritable figure because of her outstanding talent and beautiful appearance.

Even some middle and senior managers in Zhanyicheng knew the existence of this student.

Such a student, "flying up" to the Hall of Valor under the watchful eyes of the public, has a considerable impact.

Fortunately, the principal Huma got Huang Yu's order in advance. Hearing that the students' guesses were getting more and more outrageous, he immediately stopped and said:

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[Lord of the People: Sign-in Discount Artifact at the Start] []

"Sikordi did not die, but was chosen by the Lord to be the Valkyrie.

From now on, she will serve the Lord and fight for the Lord!

This is the honor the Lord has given her, and it is also the honor of our Zhanyi Academy!

I hope you will learn from Sikodi in the future..."

Principal Huma has been in charge of this department since the establishment of the professional training base in Zhanyi City, until the professional training base was transformed into Zhanyi College, and is quite majestic among the students and teachers.

After he said something, he immediately resolved everyone's doubts.

Thinking of Shikodi flying on a horse and becoming a "Valkyrie" who is very powerful at first listen, and at the same time being able to accompany the Lord in battle, some of the students and teachers present couldn't help feeling yearning and awe.

From now on, Shi Kedi is also a big figure in the world.

Of course, there are also some people who are sad, jealous, and lost because of the departure of Shi Kedi...

In the past, Shikodi was the most dazzling light in their lives, but now this light has been taken away by the Lord... The emptiness in people's hearts will also be filled by distortions.

The improvement of intelligence also means the increase of desire, and the temptation of power, beauty, and money often starts to wake up when it is lost.

For some teenagers and girls in a restless age, some seeds have been inevitably planted...

In the Hall of Valor.

Shikodi, who flew into the Hall of Valor on horseback, saw Huang Yu standing in the center of the Hall of Valor, swept away the foal, and ran to Huang Yu on one knee with a face full of joy.

"Lord Lord, your gift is the greatest honor of Shi Kedi's life!

From now on, your orders are my obedience, your thoughts are my will, your enemies are my enemies...

Everything I have will belong to you! "

Shikodi, who was a little cold in front of the academy and teachers, immediately became a little fan girl after seeing Huang Yu. She opened her mouth and said a few declarations that she had imagined many times, swearing allegiance and dedication to Huang Yu. all.

Listening to this slightly second-level declaration, and looking at Shikodi's undisguised excited expression in front of him, Huang Yu rarely felt a touch of emotion in his heart.

In the entire world, Sikordi was the first person he met who voluntarily gave his allegiance to him.

No morals, no respect for the law, no consideration for other people's feelings, and one mind is attached to Huang Yu~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Only Huang Yu's will is the absolute loyalty to the purpose...

This level of allegiance is difficult for even a blood **** general to achieve.

Loyalty is not absolute, it is absolute disloyalty.

The arms, spellcasters, and special occupations of the Universal Territory are of course loyal to Huang Yu, but these loyalty are based on Huang Yu's ability, strong strength, and correct philosophy.

If Huang Yu loses his morals, these people will also lose heart.

But Shi Kou Di is different, Huang Yu can feel its spiritual will, and it has become his own shape... Wu Lun Huang Yu does what is right in Shi Kou Di's eyes.

"I accept your allegiance, Sikordi!"

Huang Yu helped Shi Kou Di, and to the excited Shi Kou Di, he also made a promise to his own heart:

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[Lord of the People: Sign-in Discount Artifact at the Start] []

"The future you and me will definitely walk on the right path!"

Shi Kou Di was still excited by the realization of her dream, without thinking deeply about the meaning of Huang Yu's words.

And Huang Yu didn't explain much, and opened the information panel of Shikodi to check the detailed ability of his absolute "confidant".

[Valkyrie: Shi Kedi! 】

[Level: Level 5]

[Introduction: The first Valkyrie in the universe, she was chosen as the controller of Valkyrie's abilities because of her pure and absolute loyalty to the lord.

He is extremely talented, has the potential to pursue immortality, and has a unique talent in mysterious abilities.

After becoming the Valkyrie Valkyrie, Shi Kedi's talent was also fulfilled in advance...

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