Following Leia's order, the surging beast tide on the horizon and the flying monsters shuttled through the volcanic clouds.

The dust submerged the figures of these monsters, but the earth, which kept shaking as the monsters approached, was enough to show how terrifying the size of the monsters was.


When the monster was about to enter the core area, Leia stood on the city wall and gave the order to fire.

The monsters who enter the core area of ​​Liyin in the Fushen Realm will have their strength suppressed to the lowest level, and the damage caused by the blasting magic pellets will be higher.

Hundreds of magic-guided cannons on the city wall fired in unison, and a giant version of the explosive magic pills smashed head-on towards the monsters with a shrill whistling sound.

These giant version of the explosive magic pills are not the pyrotechnic pills that are commonly used in the universe and are made of crystal blasting stones or pyrotechnic jade.

The vast majority of them are made using the wind-attribute material "hyacinth stone" and the thunder-attribute material "thunderstorm stone" to make storm magic pills and thunderstorm magic pills.

After the launch of the plan to attack the abyss, taking into account the attributes of the Balrog, and the name of the "Ooy Plateau" on the 233rd floor of the abyss.

Huang Yu guessed that the 233rd floor of the abyss should be a fire attribute world.

And creatures like the Balrog are not afraid of ordinary flame attacks. Only the impact of the explosion can cause a certain amount of damage to them.

This undoubtedly weakened the power of the explosion magic pill.

Therefore, after thinking about it, Huang Yu instructed the manufacturing center to make every effort to make storm magic pills and thunderstorm magic pills.

As for the ice storm magic pills, Huang Yu only asked the Magic Weave Research Institute to make some special magic pills to deal with special targets, and did not let the manufacturing center make them.

The reason for doing this is because Huang Yu took into account the name of the "Slurry Plateau".

If the 233rd floor of the abyss is really a world with lava everywhere and an extremely strong fire attribute, then the power of ordinary ice explosion magic pills will definitely be suppressed.

It's like a drop in the bucket.

For the laws of one world, the explosion of hundreds or even thousands of ice storm magic pills will also be wiped out because they do not conform to the tone of the world, and their power will be greatly reduced.

After all, the power of the Ice Storm Demon Pill is still far from being able to compete with the mighty power of the world.

Because he didn't know the real situation of the Ooze Plateau, Huang Yu also went to the Crown of Mysteries, the mysterious school, and asked Laiwei to gather all the arcanists of the mysterious school for divination.

The results of the divination were also in line with Huang Yu's guess.

As for the special ice storm magic pill developed and manufactured by Huang Yu's Magic Pattern Research Institute, it may no longer be called a kind of explosive magic pill.

This special ice storm magic pill has reached the perfect level, and it does not focus on area damage like other blasting magic pills, but like Leia's extreme ice cold, it can freeze the soul of the target and the splash target!

It is one of the few magic grain constructs in the universe that can directly attack the target's soul!

It's just because its grade is too high and it is difficult to manufacture, it cannot be mass-produced in the manufacturing center like other giant version of the explosion magic pill...

When hundreds of giant version blasting magic pills smashed into the monster group, the impact of the explosion ripped some lower-level monsters to pieces.

Then, the electric current generated by the explosion of the thunderstorm magic pill began to flow, and faintly resonated with the nearby electric current.

The storm magic pill produced a large number of wind blades, forming a tornado, raging in the monster group.

In the regular area of ​​Liyin of Fushen Realm, a power grid and a wind wall suddenly appeared.

The monsters that broke in later were either turned into coke by the electricity grid, or were cut into pieces by the wind blade tornado.

The reason why the explosive magic pills and magic guns have become the standard weapons of the universe is that they have powerful burst damage, and also have very considerable continuous damage, and they are all scoped.

The reason why the Universal Territory, and even other territories with magic-guided cannons, are more willing to use the pyrotechnic pills in most cases, because the pyrotechnic pills are the explosive pills of the same level, with the strongest explosive power, which can cause The blasting magic pill with the longest duration of damage.

It's a pity that in front of these fire attribute monsters, the continuous damage ability of the flame explosion magic pill can't be reflected, and the continuous damage ability of the ice storm magic pill will be suppressed. Huang Yu can only take the second place and choose the storm magic pill and the thunderstorm magic pill. .....

The role of the power grid and the wind blade tornado is more used to eliminate some monsters below the fourth-order, and has little effect on the fifth-order or even extraordinary monsters.

But even in the 233-layer abyss that has developed for an unknown number of epochs, there are not many monsters of the fifth rank or even above the extraordinary, and many of them have been destroyed by the flame demon army.

Therefore, the number of monsters capable of breaking into the core area is not large, and after breaking in, the level will fall below the extraordinary due to the suppression of the field of the Liyin of the Fushen Realm.

At the moment when the magic cannon sounded, the giant dragons flew into the sky under the orders of their respective masters, rushing towards the flying monsters that only crossed the power grid and the wind blade tornado.

There are even seven extraordinary dragons in the fourth and fifth orders, as well as Fabilio, the wing of the blue, who is only a few laps smaller than Huang Yu.

When they unfolded their huge dragon wings, the whole world was darkened a bit.

The seven extraordinary dragons and the blue wing Fabilio even ran to the regular area because they couldn't cast it.

All kinds of dragon breaths filled the sky, and the monsters had little room to resist, and they ushered in complete death.

Even in the endless abyss, as a dragon of an extraordinary race, it has the qualification to dominate the sky!

On the ground, the Twelve Gold and Thunderfury Kraos also began to act.

They are much larger than any monster that enters the core area, and their speed is unreasonably sensitive.

The twelve golden men held all kinds of weapons and did not even use the power of the heavens. They only relied on their powerful melee combat capabilities to slaughter the monsters who broke into the core area.

Thunder's Wrath, Kraos, forcibly condensed a storm of thunderclouds on the Slurry Plateau of Fire and Earth.

Under its guidance, Raiden danced wildly and hit the wild monsters that rushed into the core area.

And it also relies on its powerful body, like kicking a mouse, kicking and trampling monsters to death.

The seemingly aggressive wave of monsters was blocked from the core area by the co-ordination of the world's side with the Fushen Realm Li

The two sides were deadlocked for nearly an hour, and the bodies of dead monsters piled up into several hills, but they didn't even touch the Wall of Broken Demons.

However, as the magic guns entered the cooling phase one by one, the pressure on the Twelve Golden Men and Thunder Fury Kraos was also increasing.

The "Zi" Jinren, whose attributes were restrained, released the power of Guishui with all his strength, and after freezing the monsters in the thousands of people in front of him into ice, he was taken back to the town of magic by Huang Yu due to the exhaustion of energy. .


Not long after Huang Yu brought the "Zi" Jin Ren back, the Flame Demon Lord roared in the direction of the town of Demon Town.

The Lava Demon Army and the Flame Demon Army, who stayed in the outer area and had been waiting for a long time, also began to march towards the town of Demon Town.

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