"Youying, Lianzhen, control that big devil!"

"Candlelight, break the limbs of that extraordinary demon, don't let it struggle."

"Glen, Yin Xiulda, you two hurry up!"

The demon's angry howl was interrupted from time to time by a rapid and clear command sound.

At the border of the core area of ​​Demon Town, Garro is leading his subordinates to fight against a group of Kui-arm demons.

There were eighteen troop of gigantic arm demons, among which were two supernatural demons of the sixth order, four demon generals of the fifth order, three demon generals of the fourth order, and the rest were all demons below the fourth order.

Now, except for the two extraordinary demons, all the other demons have been killed by Garo and his warriors.

And the reason why they haven't killed the two extraordinary demons is that they left them to Glenn, the commander of the Black Molten Guard, and Yin Shuerda, the commander of Hope in the Sky.

Along with the two, they stabbed their weapons into the hearts of two extraordinary demons one after another.

The demon's roar also stagnated, and the ferocious body fell down weakly.

At the same time, with the help of their companions, Glenn and Yin Xiulda, who leapfrog killed two extraordinary demons, also had a strong golden light in their bodies, which gradually dissipated after a few breaths.

Glenn, the commander of the Black Molten Guard, successfully stepped into the sixth-order transcendence after the golden light dissipated.

The commander-in-chief of Heaven's Hope, Yin Xiulda, was a little worse, and his level was only raised to lv47.

It has only been two hours since they left the town of Demon Town, but Garo and his soldiers have already encountered three waves of demons, and they have encountered three extraordinary demons in total.

Such a high-intensity battle is no less than the beast tide in the early days of its arrival.

It's just that the strength of the six Garo is not what it used to be, plus the suppression of the core area, so they didn't spend much effort, and they killed all the demons they encountered.

There is even room to spare to give the two king-level arms that have not yet been promoted to extraordinary.

Thanks to this, Glenn and Yin Xiulda experienced the fastest way to level up since their birth.

The feeling of their strength rising like a rocket also fascinated the two.

"One million one trial quota is really worth it!"

Garro watched with a sincere emotion in Glenn's heart as he watched the four steps in a row in an hour and finally stepped into the extraordinary Glenn.

Although Glenn and Yin Xiulda's rapid promotion, there is a reason why she and the three Taihua Ruishi feed people's heads.

But the speed of this upgrade is still amazing.

"The extraordinary demon in the core area can only exert the strength of the fifth-order demon general... This is the confidence that the town of demons stands in the abyss!

I just don't know how Huang Yu did it... The lord's withered statue and the auxiliary fire can't affect it here? "

Jia Luo looked back at the town of Demon Town, his expression full of curiosity, and at the same time he was glad that he bought the abyss trial quota at the first time.

The experience points and soul crystals given by killing demons are extraordinarily rich. Before stepping out of the core area, the soul crystals that Garo received exceeded the cost of purchasing the abyss trial quota.

But compared to Soul Crystal, the strength of rapid improvement is the biggest gain of this trip.

In comparison, the corpses of those demons seemed insignificant.

"Fortunately, I was slightly critical of Huang Yu's behavior of recovering our spoils.

Compared with what I got, the abyss trial quota of one million soul crystals is simply doing charity! "

Garro shook his head, feeling ashamed and more admiration for Huang Yu in his heart.

In her eyes, Huang Yu is supporting the members of the Oneworld Alliance by opening the abyss battlefield.

At a deeper level, it is enhancing the strength of the entire human race.

Such a selfless move has attracted a lot of suspicion among the people on the World Channel.

"When the detailed information of the abyss trial comes out, many members of the Oneworld Alliance will regret not coming here as soon as possible!

As for the World Channel, there are more questions and unwillingness. "

Garo shook his head, and then thought of the Bright Shilla Alliance, the Holy Aurai Alliance, and the Donghui Federation that have been active recently.

Those people took the future of the territory, madly cut the leeks of the lower lords, and thought they could catch up with the development of the universe.

He never imagined that the lord of the universe had already entered the battle for gold on the abyss day.

Looking at the obsidian all over the ground and the fire essence stone inlaid in the crack not far away, Garro felt that his heartbeat slowed for half a beat.

"Not to mention killing demons, just the special materials all over the ground can accumulate a soul crystal that shakes people's hearts.

Compared with the lord of the universe, my pattern is still too small! "

Garro looked enviously at a mining field built on the fort in the distance.

The rumbling sound attracted many demons, but they were all easily killed by the defenders on the fortress, and the operation of the mining field was not affected at all.

It's no wonder that the Universal Territory can use rare-grade materials to lay the floor, this is the confidence of others.

Garo felt himself numb with shock.

After everyone replenished their stamina with potions, they wanted to take their subordinates to find the next batch of demons.

The Universal Territory can only look up and cannot catch up, but the Gasde Territory, the Silla Territory, the Olai Territory, and the Kaguya Territory are not.

And the income of the six of them in the abyss for one day is enough to catch up with the hard work of the territory for a week.

After today, bring more people over, and then fight against the clock for a while, you may not be able to catch up with those territories that are ranked above Garo!

"Lord Lord, let's go directly to the regular area!"

At this moment, Yin Shuerda, who had not yet stepped into the extraordinary, opened his mouth to ask Garo for instructions.

During this period of battle, Yin Xiulda also noticed that most of the demons in the core area went to the mining facilities in the universe. There were not many wandering demons and their strength was average.

Although the income is still considerable, it is definitely not as much as the regular area.

In addition, in order to quickly increase his and Glenn's levels, Garro and the three Taihua Ruishis have not killed many demons.

No level has been raised so far.

As the most talented warrior in Sky Hope, Yin Xiulda is unwilling to be the team's fuel bottle.

Garro stared at Yin Xiulda, saw the determination of this subordinate, and nodded in agreement with his proposal.

"Okay, then let's go to the regular area!"

Distributing the potions in the backpack to five people, Garro glanced at Moyingchaochuo's regular area, and rushed there with the team.

At the same time, she also began to miss her golden tiger and blue dragon Ruige, and decided to apply to Huang Yu next time if she could bring a mount in.

However, an hour later, the six Garo escaped from the regular area in embarrassment.

Hope of the Sky Yin Xiulda lost a leg, and Taihua Ruishi Lianzhen carried You Ying and Glenn to his side, resisting a sixth-order balrog, two sixth-order candle demons, one The sixth-order bone demon, and some other demon attacks.

And the candlelight was broken for them.

"Candlelight, don't fall in love!"

Seeing that the demon stayed at the border of the core area and did not come in, he just roared to himself and then went to besiege Zhuzhao.

While Jia Luo breathed a sigh of relief, he was also a little worried about Zhuzhao.

However, Zhuzhao is an extraordinary god-level arm after all. Although the most valuable equipment on his body is only a perfect-grade long spear, and there are not so many possessed magic patterns and special abilities, his combat power should not be underestimated.

He first dodged one after another, avoiding the demon's attack, then leaped up, crashed into the arms of a sixth-order horned demon at an extremely fast speed, and pushed it into the core area.

"Good job, Candlelight!"

When Garo saw it, his eyes suddenly lit up, and the longbow in his hand moved continuously, shooting dense ice arrows, quickly pinning the horned demon to the ground.

Lian Zhen, who was on the side, also came to the corner of the horned demon tacitly, and let Yin Xiulda, who was seriously injured on his back, stab the long sword into the heart of the horned demon.

Accompanied by the unwilling and angry screams of the Horned Demon, Yin Xiulda's body poured out golden light and officially stepped into the sixth-order transcendence.

Even his broken leg was restored at an extremely fast speed.


Yin Xiulda looked embarrassed and thanked everyone solemnly.

He didn't want to be a drag bottle, but he ended up dragging down the other five people and paid the price of one leg.

When he came back to his senses, Yin Xiulda watched as he wandered back to the border of the core area, staring at his own demons, and still had more seasons in his heart.

He didn't expect that there would be so many extraordinary demons in the regular area~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and he, who had not yet been promoted to extraordinary, became a breakthrough for the team because he couldn't fly.

If it wasn't for Zhuzhao and Jialuo fighting against the demon, and Youying, Lianzhen, and Glenn desperately trying to save him, he would have died in the mouth of the dog demon.

boom boom-

At this moment, the sound of explosions like firecrackers suddenly sounded in the regular area.

Garo and the others followed the sound and found that the demons who were just provoking their own side were now scattered.

Some demons were even shrouded in dense explosions on the way to escape, becoming a pile of minced meat.

Yin Xiulda stared blankly at the sight that was covered with firelight, flying dust and broken limbs.

What existence can slaughter these demons like pigs and dogs?

82 Chinese Network

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