Void Breaking Demon Flash! Huang Yu used this spell when he killed the first angel. It's just that his level was too low at that time, and he used a precious epic-level skill scroll. Instead of directly releasing it after accumulating energy as it is now. Since Void Energy has transformed into Void Power, Huang Yu has been able to leapfrog to master Void attribute spells. In the same way, there are spells of chaos attribute and spells of space-time attribute. It's just that every time it is released, it takes time to mobilize energy. There is a period of time when a skill is shaken forward, and it is unable to release the second one for a short time. As for elemental spells, because the personality is much lower than the void, chaos and time and space, and Huang Yu is the end point and master of all elements, there are not many restrictions on the use of leapfrog. It's just that Huang Yu is in the bright burning spirit realm, all the energy from the outside world cannot be mobilized, and the power of elemental spells will be suppressed by the realm. Only the high-level energies such as void, chaos, and time and space will not be suppressed by the Light Burning Spirit Realm. Of course, if it is in the area controlled by the element command, even if the bright angel Carlos expands the domain, Huang Yu can release elemental spells without consumption, and it will not be suppressed by the domain. Huang Yu was very impressed with the Void Breaking Demon Flash. After the Void Energy was transformed into the Void Power, the first thing he learned was this spell. Before that, except for experiments, Huang Yu had never used it on the enemy. The bright angel Carlos "lucky" became the first actual combat target of the Void Breaking Magic Flash. call! A sturdy purple beam of light spewed out from Huang Yu's chest, and the turbulent energy stirred with Huang Yu as the center, agitating the Holy Spirit's robe to screech. A moment later, the Void Breaking Demon Flash bombarded the light barrier condensed by the Angel of Light Carlos. The collision of two energies, one gold and one purple, erupted into intense radiation rays and shock waves. The bright barrier condensed by the golden flames, like ice cubes baked by the fire, is melting at an extremely fast speed. In just one breath, there is a tendency to be pierced by the Void Breaking Demon Flash. Seeing that the light barrier could not be supported, the Angel of Light Carlos looked horrified, and tried his best to mobilize the field to strengthen the light barrier, waiting for Huang Yu to run out of mana, unable to support the consumption of Void Breaking Magic Flash. Even if Huang Yu has stepped into the extraordinary, releasing the seventh-order sanctuary spells is also a huge burden for him. The Void Breaking Magic Flash is indeed powerful. Even with the blessing of the field, Carlos needs to do his best to defend. But the Light Burning Spirit Realm is its domain after all. With the 2,000 Holy Army as firewood, it never has to worry about consumption. Even if two thousand holy troops are not enough, it can bring more believers closer to the realm. It has a steady stream of supplies, but Huang Yu can only rely on himself. As long as Huang Yu can't kill it with one hit, or destroy its domain, it can rely on the domain to consume Huang Yu to death. Carlos was right. But what it doesn't know is that Huang Yu has so many cards that it can't imagine. When the light barriers melted layer by layer, almost unable to keep up with the destruction speed of the Void Breaker, the Void Breaker stopped first. Carlos was relieved, and before he had time to be happy, he saw Huang Yu took out a book and quickly turned to the third page. [Epic Grade Spell - Fake Magic Mirror. ] [Able to 100% copy the current area, a spell that has been released within one minute. If the spell level does not exceed the seventh-order sanctuary, the power and effect will remain the same as the original version. If the spell level exceeds the seventh-order sanctuary, the power and effect will be weakened to the seventh-order sanctuary, and even the replication failure may occur. ]...Huang Yu did not hesitate, and immediately chose to release the fake magic mirror, and chose the copy target as Void Breaking Magic Flash. Seeing a group of purple energy appearing on the book, Carlos' expression was stagnant, and he held up a light barrier without the slightest hesitation. It's just that the fake magic mirror copying skill does not have the ability to move forward, and the speed of the Angel of Light Carlos is still a lot slower. In an instant, the faint blue beam pierced through the barrier of light that Carlos had just released, then pierced through Carlos' chest, and bombarded the border of the Light Burning Spirit Realm. "Ah—" Carlos let out a scream. The void-breaking magic flash copied by the fake magic mirror lasted the same time as Huang Yu. The dark purple light beam with a diameter of more than one meter melted into the chest of the bright angel Carlos in just a few moments. The ferocious hole with a diameter of more than ten meters. With this hole as the center, Carlos' body was covered with large and small cracks exuding purple light. The originally holy body is now like a clay figurine cracked by the sun. After a while, the void-breaking magic flash copied by the fake magic mirror disappeared, and Carlos' body was powerless to fall. At the same time, the golden flames in the Bright Burning Spirit Realm began to extinguish, and cracks appeared. When Carlos' huge body smashed into his domain, UU read www.uukanshu. The entire light-burning spiritual realm, like a mirror smashed by a stone, collapsed into countless fragments, and then disappeared in an instant when the first beam of natural light entered Huang Yu's eyes. boom! The body of the bright angel Carlos fell and hit the ground, crushing dozens of coalition troops who had no time to dodge. "Ow!" "Where is the commander-in-chief, the enemy is coming!" "Another angel has fallen, let's run!" "Don't retreat, kill the enemy with me!" "Help, there are monsters here!". .....Noisy calls are coming into my ears. The roar of giant dragons, the roar of exploding magic pills, the sound of fighting between heroic spirits and troops... The entire Murayama territory was covered by the flames of war. "Fairy Wood" Huang Yu closed the book of creation and overlooked the entire battlefield. At this time, the five-way army commanded by Jiang Chengzi had arrived on the battlefield. They surrounded the alliance of the gods from five directions, and under the charge of giant dragons and heavy cavalry, they advanced to the central area at an extremely fast speed. Because the king-level troops escaped, died, and eight more turned into evil abyss monsters and wreaked havoc inside. The entire alliance of the gods has turned into a mess of sand, and no one can stand up and coordinate the overall situation. When Jiang Chengzi's army arrived, the coalition could not organize an effective defense at all. Even if some Templars resisted on a small scale, under the synchronized attack of tens of thousands of troops, it was difficult to set off a little wave. As for the battle between god-level troops, blood-born **** generals, heroic spirits and angels, it can also be said to be a good fight. At present, four angels have been killed, and the corpses have fallen into the army, and they are gradually melting into golden holy spirit marrow. Near each angel's corpse, there are even 300 heroic spirits guarding to prevent the Holy Spirit's marrow fluid or the lock of God from being taken away. As for the remaining five angels, each of them is now facing the individual siege of three god-level arms, and it is not far from their fall.

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