The latest website: "1.75 million soul crystals, it's not too expensive."

After clearing the items in the discounted product list, Huang Yu searched the KaLS tribe and found that the price of this tribe's building was only 1.75 million soul crystals.

It is the cheapest one among the extraordinary arms buildings that Huang Yu has ever seen.

Huang Yu's first extraordinary arm building, the Spartan training camp, was more expensive than the Ka LS tribe.

Cheap is not good, good is not cheap.

After seeing the price, Huang Yu couldn't help but hesitate for a moment.

He was worried that after purchasing the KaLS tribe, the basic strength of the arms obtained would be weaker than other extraordinary arms.

This situation is reflected in the Spartan warriors.

It's just that in the early days, there were fewer types of extraordinary arms in Huang Yu's hands, and this manifestation was not obvious.

Among the thirteen extraordinary legions in the universe, the Spartan legion had the most god-level arms and king-level arms.

It is also the earliest legion established in the Universal Territory, with the highest average level of arms, and it is now the veritable first legion.

Among them, there are also the early advantages brought by the training camp type building, and the reason for having the top mount of the ogre family - the stone horn beast.

Even so, if there is no large amount of materials invested by Huang Yu in the later period, the overall potential of the warriors born in the Spartan training camp is not comparable to other extraordinary arms.

Huang Yu didn't have the energy to train another group of stone horned beasts for the blood alliance guards, and giant mounts like the stone horned beasts did not meet the requirements of the blood alliance guards.

"Investing resources in the later stage can also smooth out the gap between some blood alliance guards and other extraordinary arms.

However, the Shadow Moon Wolf Legion, Black Fury Berserker Legion, and Friends Cavalry Legion are all in the developmental stage, and the resources that can be squeezed out are relatively limited.

In addition, the development of the sunset grassland is imminent, so there is not much time for the cultivation of blood alliance guards! "

A series of questions flashed through Huang Yu's mind.

Huang Yu looked at the Kars tribe, shook his head regretfully, and was about to give up this extraordinary army.

"...In addition to the Blood Guards, the Kars tribe will also produce a head-cutter named Jakaran, as well as ordinary Dothraki warriors..."

At this moment, Huang Yu's eyes swept a line of words inadvertently.

He found that he had misunderstood the Kars tribe. This tribe not only produced blood clan guards, but also produced a perfect class of troops like Jakarang.

Continuing to read the introduction of the Kars tribe, Huang Yu found that this tribal building actually has a complete class and system, and there will be some special professionals who serve the blood alliance guards.

It is simply a human tribe with a basic social order!

"Am I confused by the Amazon tribe?"

Huang Yu was slightly speechless.

Different from building types such as training camps, camps, warbands, and military camps, buildings such as tribes are more inclined to a living community.

Not only does it have a system that is completely different from the outside world, but at the request of the tribe, it also extends professionals with different focus.

For example, in Amazonian tribes, there is a system that males other than lords are not allowed to enter.

It's just that although the Amazon tribes have titles such as "queen" and "goddess", they do not have the simple but harsh hierarchy of the Dothraki.

Although the Amazon female warriors are mainly rangers, their personal abilities are quite comprehensive, and naturally they do not need various auxiliary arms.

Unlike the Bloodhound, which requires dedicated Dothraki hussars and headcutters like Jakarang.

"Isn't it possible that there are troop buildings that only produce blood clan guards?"

After reading the information of the LS tribe, Huang Yu couldn't help thinking of this.

He doesn't need professional arms like the head cutter, nor does he need a tribe in the territory that is out of touch with the universal system.

For some lords who cannot manage their units effectively, the tribal unit building is their gospel.

However, this kind of tribal troop building is not a good choice for the world territory dedicated to "cultural unification".

What he needs is a pure army, an army that only obeys his orders and fights wherever he is told.

It is best to abandon the cultural imprint brought by one's origin and be able to integrate into the army of the universal civilization.

Extraordinary arms such as Spartan warriors, tiger and leopard cavalry, kings guards, Kate warriors, etc. have done well.

Although the Amazon tribe has a system that excludes men, it may be the influence of Huang Yu, and they integrate very well with the universe in other aspects.

Huang Yu searched for the Blood Alliance Guards in the Chaos Mall, and actually found two extraordinary arms buildings that were specially created for the Blood Alliance Guards.

[Extraordinary Class Arm Building: Blood Alliance Guard Training Camp]

[Price: 2.61 million soul crystals]


[Extraordinary Class Arms Building: Blood Alliance Guard Camp]

[Price: 2.68 million soul crystals]


The price difference between these two arms buildings is not large, but the way of generating arms is different.

One is obtained by training the citizens, and the other is naturally generated, but the price is still not high.

"Rich and willful!"

"The same arms, placed in front of other lords, will most likely choose to buy cheap ones."

"But I am worried about quality and management issues, so I have to buy more expensive ones."

Considering that what he needs is an extraordinary army that can quickly enter the sunset grassland, Huang Yu chose to buy the blood alliance guard training camp.

The advantage of this is that Huang Yu can quickly have hero arms, king-level arms and even god-level arms!

Even if their level is too low, under the command of high-level arms, they can still exert a good combat power.

Extraordinary arms are indeed strong, but they are not invincible.

They can only exert their full strength under the command and command of outstanding people.

There are not only the factors of teamwork, but also the special abilities of the king-level arms and god-level arms.

In addition to this, training camp type buildings have another benefit.

That is the trained warrior, who was originally a resident of the Universal Territory, and has been nurtured by the culture of the Universal Territory.

Even if the combat style and culture of the arms are instilled in the training, but with the previous foundation, the arms from the training camp are easier and faster to integrate into the world territory.

Huang Yu placed the Blood Alliance Guard training camp in Tinder in the outer city.

This is a very special building. The gate is composed of two bronze warhorses with a height of ten meters, standing on the hind legs and leaping high on the front legs.

Behind it is a vast training ground that seems to be empty and without any buildings, but is actually blocked by mysterious energy.

Huang Yu first upgraded the Blood Alliance training camp, then took out the communication crystal and asked Celine to arrange candidates for the Blood Alliance.

Then Huang Yu put the Dothraki camp he bought before, and placed it next to the Blood Alliance training camp.

When these warriors finish training at the Magic Tower training ground and reach a certain level, Huang Yu will give them the legion equipment developed by the Magic Pattern Research Institute, as well as suitable mounts.

At that time, the 14th Legion Blood Guard Legion of the Universal Territory will go to the Sunrise Grassland.

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