The latest website: Time is like a white horse, and in the blink of an eye, a month has passed quietly.

All the lords who came to the Chaos Continent also ushered in the second autumn of this world.

In the past month, the battle between the Universal Territory and the Alliance of the Gods has completely subsided, and there are few people discussing this aspect in the world channel.

The content being discussed in the World Channel now is the sixth-rank of the Universal Alliance, the Bright Silla Alliance and the Zhili Association have been upgraded to the fifth-rank alliance, the birth of the fourth alliance of the human race, and a large number of lords giving up their lordships.

After being upgraded to the fifth-order alliance, Lord Xinluo and others began to fulfill their promise to subdivide the lords and recruited the lower-level lords. At present, nearly 200 territories have been united and annexed.

One Alliance Leader, two Deputy Alliance Leaders, and four directors ate a lot, and their strength expanded rapidly.

In the power rankings of the long-discussed lords of the World Channel, these seven territories are all ranked in the top 20.

Of course, while some territories are growing stronger, there are also territories that stagnate or even begin to decline.

The ten churches that were kicked out of the Alliance of Gods by the Silla lord, except for the supreme lord of the War Church, Holder, who obtained the directorship because of the Silla lord, and relying on the annexation of other followers of the War Church, their strength did not drop but instead increased.

For the supreme lords of other churches, the territorial development is basically in a state of deterioration.

After losing the platform of the Alliance of the Gods, these supreme lords can no longer communicate directly with followers of their own church.

On the contrary, the Silla lord and others relied on the Bright Silla Alliance to dig up the corners of other churches.

Except for the Church of Judgment and the Church of Life that still retain the angels, they can barely maintain the believers of their own church by virtue of the influence of the angels.

For the remaining seven churches, believer lords are freed from control basically every day.

Some chose to stand on their own and did not listen to the orders of the supreme lords and agents; some chose to leave the church, tried to destroy the church, and became normal lords; many others directly joined the Bright Silla Alliance.

Of course, the Church of Truth, which was first kicked out of the Alliance of the Gods, has almost disappeared among the human lords.

However, Lord Olai, who took the initiative to lead the followers of the Holy Church to withdraw from the alliance of the gods, was attacked by the Lord of Silla before and suffered huge losses.

But its current development speed is no slower than that of the Silla lord.

Because there is an angel in the territory, Lord Orai has not lost his control over the believers of the Holy Church.

Not only that, when the Guangming Silla Alliance was established, Lord Olai was also inspired by the lord and vassal system of the Lord of Silla.

And he did more than Lord Silla!

Just half a month ago, the fourth alliance among the human lords, the Holy Aurai Alliance, was born.

It is said that in order to obtain the certificate of alliance, the angels in the Aolai Territory almost died, and the entire Aolai Territory also lost nearly half of the troops.

After the alliance was established, Lord Aolai upgraded the Holy Aolai Alliance to Tier 4 at a very fast speed, and may soon be upgraded to Tier 5.

Although the Aolai Territory is powerful, it is far less than the Universal Territory.

The reason why Lord Aolai was able to upgrade the Holy Aolai Alliance to a Tier 4 alliance within half a month was the result of the joint efforts of the believers of the Holy Church.

Even if they were in the same church, the lords still put their interests first, so the believers of the Holy Church would not willingly dedicate their resources to the Aolai Territory.

It is said that in order to make the believers support him, the lord of Olai signed a contract with these lords.

As long as a certain amount of soul crystals and resources are donated, Lord Aolai can provide a secondary fire, allowing the donors to organize staff to establish a branch city near the Aolai territory.

After the alliance is upgraded to Tier 5, these lords can gradually transfer the resources of their own territory to the "new" territory.

As for the secondary fire in the hands of Lord Aolai, only a very small number of them came from the territories of assimilating alien races, and the vast majority of them came from the territories of the weaker believers of the Holy Church.

After these people sold and transferred valuable things from the territory to Lord Aolai, they gave up their lordship and joined the Aolai Territory.

After the Orai lords assimilate their lands, they will grant them important positions and assets in the Orai lands, as well as hereditary noble titles guaranteed by the Chaos Pact.

If it is said that those lords who established branch cities near the Orai Territory are the future princes of the "Holy Orai Empire".

Those who gave up their status as lords and tried their best to build the Aolai territory are the future ministers of the Holy Aolai Empire.

Humans are gregarious creatures. When they get together, there will be intrigue and constant disputes.

But if they are united, they will show terrifying power.

The Holy Aolai Alliance, which has a common belief and backbone, has inevitably lost a lot of resources and soul crystals in the process of its establishment.

But when the alliance structure is stable, they will become a force on the Chaos Continent that no one dares to underestimate.

In contrast, although the overall strength of the Bright Shilla Alliance is far stronger than the Holy Aurai Alliance, its internal composition is not as pure as the Holy Aurai Alliance.

And this will also become a factor hindering the development of the Guangming Silla Alliance...

The actions of the Bright Shilla Alliance and the Holy Aurai Alliance also stimulated all members of the Supreme Council.

Until this time, they did not understand the real meaning of the existence of the alliance.

The main purpose of the Zhili Society is to explore the mysteries of the Chaos Continent, as well as the preservation, inheritance and integration of the Blue Star civilization.

But in the environment where all races are competing for hegemony, only if you survive, you are qualified to do other things.

The members of the Zhili Association realized that there are many restrictions on online alliances. Only by uniting in reality can they live longer in the Chaos Continent.

To this end, almost all members of the Zhili Association have joined together to help the Star Mark Lord to upgrade the Zhili Association to the fifth-order alliance.

Then these members began to unite internally, and started to form a group with several powerful members such as Lord Starscar and Lord Haichen as the core, intending to imitate the Guangming Shilla Alliance and the Holy Olai Alliance to form a real force for the joint development of multiple lords. .

Now four factions have appeared in the Zhili Council, preparing and implementing offline alliances.

However, this move also stimulated some members of the Supreme Council who were troubled by the status of lords.

They have no intention of competing for hegemony, but only want a peaceful and stable living and research environment.

Among the more than 200 members of the Zhili Council, this type of person is not a minority.

They took the opportunity to give up their status as lords, and used their territory as a bargaining chip to exchange for the future guaranteed by the contract with the stronger lord.

The powerful members of the Oneworld Alliance, such as Lord Kashid, Lord Kaguya, and Lord Garo, have all accepted a group of such members of the Supreme Council during this period of time.

After all, there is no threat to the power of their own lords, and the Blue Star elites with certain strength are definitely the talents needed for the development of the territory for the current lords

However, among the many lords, joining the world territory with the most demanding conditions is the force that absorbs the most of these people.

More than Lord Starscar!

Not even just members of the Supreme Council.

When the Universal Territory became a Tier 6 territory, and the description of the Universal City by the members of the Universal Alliance spread out.

Many non-Alliance members, even believer lords, would rather give up their lordships and live in the world.

In the minds of many people, there is no safer and more comfortable place on the Chaos Continent than the Universal Territory.

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