Falling in love with youkanshu.com, the lord of the whole people: the sign-in discount artifact at the beginning

There are actually many individuals with blazing radiance, and their brilliance makes the surrounding stars darker.

But even these individual brightnesses have different disparities.

Not long after Huang Yu entered this area, he was attracted by a radiant individual that was enough to make his perception unable to hold any stars.

As his spiritual power touched the individual whose radiance covered all perceptions, Huang Yu's consciousness came to a classroom.

He saw a young and beautiful girl in a white dress with soft blonde hair, surrounded by many students of the same age like a star holding the moon.

At this time, the girl was holding a book, and there was an indescribable strangeness in her gentle expression.

Especially the pair of danmo eyes, when staring at people, seems to be able to read people's hearts.

Although she is dealing politely with the flatterers around her, Huang Yu can feel that she is not interested in this kind of pursuit.

Only when the lord is mentioned, the girl's spirit will fluctuate obviously, and the whole person's expression will show a completely different vitality.

The charm revealed at that moment can even make the surrounding students sluggish and feel ashamed.

Even Huang Yu has to admit that the charm of this girl can be compared with those of the best women in the territory.

And it's not just the physical condition, Huang Yu can feel that the girl's mental power is several times larger than the students next to her.

It's really like the difference between "Bright Moon and the Light of Firefly"!

This girl is now not far from the intermediate mage.

This talent is even better than the vast majority of people born in special buildings.

Even if Huang Yu does not convert her into a Valkyrie, as long as this girl grows normally, she will definitely leave a strong mark in the development of the universe!

"This is really the talent of my territory, not a special unit born in a special building?"

After seeing the girl, Huang Yu was a little unbelievable.

With the support of territory characteristics, building characteristics, building functions and profound resources, the universe territory is indeed a blessed land for the outstanding people of the Chaos Continent.

After a year and a half of edification, the Universal Territory has trained more than 100,000 warriors, legal professionals and special professionals.

Most of these people have now entered the grassroots level of the territory and are shining in different positions.

Among them, there are also some amazing talents, or they are listed as reserve cadres by the Ministry of Human Resources of the government affairs department, or they are absorbed by the career development base, the four major associations, the manufacturing center, and even the military department, the Crown of Mysteries, the Magic Pattern Research Institute and other departments. , cultivated as the backbone.

For example, Yin Wen, who has had many encounters with Huang Yu, was accepted as a disciple by Ophir, the tower owner of the mysterious crown force of the magnetic genre, and Xun Yan, who is currently the Minister of Government Affairs and Management of Huanyu City, are all representative figures.

But the girl in front of Huang Yu was even better than these people.

"It's a rare piece of jade!

Transforming her into a Valkyrie is also equivalent to making her talent meaningless.

Doing so, I don't know if it's good for her or hurts her. "

Among the five million people in the territory, it is rare to find such a person of extraordinary talent.

For a while, Huang Yu had some doubts as to whether the chance of the Valkyrie, whose value was comparable to the Liyin of Fushen Realm, was worthy of this girl.

Because even if she doesn't transform into a Valkyrie, with the support of Huang Yu, this girl will definitely grow into a figure of the status of Ruiana, Shilin and Zhuling.

However, just as Huang Yu hesitated, the girl took the initiative to make a decision.

Huang Yu only felt the brilliance in his consciousness, like a warm sunshine slowly spreading towards him.

At the same time, it conveyed worship, awe, longing, belief... and a little impatient to Huang Yu.

In the real world, the blond girl in a white dress was holding a spell book. Amid the surprised and stunned expressions of everyone, she kneeled piously in the direction Huang Yu was watching.

She was able to telepathically sense Huang Yu's gaze!

The students around the girl kept shouting, and some people even tried to pull her up, but they were all forced back by her powerful mental power.

Before long, some teachers teaching in the school also came to check the situation.

Huang Yu also saw Huma, the newly appointed principal of Zhanyi College.

Obviously, the girl's talent has attracted the attention of middle and high-level cadres in Huanyu, and it may not be long before she will be sent to Huanyu University for further study.

The girl still looked at Huang Yu reverently, and even the fourth-order arcanist Huma didn't find anything from the direction she was looking.

Looking at the girl's longing and pleading eyes, Huang Yu knew her choice.

"In that case, it's up to you to become the first Valkyrie in the universe!"

Huang Yu determined to transform the girl in front of him into a Valkyrie.

The next moment, the huge light group in Huang Yu's consciousness quickly condensed into a full moon-like soul seal, surrounding Huang Yu's main seal.

At the top of the Hall of Heroes at the moment, Huang Yu's main seal is like a blazing sun, Valkyrie's soul seal is Haoyue, and the soul seals of other heroic spirits are stars, which are really like the stars.

In reality, just when Huma, the dean of Zhanyi Academy, was about to take the girl and send it to the hospital for inspection, a gush of Holy Spirit marrow fluid appeared beside the girl out of thin air.

While revolving around the girl like a golden ribbon, he forced everyone around him to retreat.

Afterwards, the Holy Spirit's marrow fluid became more and more, completely wrapping the girl like a lake.

As a middle-level and high-level cadre in the universe, Huma naturally recognized the Holy Spirit's marrow fluid.

But he knew that this material was very precious, and the entire territory was not much.

So why are there so many here?

At least there are hundreds of units of Holy Spirit marrow fluid, right?

Huma couldn't figure this out~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Worried about the accident, she took out the communication crystal and asked the leaders for instructions.

But before he could make a voice call, he received a message first.

Seeing the originator of the message, Huma's expression became solemn, and she immediately summoned the teachers present to take the nearby students to a distance, silently watching the Holy Spirit's marrow fluid that was slowly decreasing in a drum.

I don't know how long it took, when the Holy Spirit's marrow fluid was about to disappear, a dazzling white light erupted.

Everyone was blinded by Bai Guangguang, only to hear a loud chirping of horses, and the warm energy wrapping their bodies like a mother's embrace.

Da da da......

The sound of the hoofs caught everyone's attention, and when everyone opened their eyes, they saw a white pony with a half-body shape, spinning around a sacred and beautiful blonde girl.

"The First Minister of Ming Dynasty"

After seeing the girl's face, the onlookers couldn't help but stagnate.


A girl called out the girl's name, but her tone was full of hesitation and confusion.

The girl is still wearing a white dress and holding a spell book, but her face is more delicate, even the best painters can't describe the beauty that seems to be made in heaven.

The girl's figure has also grown a lot, from a girl of fifteen or sixteen years old to a girl of about twenty years old, and her appearance is uneven.

Coupled with the faint coercion and the intolerant temperament, it was really hard for the students to imagine that the girl in front of them would be the girl who had been with them for several months.

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