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1. Valkyrie Valkyrie's Body:

The general ability of the Valkyrie can carry the power of faith in the flesh, and at the same time rely on the power of faith and experience to upgrade, and can also enhance the ability by swallowing the spiritual fluid.

The body of the Valkyrie endows the Valkyrie with a powerful body, fighting skills imprinted in her soul and instinct, abundant energy, and the same undead characteristics as a heroic spirit.

With the body of the Valkyrie, the Valkyrie can freely use the holy weapons and holy souls of the heroic spirits of the Hall of Valor...

2. Valkyrie Hero Summoning:

The general ability of the Valkyrie can come to the Lord of Valhalla at any time by obeying the call of the Lord of Valhalla.

The Valkyrie can also summon the Hall of Valor anywhere and release some heroic spirits to assist in the battle.

In addition, when the Valkyrie around the Valkyrie who are loyal to the Lord of the Hall of Valor dies, the Valkyrie can transform those who qualify as Heroic Spirits into Heroic Spirits on the spot.

The dead who are not qualified to become Heroic Spirits will be turned into Heroic Spirits to assist Heroic Spirits in battle.

After the war is over, after the heroic spirit returns to the Hall of Valor, it will re-turn into an activated soul imprint, waiting for the Lord of the Hall of Valor to completely transform it into a heroic spirit.

3. Made by Valkyrie Holy Spirit:

Valkyrie general ability.

The things that were decomposed by the Valkyrie with the Holy Spirit's marrow fluid will be re-imitation by her with the Holy Spirit's marrow fluid.

Whether it is an incoherent life or a dead thing, the Holy Spirit's marrow fluid can imitate it, and even create multiple at the same time.

The strength of these imitations is usually related to their own abilities and the strength of the Valkyries.

4. Valkyrie Frostdew Aurora:

The Valkyrie's standard mount, which can incarnate and walk in the air, is actually a part of the Valkyrie's body, but it is independently controlled by the part of the Valkyrie's split will.

The special ability of Frost Dew Aurora comes from the Valkyrie who created it, and the way it moves is also related to the Valkyrie's cognition, and there is no theoretical limit to it.

5. Valkyrie God's Mercy:

Valkyrie's general ability is a passive ability.

But because of the different beliefs about the Lord of Valhalla, the effects are also different.

It is mainly manifested in the ability to provide buffs to units of the same faction.

Sikordi can make it easier for those in the same camp around him to choose the option that is beneficial to him when faced with a choice.

6. Miracles that exist because of the Lord:

The special ability of the Valkyrie Shikodi is a passive ability.

If it is done with the belief that "everything is for my Lord", even if it is impossible, Sikordi has a probability of creating miracles.

7. Destiny is intertwined:

The special ability of the Valkyrie Shikordi.

She can find something, or the fate string of a certain life, and interfere with its fate by hooking it, so that it avoids a state on a certain timeline, or presents a state on a certain timeline. .

Due to her lack of strength, the Valkyrie Shikodi can only actively influence some small things, and cannot evoke the fate of some big things and powerful lives.

But there is a certain chance that she will sense the fate string of some existence and interfere with it.

If Shikodi is strong enough, it may be able to actively affect the future destiny of the target. After all, the future and destiny are erratic things...

8. Shi Yue Snipe:

The Valkyrie Shikoti can summon her future self to do something for her in the short-lived event.

Due to her low strength, the Valkyrie Shikodi couldn't take the initiative of when her future self came from.

And the future self can only obey orders and cannot reveal any information to her present.


[Class: Fate (has the ability to affect the future)]


"Five Valkyrie exclusive abilities, three special abilities, and have a 'Fate' class that is independent of the seven major classes of Heroic Spirits."

Huang Yu looked at Shikodi's information panel and pondered in his heart.

This is the first time he has seen such a luxurious ability panel, even the blood-born sword and the god-level arms are a bit inferior in front of Shikodi's ability.

In addition, Huang Yu is also the first time to see someone who touches the power of fate and causality.

As the master of the law of chaos, Huang Yu can occasionally see some fragmented "destiny", but he can't get inspiration from it, let alone affect his destiny.

But Shi Kedi is different, she is still only fifth-order, and she can actively influence the development process of things.

This kind of mysterious and mysterious ability can no longer be measured by combat power.

When Shikodi fully grows up, it will definitely become a strategic-level existence in the world territory.

"The flames of destruction of Kratos and the intertwining of the fate of Shikodi are beyond the capabilities of normal god-level arms."

"This shows that whether it is aborigines or special units, it is possible to exceed the limit of the lord's talent!"

Huang Yu sighed slightly in his heart, and looked at Shikodi with more joy.

One thousand units of the Holy Spirit's marrow fluid, in exchange for a loyal subordinate who can touch his destiny, is not a loss to Huang Yu.

It's just that the excess Holy Spirit marrow fluid in the territory has been used up. Although there are many candidates for the Valkyrie, Huang Yu is unable to convert another one.

"I killed twelve angels of the human race. There are not many angels left. I don't know how many other races are left..."

"It seems that we need to find a way to the **** as soon as possible. The more magical materials like the Holy Spirit's marrow fluid, the better it is for the universe."

Huang Yu currently only knows one way to obtain the Holy Spirit's marrow fluid, and that is to kill the angel.

The Holy Spirit's marrow fluid can not only be used to enhance the function of the Hall of Valor, but also to create Valkyrie and create high-grade equipment.

These are very important to the world territory.

"Okay Shikodi, you adapt to your abilities in Valhalla first, I still have things to do."

After chatting with Shikodi for a few words, the communication crystal in Huang Yu's arms began to buzz. This is another matter that came to the door, and he needed to solve it.

"Lord Lord, I can adapt to my abilities even when I stay by your side.

By the way, we can also help you with tea, pour water... serve you.

Unlike Heroic Spirits, I don't need to sleep like them to accumulate power and avoid wasting the power of faith.

If you don't believe me, touch When I didn't use the body of the **** of war, my body was the same as before. "

Looking at the girl who stretched out her arm in front of him, Huang Yu smiled.

"I know what you're saying, but I didn't create you to bring tea and water.

Your ability is very powerful, and you will go to the abyss with me in a few days, so I hope you can better control your power before going to the abyss. "


Hearing Huang Yu's words, Shikodi put down her arm unwillingly. After a moment of hesitation, she boldly asked:

"Lord Lord, can I go to your palace to practice... I just want to be closer to you, and the environment really has no effect on me."

Looking at Shikodi's expectant eyes, Huang Yu nodded.

"The head of the palace will arrange a residence for you."

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