"Demon attacked construction workers returning to Universal City?"

"Why didn't I receive a Tinder reminder here?"

"Could it be that the demon that descended was too weak?"

Seeing the message from Leonidas, Huang Yu did not mess up because the demon appeared near the territory, but seriously thought about the difference between this demon attack and the last Balrog invasion.

The most important point is that the appearance of this demon did not trigger the fire mission.

I don't know if it's because the demon that attacked the construction workers is too weak to raise the alarm of the fire, or it's another reason...

Huang Yu sent a message to Leonidas and asked him to record the scene. If possible, it would be better to capture a few demons.

After receiving the reply from Leonidas, Huang Yu went to the World Channel again to check the information related to the demon invasion, trying to find some clues.

After spending a lot of time, Huang Yu finally found some clues in the vast amount of information.

In the world channel, the lord who encountered the devil did not mention that he had received the tinder task.

A person named Lord Lanchuan once mentioned inadvertently that the demons that attacked his territory were all kinds of strange, more or less with the characteristics of some wild monsters.

There is also a human lord who warned other lords not to let the territorial people eat the flesh and blood of demons, otherwise, the territorial people will undergo terrible mutations and have a strong attack on humans**.

His territory also suffered a lot of losses as a result...

In addition to these, Huang Yu also saw that among the believers, a lord with agents and angels warned the believers to be wary of monsters, purify the demonic energy in the territory and surrounding areas, and pray to the Lord that cannot be stopped...

"Having the characteristics of wild monsters, flesh and blood will mutate after eating..."

"On the side of the believers, the devil is called a monster."

"There's a huge difference between the two..."

Seeing this, Huang Yu vaguely found some ideas. As long as he has seen the true colors of those demons, he feels that he can see the true colors of those demons.

There is a high possibility that these demons are not real demons, but are transformed from the original creatures of Chaos Continent, like the Holy Army transformed by the creatures of the gods.


The message crystal in his hand vibrated, and it was a video sent by Leonidas.

Huang Yu activated it, and where he saw it, more than 2,000 construction workers were entering Rising Sun City in an orderly manner under the **** of the stone horned beast knight.

And farther away, above the yellow and green woods, dragons and iron-feathered griffins were hovering in the air.

The roar of the Spartan warriors could be vaguely heard, and an infiltrating hissing sound could be heard.

With the sound of the dragon's flapping wings, the camera zoomed towards the top of the battlefield, and it didn't take long for Huang Yu to see the scene of the two sides fighting.

The dark red substance visible to the naked eye escaped into the forest, and all the flowers, plants and trees that were contaminated with demonic energy quickly withered and turned ashes.

More than 500 Spartan warriors were scattered around the demonic energy, completely surrounding a group of crazy demons and compressing their activity space.

Then, under the leadership of Atreus, Ganix, Astinos and others, they massacred these monsters.


Leonidas drove his dragon beast to the ground, and when he opened his mouth, there was an acid breath that melted the rushing monsters into debris.

It was at this moment that Huang Yu could see the appearance of these monsters.

These monsters have strange shapes, some with scales, some with hair, and some with only dark red crusty skin.

The way of action is also a variety of strange, some dodging among the trees like apes, some flying in the air, but most of them are running wild on land.

However, these monsters have similar characteristics to the Balrog killed by Huang Yu.

They have horns on their heads, bat-like wings on their backs, and monsters with whip-like tails behind them. Dark red substances are scattered all over their bodies.

However, these monsters are like stunted growth, whether it is horns, wings or tails, they all look a little deformed.

The vast majority of monsters, with the bat-like wings behind them, are just like goods, some of which are different in size, some are just bulging, and cannot be used to fly at all.

However, these guys are not low in combat effectiveness, with less than 50 in number, but they are extremely difficult to deal with.

In terms of strength and speed, it is not inferior to orc warriors, and its defense and self-healing ability are even more abnormal.

In the video, Gannix appeared like a ghost behind a burly monster with huge fangs, and the dagger in his hand slid through the monster's throat, but only cut the monster's hard skin.

Dodging the monster's counterattack, Ganix charged a blow, and the perfect dagger in his hand pierced the monster's heart.

However, even so, the monster not only did not lose its combat power, but began to go mad.

Waving his pillar-like upper limbs, he slammed his surroundings violently.

The dark red substance escaping all over the body stirred with its breathing. After Gannis inhaled, dark red blood lines appeared on his face, and his eyes were faintly red.

Covering his chest to avoid the monster's attack, he paused for a while before returning to normal from this state.

And the monster with the dagger of Ganix in its chest is still very fierce. After flying the two Spartan warriors together with a shield and hammer~www.wuxiaspot.com~, it was caught by the violent Astinos with a sword. Owl head.

After losing its head, the monster's neck was full of blood. Even so, the headless corpse struggled for a long time, and its vitality was terrifyingly strong.

Huang Yu deliberately checked the information of this fang monster.

[Abyss Demon General (Steel Sideburns Wild Boar Species)]

[Status: Demonized]

[Level: LV38 (Tier 4)]

【introduce:? ? ? 】

【ability:? ? ? 】


Because he was not at the scene, Huang Yu got very limited information.

However, after seeing the wild boar with steel temples and its demonized state, and thinking about the day of the red moon today, Huang Yu knew the source of these monsters.

The red moon represents the abyss, or in other words, the red moon is a way for the abyss to affect the Chaos Continent.

As the "Great Firewall" of the Chaos Continent was weakened, the influence of Ziyue, Hongyue and Baiyue on the Chaos Continent also intensified.

And today is the most prosperous day of the red moon. The wild monsters that are most easily affected by the red moon have undergone a deeper mutation under this increase - demonization!

These are wild monsters with low intelligence and have not become extraordinary creatures, perhaps because they did not suppress the abyss-related things hidden in the blood.

Under the stimulation of the red moon energy, it began to evolve in the direction of the abyss demon.

Thinking of it this way, Huang Yu's previous thought that the abyss would not be able to intervene in the Chaos Continent was wrong.

Divine Prison, Underworld, Hell and other worlds only intervened in the Chaos Continent by exploiting the loopholes at the end of the assessment.

And at the beginning of the race for hegemony, the Chaos Continent was full of abyss!

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