After buying all 200 units of Soul Purifying Sand, Huang Yu only had more than 800,000 soul crystals left.

The remaining things in the shop can't earn many soul crystals.

Huang Yu can only earn some soul crystals by reselling Chaos Mall goods.

Quickly read the extraordinary-grade products.

Huang Yu put three kinds of awakening media in the store, totaling five units.

Then I purchased a batch of medicinal materials and equipment materials.

In the extraordinary grade, there is also a skill book - Earth Wind and Fire.

But because the discount was too high, Huang Yu did not choose to buy it.

He does not lack attack methods now, especially elemental attack skills.

Regardless of functionality, just in terms of lethality, with the double blessing of the dragon's body and the flame demon's body, the power of the dragon's breath is no less than that of an extraordinary skill.

So Huang Yu thought for a moment and then gave up.

The transaction prompts of the Universal Store flashed from time to time.

Five units of Awakening Media, minus the cost, brought Huang Yu seven or eight million profits.

After Huang Yu exited from the extraordinary, perfect-grade discounted product page, he quickly went through the excellent, rare, and excellent-grade discounted products.

Among the perfect grades, a special mineral resource appeared.

[10% off the perfect grade special mineral resource—Spiritual Crystal Mine. Soul Crystal is a superior-grade material that can be used to craft some special equipment.

There is a wonderful connection between spiritual crystals, and each spiritual crystal has the same ability as the shadow stone.

You can record the scene within a certain range... The original price is 820,000 soul crystals, and the current price is 82,000 soul crystals! 】

【Current Quantity: 1】


When he saw the soul crystal, Huang Yu couldn't help feeling overjoyed.

For nothing else, because in the universe, spiritual crystals are currently a very important strategic resource.

It is the main material of the communication crystal!

Communication crystals are excellent grade equipment, and one communication crystal requires 15,000 soul crystals.

Huang Yu used to buy raw material soul crystals and hand them over to the Magic Weave Research Institute to make them.

Now he doesn't need to buy it separately. With the spiritual crystal mine, he can produce it himself in the territory!

In addition to the Spiritual Heart Crystal Mine, Huang Yu also purchased two hundred units of the special building material—Dragon Soul Crystal among the perfect-grade goods.

This material is equivalent to a combination of ambergris and blood marrow stone, and is more suitable for upgrading Yanlongma's lair.

After reading the entire list of discounted products, Huang Yu began to resell the products he did not need to the Universal Store.

The transaction prompt also rang quickly.

[10% off high-quality equipment—white gun... The original price is 300 soul crystals, and the current price is 30 soul crystals! 】

【Current Quantity: 50】


[20% off rare-grade potion—Boiled Blood Potion... The original price is 2200 soul crystals, and the current price is 440 soul crystals! 】

【Current Quantity: 20】


[10% off the Excellent Grade Skill Book - Explosion... The original price is 52,000 soul crystals, and the current price is 5,200 soul crystals! 】

【Current Quantity: 1】


Along with the transaction prompt, the soul crystal in Huang Yu's hand skyrocketed.

After he bought all the products he was interested in, the number of soul crystals had exceeded 1.5 million, and it continued to rise.

At the same time, Huang Yu also received other information prompts.

[You get 6400 experience points and 380 soul crystals! 】

[You get 7200 experience points and 410 soul crystals! 】

[You get 12900 experience points and 6200 soul crystals! 】


Huang Yu stood in Zhanyi City and looked west.

The battle between the Amazon female warriors and the nature elves has begun.


Amazon female warriors are openly appearing outside the territory of natural elves.

The natural elf lord stood on the elf mother tree, silently watching the Amazon female warriors complete the army deployment outside the territory, but there was nothing to do.

At present, there are more than 800 natural elves and 200 tree people in the territory.

The defense of the territory is very reluctant, and it is said that it is actively attacking.

All the oak guards and the ancient war trees have awakened, and the crossbows are all set up.

The elf hunter hides in the trees and bushes around the territory, and the elf druid completes his transformation and joins the giant deer knight behind the tree to defend against the enemy.

However, just as the remaining seven Horned Eagle Knights flew into the sky, they were driven down by a second-order giant dragon and two dragon beasts that breathed dragon breath.

On the eve of this storm, the entire natural elf territory fell into a low atmosphere.

Since returning to the territory yesterday, many natural elves have realized that their territory is about to be destroyed.

That powerful human territory will not let go of the natural elves whose strength is greatly reduced.

Even now, they don't know how strong that "neighbor" is.


When the two magic cannons were taken out of the space ring by Ryana.

Emile, the elf lord of nature, was in complete despair.

At this moment, the idea of ​​surrender even rose in her heart.

As long as humans devour the elf mother tree, not only the clan can survive, but I can also survive...

As soon as the thought came out, it was driven out of Emile's mind.

No, absolutely cannot surrender.

As a different race, the end of surrender is definitely more cruel than death!

What's more, before and after, almost a thousand clansmen died at the hands of these humans!

How will those clansmen who have returned to the embrace of the mother tree view me?

How can I let them bear the unwillingness and pain alone!

The natural elf lord Emile looked at the Amazon female warrior with anger in his hatred.

Even in death, the dignity of the elves must be guarded.

At the same time, let these humans see the backbone of the natural elves!

"The children of Emile!"

Looking at the people who were silently preparing for the battle, the natural elf lord shouted:

"We have promised to repay the pain that the enemy has inflicted upon us!"

"Now, it's time to repay them!"

"So, for the glory of nature elves!"

"Please die here and return to the embrace of the mother tree with me!!"



The anger and hatred on the face of the natural elves just rose, and two earth-shattering explosions descended on the natural elves' territory.

The impact of the explosion flattened the landing, while projecting a large amount of flame.

At the same time when the two mushroom clouds rose, many tree people and elves had already died under the magic cannon.

The defensive formation of the natural elves was directly broken.

In the rush, the elves quickly maintained a good formation to prevent the enemy from taking the opportunity to launch an attack.

However, what they were waiting for was not the impact of the Amazon female warrior, but two giant explosion magic bullets.



Remnants, screams.

Fire, shock.

After the explosion, another explosion.

The natural elves collapsed a bit.

Under the baptism of artillery fire, but did not even touch the shadow of the enemy.

The magic shield that can intercept the crossbow is as thin as paper in front of the cannonball.

When, in the face of the enemy, the natural elves can't even fight back?


Read the latest chapter of Lord of the People: Sign-in Discount Artifact at the beginning of the game, please pay attention ()

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