"Maglev spiral crossbow?"

Huang Yu raised his brows, the two exploding crossbow arrows just now were obviously special crossbow arrows produced by Huanyu.

And this kind of characteristic crossbow must be fired with a magnetic levitation spiral bed crossbow before it can be activated to explode.

That is to say, in the two towers, there is a maglev spiral crossbow hidden in each.

These believers clearly hate themselves to the core, and they even said on the World Channel that they would boycott the universe.

Now I am very proficient in using things from the universe!

Should I say it smells good?

As for the origin of the two maglev spiral crossbows, it is likely that the believers purchased them directly from the Chaos Mall.

There are not many maglev spiral crossbows on the shelves of the Universal Store, and it is now forbidden to open to believers, and believers can only go to Chaos Mall to buy them at a high price.

Compared with the expensive magic gun, the price of the maglev spiral crossbow is much cheaper, but the power is not weak.

It can be used to snipe important enemy units. At this stage, it is also a big killer, so it is very popular with human lords.

These days, a lot has been sold one after another, and Huang Yu has also received a considerable dividend.

At this time, seeing the maglev spiral crossbow in the believer's territory, Huang Yu was only slightly surprised.

After all, he had already considered this situation when he chose to turn over the magic weave to the Chaos Mall for collection.

Moreover, as the developer of the magic weave structure, Huang Yu naturally does not want to be targeted by the equipment he developed one day.

Therefore, the Magic Pattern Research Institute has already taken countermeasures, but it has never had the opportunity to use it.

"But...the balance has been broken!"

Huang Yu stared at the battlefield below, thought for a moment, and took out two giant explosion magic bullets from the storage ring.

After thinking for a while, Huang Yu took out another giant version of the explosion magic pill, and at the same time began to condense elemental energy.

And in the battlefield below.

The two characteristic crossbow arrows fired by the believers played a significant role.

The vampire is apparently the first to encounter this kind of equipment.

Coupled with being caught off guard, I suffered a big loss.

That powerful vampire blood relative was directly bombed with no **** left.

Although the vampire lord kept the blood atomized for a long time, a lot of blood fog was also evaporated by the fire wave set off by the explosion.

After the blood atomization state was lifted, the vampire lord had to degenerate from a complete body form to a human form.

Four vampire blood relatives and a large number of blood servants and blood bats swarmed to help the vampire lord to block the two false angels.

Other blood bats came flying and burst open as they approached the vampire lord.

As fast as possible, provide blood to the vampire lord.

Looking at the place where the blood relative died just now, the vampire lord still had lingering fears.

Fortunately, the blood fog state was not removed so quickly, otherwise its fate would not be much better.

"It's time to retreat..."

Feeling the slow recovery of physical strength, the vampire lord knew that this war had been lost on his side.

Except for himself, no one can stop those two false angels.

What's more, the other party has that kind of powerful weapon...

Boom boom boom!

Suddenly, three huge flames rose from the believer's territory.

The terrifying explosion made the second-order city wall of excellent grade start to shake violently.

For a time, all the people and vampires on the field echoed the roar of the explosion.

When the flame is reduced, the smoke and dust dissipate.

I saw that the two towers disappeared without a trace, and a charred pit appeared where they originally stood.

Another explosion occurred in the sky above the Church of the Believers.

At this time, the protective cover of the church had long been broken, and half of the wall collapsed, revealing a faceless statue of a **** sitting cross-legged.

The priests inside, and the Holy Army guarding nearby, have already died more than half.

The sudden explosion made the entire battlefield stand still.

The holy army and clergy to which the believers belonged looked terrified.

The vampire was also dazed, and even stopped the movements in his hands.

Only the two pseudo-angels floated in the air and swayed as if the signal was not good.

The vampire lord froze in place, not trying to understand what happened.

It looked up at the sky, but found no trace of the enemy.

All I could see was the setting sun, reflecting an orange-red cloud.

Could it be... those crossbows exploded on their own?

After thinking about it, the vampire lord only thought of such an Oolong possibility.

The power of those crossbow bolts to explode is not weak, and it is indeed possible to produce such an effect if they are inflated in large quantities.


The loss of these human beings is not small!

The vampire lord showed a cold smile.

A sudden explosion sent the entire believer territory into a panic.

The flames thrown by the explosion began to burn the buildings in the believer's territory.

The fire continued to expand rapidly under the wind of an inexplicable blow.

In addition, in addition to the annihilation of the Holy Army near the tower, the believers who were prostrate and praying near the church also suffered heavy casualties.

Not to mention summoning another pseudo-angel now, believers can't even gather the power of faith needed for the Holy Army to fight.

The halo of divine blessing floating on the city walls disappeared one by one.

In the end, only three Divine Blessing Auras ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ barely survived.

"Hey hey, kill these humans!"

The vampire lord looked excited and issued an order to attack the vampires under his command.

He condensed two blood spheres with his blood and threw them into the air to swing, a pseudo-angel that was cut down by four blood relatives.


The blood cell smashed on the pseudo-angel and exploded immediately.

The two faceless pseudo-angels drooped their wings weakly and fell to the ground.

The pseudo-angel was easily eliminated, and the vampire lord was no longer absorbing blood to restore his stamina. He took his vampires and rushed towards the remaining holy army.

Without the aura of divine blessing, the Holy Army immediately fell into a disadvantage.

The situation is starting to look one-sided.

Finally, after paying the lives of more than 700 blood servants and two blood relatives, the holy army on the city wall was cleared by the vampire army.

The vampire lord shook his wings, overlooking the more than 200 holy troops on the ground, as well as more than a dozen clergymen, and only felt that the victory was in his hands.

It looked at the castle in the believer's territory and couldn't wait to swallow the fat.

However, for some reason, the vampire lord felt a little hot, which made it a little grumpy.

And those humans who originally gritted their teeth and looked up at themselves, now looked at the sky with a dull expression.

In their eyes, the vampire lord saw fear, despair, disbelief, and orange fire.

Orange fire...

The vampire lord swallowed and raised his head sharply.

Afterwards, it saw countless spheres formed by molten lava, dragging a long flame and hitting the ground!

The ancestors come again!

Is this... a natural disaster! !


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