[I have a way, but the price is very high! 】

Huang Yu sent a message to Lord Kashid, and after waiting patiently for a while, he received a reply from Lord Kashid.

[If you can help me solve the territory of angels and alien believers, I am willing to give you all the gains from this battle! 】

Well said, but the premise is that the angel must be dealt with.

And in Huang Yu's view, it was a waste of an epic-level skill to solve the angel.

In the end, I only got the Holy Spirit's marrow fluid and the lock of God, as well as the soul crystal that started with millions.

Even if Lord Kashde finally compensated for some soul crystals, potions, materials and the like.

For me, this business is still a loss-making business.

Only if you get the blood of the creatures of the gods, you will be rewarded.

Those who have immortal blood in their blood and can create a powerful creature like Yuan, the grade will definitely not be lower than the legend!

After thinking about it, Huang Yu felt that he still had to fight for it.

After all, the chances of obtaining this grade of material are not too many.

And there is still a lot of room for maneuverability.

Opening the seminar group, Huang Yu sent the information of the Book of Creation to Lord Gasd, and pointed out that there is an epic skill - Finger of Death.

Then, Lord Kashde fell silent.

Obviously, he knows an epic-level skill whose value is beyond his ability to afford at the moment.

After a long time, just when Huang Yu wanted to quit, Lord Gashid replied.

【Lord Universe, what do you need me to pay? 】

It seems that the angel, and the alien believer's territory where he is located, has brought a lot of trouble to Lord Kashde.

Even if it costs more, it will be destroyed.

However, if you think about it from another perspective, if there is an angel entrenched in the vicinity of Universal City...

Oh, no need to empathize.

The angels at this stage are not perfect, and they have not even entered the transcendent.

An enemy of this level, Huang Yu can kill him without a single finger of death.

Using the peculiarity of Chaos Drifting ability, it can even make the angel too late to open the portal to the hell.

In his eyes, angels are nothing but fat sheep and bait.

Huang Yu estimated what was at hand, and then sent a message to Lord Gasd.

[The scroll of the Curtain of Desolation Thunder is 1.2 million soul crystals. Now you need to give me 600,000 soul crystals, and the rest will be delivered at the end of the war. 】

【Thank you for your generosity! 】

As soon as the news of Huang Yu was sent out, Lord Gashde thanked him in seconds.

For Lord Kashde, the skill scroll of Shroud of Thunder only costs 1.2 million, which is already low enough.

As for Huang Yu, the 600,000 soul crystals that he got first had already paid off, and he made more than 500,000.

With the discount artifact in hand, he will not lose money no matter what, it is just a matter of earning more and earning less.

[No thanks, if you want to rent the Book of Creation, the conditions are more complicated. 】

[Superior-grade spells in the Book of Creation require 10,000 soul crystals for each consumption of one. Perfect Grade Spell Hundred Thousand Soul Crystals! 】

[You can't use the extraordinary-level spell Fate Interference! 】

[If you want to die with an epic-level spell, not only must you give me all the things left behind by the angel after his death, but you must also kill the angel and get a special item according to my requirements. 】


Huang Yu told Lord Kashde in detail about his conditions.

However, Huang Yu chose to hide the blood of the creatures in the hell, and just told him how to get it.

After all, riches are exciting.

Faced with materials that are very likely to be mythological grades, Huang Yu has a hard time believing that Lord Gasd will not have other thoughts.

Finally, in order to prevent the failure of Lord Gasd, the blood of **** creatures cannot be obtained.

Huang Yu added several more conditions.

[If my request is not fulfilled, in addition to the gain from killing the angel, I need to take out 10 million soul crystals to compensate for my loss.

You can use materials, equipment, potions, and arms as collateral, but the price will be reduced by a certain percentage.

This time, I can give you relaxation to within a month. 】


When Huang Yu finished sending the message, the discussion group fell into silence again.

This is not because Huang Yu's conditions are too harsh, but because Lord Cashid cannot afford these costs now.

For the excellent and perfect-grade spells in the Book of Creation, Huang Yu calculated them according to the lowest price, which was equivalent to giving them away for nothing.

And for the 10 million soul crystals, he also allowed Lord Kashid to use items as collateral.

However, Huang Yu also understood the concerns of Lord Gasd.

Once he failed, even if he killed the angel, he did not get the item Huang Yu wanted.

That Kashid Territory will also be at a standstill.

For a long time, his development stopped and he acted as Huang Yu's wage earner.

After all, that's 10 million soul crystals!

Decomposing ten Ruth territories may not be enough.

Now is the stage of rapid development of the territory, once it falls behind, it will be difficult to catch up.


In the territory of Kasd.

Edward sat on the main seat of the Tinder Hall, his face sinking like water.

His realm is not bad, and he even had to stabilize the halfling believer's realm before.

But now, the situation has changed subtly.

As the halfling believer's territory was also upgraded to Tier 4, the halfling began to frantically increase the number of subjects~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the angel who had rarely appeared before, and the frequency of activities increased accordingly.

Under the deterrence of that angel, many races began to be forced to believe in divine creatures.

In just two days, the nearby alien lords became believers.

If he doesn't start soon, deal with Angel.

It didn't take long for the territory of Kasd to be surrounded by holy armies of believers of different races.

Even if he has a legendary talent, the territory has two thousand extraordinary arms and three thousand perfect arms.

Nor will it be the opponent of so many ethnic coalition forces.


"If you can't solve the angel as soon as possible."

"Let it sacrifice believers, temporarily raise the rank, or escape directly to the prison."

"For Kashde, there are endless troubles."

Lord Gasd felt a headache.

He is confident that he has the strength to fight against angels, but now, he not only has to fight against angels, but also against an unknown number of holy troops and believers.

In addition, even if he defeated the angel, he could not let the angel escape back to the divine prison.

With his current ability, it is still difficult to do.

"It can't be delayed any longer."

After thinking for a while, Edward's eyes turned solemn, he entered the Chaos Mall, and paid 100,000 soul crystals to buy the Chaos Contract.

"In any case, kill the angel in one fell swoop!"

"First sign a contract with the lord of the universe, and borrow the skill scroll and the book of creation."

"Unless it is a last resort, don't use that epic spell!"

"Anyway, what the Lord of the Universe wants will only appear after the teleportation array is turned on."

"Before that, just kill the angel!"



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