Looking at the skill book of the Dark Veil in his hand, Huang Yu chose to use it.

He had also considered giving the veil of darkness to Emile.

After all, Emile will have more opportunities to fight in the future than him.

As a lord, governing the territory is the top priority. If you must be the first in every battle, wouldn't it appear that you have no one under your command?

However, considering that Emile currently has multiple professional skills, she has not yet mastered it.

And the curtain of darkness is too special and has important strategic value, so Huang Yu still intends to use it himself.

Accompanied by the skill book, it turned into fluorescence and merged into the body.

In Huang Yu's mind, the Veil of Darkness naturally appeared. The arcane model of this extraordinary spell was deeply ingrained in his memory, as if he had developed it himself.

As long as the mind moves, the target area can be covered by the veil of darkness.

After learning the Veil of Darkness, Huang Yu looked at Vice Tinder.

The models of mineral resources and special buildings such as the Rongling Stone Milk Mine, the Cold Soul Crystal Mine, the Twelve Gold and the Chi-White Knight Camp are still in the secondary fire.

Among them, there are also resources such as fire concentrate obtained two days ago.

These are what Huang Yu is going to put in Huanyu City, and can only be placed after he returns.

However, the Twelve Golden People...

Huang Yu thought about it and planned to temporarily leave four golden figures for Zhanyi City.

The Twelve Golden People are numbered with the twelve Earthly Branches, that is, "Zi Chou Yin Mao Chen Si Wu did not apply for You Xu Hai".

Looking at the information of the Twelve Golden Figures separately, Huang Yu proposed the four Golden Figures of "Ugly, Wu, You and Xu" individually according to the special features of the Twelve Golden Figures, and placed them in the four corners of Zhanyi City. in front of the city gate.

The golden light flashed by, and four golden figures with a height of more than ten meters and majestic images appeared at the four gates of Zhanyi City.

In fact, the shape of each golden man has many similarities.

The armor on the outside is in the form of scale armor, each with wide eyes and a fierce look.

They have swords hanging from their waists, shields in one hand, polearms in the other, and exaggerated bows slung behind them.

This proves that they have no obvious shortcomings when fighting and are good at any form of weapon.

Especially that big bow.

Although it was only one level, Huang Yu felt that when the twelve golden men pulled the big bow, the arrows shot would not be inferior to the dragon-hunting crossbow.

Short-range and long-range, can be attacked and defended, the twelve golden men are worthy of pure weapons of war.

In terms of details, there are still some differences between the Twelve Golden People.

The "ugly" golden man is the tallest, nearly fifteen meters tall, almost flush with the Kunjinyan city wall.

The long-handled weapon in its hand is a mace, and its shape is also the most burly, almost twice the size of the other three golden men.

Huang Yu called up his information panel.

【Twelve Golden People (Ugly)】

[Grade: Extraordinary]

【Level: Level 1】

[Introduction: The ugly golden man among the twelve golden men is the most powerful of all the golden men.

Each attack can resonate with the earth, thereby strengthening the power of each attack with the power of one's own soil, and every move has a trampling effect.

In addition, the Ugly Golden Man can transfer part of the attack damage to the ground, and can also draw energy from the ground to improve the battle endurance...]

[Capacity 1 - Soldiers of the world: Gather the soldiers of the world, sell the front and dysprosium, and cast them as twelve golden men.

The Soldier of the World is a common ability of the twelve golden people, and each of them is engraved with all the fighting patterns of a certain world.

No matter what form the enemy is, the Twelve Golden People will use the most suitable way to deal with the enemy...

Ability 2—The Power of Ji Earth: The unique abilities of the Ugly Golden Man, including ground smashing, attack amplification, damage transfer and many other effects, the Ugly Golden Man who steps on the ground will hardly be destroyed...]


Among the twelve golden men, the ugly golden man is the representative of Yili Jiangshihui, and the attack mode is the most direct.

With the increase of the power of Jitu, even the Behemoth among the orcs, or the mountain giant among the giants, would not be the opponent of the Ugly Golden Man at the same level.

Maybe only the legendary Titan can win the Ugly Golden Man.

Huang Yu looked at the other three golden figures.

The height of the "Wu" golden statue is thirteen meters, which is the tallest among the four golden statues except the ugly golden statue.

The round shield in the left hand, the horse lance in the right hand, and the brass body flashes with red light from time to time.

Other than that, there's nothing unique about it.

Huang Yu checked the information panel of the "Wu" Jin Man, in addition to the ability of "Soldiers of the World", the "Wu" Jin Man also has the power of Ding Huo.

This is a kind of ability with flame attack and attribute enhancement, and it can be said to complement each other with tiger and leopard riding and flame dragon horse.

In addition, although the strength, defense, and attack power of the "Wu" Jin Man are relatively moderate, their movement speed and battle endurance can rank in the forefront of the twelve Jin Man.

They are the twelve golden men who are most suitable to go out with tigers and leopards to conquer alien races.

"You" Jin and the other twelve Jin people have the biggest difference in appearance.

It has a set of slightly thin copper wings behind it, which also gives it a certain flying ability.

It's just that the introduction specifically stated that the "You" golden man consumes a lot of energy when flying, far exceeding the consumption during normal battles.

Therefore, the "You" Jin Man cannot be used as a normal air combat unit~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In addition, the "You" Jin Man is in the position of speed, strength, defense and energy attack among the twelve Jin Man. end.

When fighting the enemy alone, the combat power is weak.

However, the "You" Jin person holds the power of Xin Jin, although the lethality is not as good as that of Geng Jin, but it has strong plasticity.

This also makes the existence of the "You" Jin people extremely special.

The power of Xinjin has given Youjin people two special abilities.

The first ability, on the basis of its own, can change the body shape of Youjin people.

For example, losing arms and weapons, increasing wings, and gaining stronger flight ability.

Or lose both wings and turn the small round shield in your hand into a tower shield to improve defense.

This change allows the "You" Jin to lose speed to increase strength or defense, or lose defense to gain agility.

The second ability is that "You" Jin people can combine with other Jin people.

It is specially stated in the introduction that as the level increases, the "You" Golden Man can even combine multiple Golden Man to form a more powerful Golden Man!

Therefore, although the main body combat power is not strong, the importance of the "You" golden person is even higher than that of most of the twelve golden people.

The "Xu" Jin Ren holds the power of Wutu, and his strength, defense, and endurance are among the twelve Jin Ren, but they are only at a medium level, and their speed and agility are probably above average.

However, the "Xu" Jin Man possesses the power of Wu Earth and is one of the few Jin Man who can release spell-like attacks.

Its attack method is not only limited to the earth element attack that mimics the power of the earth, but also an attack method called "Dust Cannon".

Specially marked in the introduction: Sufficient energy supply, unlimited power!


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