The skill of 100,000 soul crystals shows its value after all.

Although it did not completely stop the Holy Light Judgment, it also gave the Samo warriors and the bone-faced war elephants time to escape the bombardment area of ​​the Holy Light Judgment.

Moreover, after being resisted by the Embrace of the Colossus, after the Embrace of the Colossus was smashed, the power of the Holy Light's ruling was also weakened a bit.

The damage caused is very limited, only killing a dozen rare-level troops that were not evacuated in time.

"Even if I turn on Restriction Release to the greatest extent, I can't use this level of attack..."

Looking at the deep ditch plowed by the Holy Light of Judgment, Edward couldn't help frowning.

Restricted liberation is the legendary talent awakened by his promotion to the third rank, using the legendary awakening medium obtained in the assessment.

The main ability can be summarized as the "liberation" of the body, energy, soul, talent, and skills to varying degrees.

Ignore factors such as grade, grade, energy consumption, etc., improve the overall strength of the body, as well as the power of talents and skills!

For example, Edward's physique, energy, and soul were originally only four levels, but after limiting liberation to the greatest extent, he was able to raise one level.

For example, the extraordinary-grade talent "Lightning Incarnation" he awakened before, after the liberation of restrictions, has the ability to approach the epic-grade talent "Lightning Messenger".

This is also the confidence of Edward's confidence to defeat the angel.

It's just that Edward's strongest offensive skill at the moment is only a perfect grade.

Affected by the unique grade of transcendence, even if the liberation is restricted, it can only be infinitely close to the power of transcendent grade skills, but cannot reach it.

There is still some gap between the power shown by the angel's ruling holy light.

What's more... the limitation of liberation still has some shortcomings.

For example, the higher the degree of liberation, the shorter the increase time.

Continuing to liberate the restrictions to the greatest extent, Edward can only obtain a comprehensive increase of half a minute.

"Although the Holy Light of Judgment is strong, as long as I don't get hit, it's fine!"

"At my speed, that angel might not even be able to catch my shadow!"

With the assistance of the warriors, Edward put on a set of perfect grade purple armor, and then he burst out with fine lightning.

Along with the crackling sound, Edward's figure flashed, dragged out a series of afterimages and arcs, and galloped towards the halfling believer's territory.

At the same time, in the gap between the angels removing the shield and using the Holy Light Judgment.

The two magic cannons at the rear of Kasd's army again opened fire on the halfling believer's territory.


With an earth-shattering roar, two giant versions of the blasting magic pills successfully hit the city gate of the halfling believer's territory.

Without the protection of the protective cover, the two giant version blasting magic pills easily blasted a ten-meter gap in the rare-grade city wall.

The city wall blocking the front of the army of Kasd was finally broken by them!

When Capone, the king-level unit of the Samo warriors, saw it, he roared at the warrior behind him riding a bone-faced war elephant:

"Samo warriors, charge!"

Bang bang bang!

The Bone-faced War Elephant swarmed towards the halfling territory with its heavy strides carrying the Samoan warriors.

Although these war elephants are slow, they have good strength and amazing defense.

The place where the explosion magic pellet exploded will be covered with flames in a short time.

These flames made the halfling holy army roar, but they did not cause much damage to the bone-faced war elephant.

So, these war elephants, carrying the Samo warriors, broke into the halfling territory like a swarm.


One after another divine arts unfolded above the heads of the Samo warriors.

Under the leadership of the agent, more than 60 priests released divine magic to the warriors of Samo and the great swordsmen of Gala who broke into the city.

Holy Light Bullet, Spellcasting, Holy Sword Judgment, Weak Aura, Blindness... All kinds of attacks, negative magic, covered the army of Kashid who entered the city.

And the spellcasters on the side of Kashde's territory also stepped up and fought back with spells.

However, because the number of casters is less than the priests among the halfling believers, and the other party has a representative.

It didn't take long for the caster on Kasd's side to be completely defeated.


A flash of electric light came, stopped above the halfling priest, and condensed into a human form.

The halfling agent was startled, and was about to perform a magical attack, but saw the man's lightning flashing and spewing out countless thunder and lightning.

In an instant, several priests were blasted to ashes, causing chaos among the priests.

Edward glanced at the angel whose holy light was blooming in the distance, and frowned.

He didn't want to waste time here, and planned to stop the angel's next Holy Light ruling first.

Touching the Shroud of Thunder skill scroll in his arms, Edward was a little reluctant to use it.

After all, this is something worth millions!

Moreover, as Kashde's army gradually invaded the halfling's territory, the Holy Army and the people in the halfling's territory had no power to fight back, and could be cleaned up soon.

And reinforcements from other alien races did not appear, and it seemed that there was no need to use the Barren Thunder Curtain.

His thoughts turned sharply, Edward took out the book of creation painfully, and used a perfect spell again.

The first page of the book of creation - the labyrinth of the mind!

A large-scale illusion spell. During the duration of the spell, the practitioner will lose his perception of the outside world, and his thinking will be confined in a maze.

However, the mind labyrinth is only valid for the supernatural.

The energy fluctuated in a flash, and all the priests were captured by the mind labyrinth, even the agent was no exception.

In reality, these clergymen stood dumbfounded as if they had lost their souls.

Anger, worry, anxiety... clearly trying to break free from the labyrinth of the mind.

"I owe a lot of debt...and this ten thousand soul crystals..."

At the same time as Edward flew to the angel, he turned the book of creation to the third page, and threw the excellent-grade spell on it - the wall of brimstone fire.

This originally belonged to the elemental fire attribute defensive skill, and he threw it flat at the and the halfling agent was the focus of care.

Afterwards, more than a dozen priests, together with the agent, were engulfed by flames.

"As expected of epic-grade equipment, it's really easy to use!"

Edward closed the book of creation enviously, turned it into electric light, and rushed towards the angel.

At the same time, to the greatest extent, turn on the liberation of restrictions, and release your strongest thunder-type skill - Crazy Thunder!


A golden light flashed, followed by a deafening roar.

A golden thunderbolt as thick as a bucket was caught off guard and struck the angel.

The halfling angel seems to be cut into three sections, with only two arms, half head and half body.

The locks of the gods passed through his jaw and chest, and only bound his arms together.

At this time, the holy light was split by the thunder, and the angel's body as white as jade was covered with cracks and scorch marks, and there was a little black smoke.

"It seems that I overestimate the strength of this angel..."

Edward was overjoyed when he saw it, and he was a little more confident in killing the angel.

However, with a cryptic voice, a path of holy light suddenly rose from the halfling's territory.

Whether it was the halfling holy army, the clergy who were fighting, or the halfling leader who was crawling and praying in front of the church, they all fell to the ground under the shroud of holy light.

Then, those beams of light turned into clusters of light, which converged on the top of the angel's head, forming a halo.

Inside the halo is a dark and deep space.

"No way......"

Edward grabbed the book of creation in his hand, swallowed his throat, and said to himself dryly:

"I didn't fight much, you tm...what are you running!"


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