[The lord kills the **** creature (remainder)! 】

[The lord has gained 2.25 million experience points and 1.7 million soul crystals! 】


A rich golden light enveloped Edward, which lasted for a long time before gradually dissipating.

Killing the **** creature, that is, the angel just now, brought Edward a huge amount of experience, so that he was promoted to three levels in a row, and the level reached lv35!

In addition, after the death of the divine prison creature, he also brought him 1.7 million soul crystals.

This soul crystal is completely enough to make up for all his investment in this battle... Of course, the finger of death that he just used is not in this ranks.

After death, the angel's metallic body quickly turned into a pool of golden, mercury-like substances.

It poured into the open space in front of the church, pressing out a pit, and it continued to spread.

There were many shocking cracks on the unknown piece of equipment that bound the angel, but it seemed to be intact on the whole.

After the angel disintegrated, it fell from space, crushing the halfling's church.

In addition to these two things, after breaking the teleportation channel and killing the angel, there was also a small section of tentacles that were alive and kicking.

This is the biological tissue of **** that was intercepted after the teleportation channel was forcibly closed.

Although Edward hadn't caught a glimpse of the mysterious existence, he still felt lingering fears about the coercion that had just been exerted on him.

He even had some regrets, because he didn't know if doing so would bring him some trouble later.

"Lord Huang Yu's plot turned out to be those terrifying flesh-and-blood organizations."

"The ambition is really not small!"

"But the biggest risk is now borne by me..."

Edward touched the book of creation in his hand, feeling a little complicated.

At the same time, he looked vigilantly at the tentacle with the thickness of the arm and the length of more than two meters.

At this time, one end of the tentacle had bulged, and it seemed that something was struggling inside.

And when the tentacles struggled, there was always a mysterious energy reverberating.

The space is deforming, and the plants near the tentacles will grow wild for a while, and soon they will quickly turn to ashes and die.

On a few occasions, there was even a standstill.

Edward couldn't figure out what it was, and didn't dare to approach for a while.

After a long time, the speed of the tentacles' struggle gradually slowed down.

In the end, it completely dried out and turned into a pool of golden liquid, and the surrounding vision stopped instantly.

Seeing this, Edward began to check the information on the pool of golden liquid.

"The blood of unknown creatures... has no grade."

"Contains immortal blood and the power of time and space."

"It seems to have a lot of value?"

Although he couldn't see the grade of the unknown creature's blood, Edward's intuition told him that the value of this thing would not be too low.

Although he has never been in contact with immortal blood and the power of time and space, he usually hangs out in the Chaos Mall.

He has also seen how outrageous the prices of materials and equipment related to these two things are.

Besides, this is something that Lord Huang Yu would rather lose an epic spell than gain.

Where can the value go down?

Edward collected the blood of the unknown creature according to the method provided by Huang Yu, and then looked at the other two things left behind after the death of the angel.

"Holy Spirit Marrow!"

"Epic grade material!"

"A creature like an angel was really created by a special existence?"

It's the same as Huang Yu's first sight of the Holy Spirit's marrow fluid.

Edward also fell into a brief shock after reading the information of the Holy Spirit's marrow fluid.

Afterwards, he regretted more and more that he had just provoked the creatures of the gods.

If he is concerned by that kind of existence, all he can do is to pray that the creatures of the gods will never leave the gods...


"This is epic-grade material..."

Edward's eyes were full of confusion.

Because according to the Chaos Contract, after using the finger of death, these things belong to Huang Yu.

The value of so much Holy Spirit marrow is comparable to that of an epic-grade skill scroll.

According to Huang Yu's method, preserve the Holy Spirit's marrow fluid.

Then, Edward looked at the metal object that was about to crack.

[God's Lock (Imitation/Remnant)]

[Grade: Extraordinary (there is a possibility of repair, after repairing, it will be an epic grade!)]

[Introduction: The real lock of God is the Chaos Continent...]


Halfway through, Edward's breathing became thicker, and his eyes were faintly glowing red.

Extraordinary grade equipment, after repair, is epic grade!

Whether it is the blood of unknown creatures, the marrow fluid of the Holy Spirit, or the lock of God.

The value of each item can catch up with the epic skill scroll.

Edward felt a little lost.

Thinking of the hard work for such a long time, the biggest trophies are all other people's.

Edward was very unbalanced.

An uncontrollable thought appeared in his mind, that is, to violate the Chaos Contract and take all these spoils for himself.

"However, the Chaos Contract has the effect of enforcement."

"The blood of unknown creatures may be replaced by that skin."

"Ambiguous, maybe you can deceive the Chaos Contract."

"However, Lord Huang Yu can also initiate a judgment war on his own initiative."

"Fighting against him, I have a high probability of not winning."

"Once the ruling war is lost, I will pay more."


All kinds of thoughts appeared in my mind, UU reading www.uukanshu. com Edward's face was uncertain.

But after struggling for a long time, he was interrupted by a message prompt.

【Ding! 】

[Your army has occupied the halfling territory and found the lordship of the halflings - the clan hub! 】

【Whether to occupy! 】



Before the angel opened the teleportation, he did not hesitate to drain almost all the halflings' faith.

As a result, most of the holy troops, clerics, and ordinary citizens in the halfling territory died instantly.

Some halflings who survived have basically lost their combat effectiveness.

The entire halfling territory lost the ability to resist, and could only be naked to meet the long march of the army of Gasd.

And with the death of the angel, Edward's warriors occupied the halfling lord's castle.


Seeing the information prompt, Edward took a deep breath and then said to himself:

"Not worth it! Not worth it!"

"It's just three epic-level things, I should take a longer view!"

"Whether it is the future of Kashde's territory, or my mind and dignity as a lord, it is not something that can be exchanged for three epic-level items!"

"What's more, I can't kill the angel without a finger of death!"

"Sign the contract and accept it!"

"These things belong to the lord of the universe!"

After thinking about it clearly, Edward was no longer struggling.

He chose to decompose the authority of the halfling lord and planned to return to the territory. According to the contract, he would deliver the owed 810,000 soul crystals, as well as the Holy Spirit's marrow fluid, the lock of the gods, and the blood of unknown creatures, together with the book of creation, to Huang Yu.


Read the latest chapter of Lord of the People: Sign-in Discount Artifact at the beginning of the game, please pay attention ()

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