Yan Yi walked through the humble tents.

From time to time, various bird calls were heard behind him, reminding him of the nearby situation.

And the goal of his trip was more than 200 meters, in the largest tent.

He moves like a ghost, moving lightly and silently.

The remaining orcs in the camp did not find him as an uninvited guest at all.

At the most dangerous time, he and the orcs in the camp were only separated by a tent.

Choo Choo Choo!

The birdsong behind him told Yan Yi that there was nothing unusual around him, and that the closest beastman was twenty or thirty meters away.

Recalling the map of the orc camp branch in his mind before entering the orc camp.

Yan Yi glanced in the direction of the beastman and determined the best route.

After that, the figure flashed, quickly crossed several tents, and rushed into a long distance.

And the tent where the orc prophet Ragnar lived was less than fifty meters away from him at this time.

When a group of orcs was about to arrive, Yan sank into an orc tent.

At this time, there were three orcs in the tent, two with their backs to Yan Yi, and the other one facing the door.

Out of the corner of the eye, he noticed that something had entered the tent.

The orc looked up, wanting to see who was coming.

After discovering that it was a human being who entered the tent, he was stunned.

Why is there a human in the center of the camp?

And this human, actually swaggered into his tent!

After seeing the pitch-black machete, the orc was startled, and subconsciously reached out to grab the weapon beside him.

At the same time, his mouth opened wide, and he wanted to shout a warning.

However, Yan Yi's movements were much faster than the speed of the orc opening his mouth.

I saw a flash of black light, and two blank-looking heads flew up in the sight of the beastman.

Then, the world in the eyes of the orcs slowly separated from left to right and fell to the ground.

The orc didn't know what was going on, but when its residual consciousness wanted to shout, it found itself completely out of control of its body.


Yan Yi's movements were fast and hateful, and the perfect grade machete in his hand also showed his special abilities.

Two of the three orcs in the tent were unprepared, and Yan Yi cut off their heads.

The only orc who saw Yan Yi was cut in half vertically.

However, due to the special ability of the scimitar in his hand, two severed corpses and one corpse that had been split in half fell to the ground, and a large amount of blood spurted out.

In order to prevent the spread of the **** smell, attract other orcs and expose yourself.

Yan Yi quickly took out a special medicine from the space ring and sprinkled it on the corpse of the orc.

The moment the potion touched the corpse, it swelled rapidly and turned into a translucent jelly-like thing.

The translucent jelly-like thing didn't stop spreading until the body and bloodstains were completely wrapped.

The **** smell in the air also quickly faded.

Standing beside the three corpses, Yan Yi closed his eyes to adjust his state.

At this time, he was in the enemy camp, and he could no longer get in touch with his companions outside the camp by means of birdsong or the like.

After all, it is normal to hear birdsong in the woods. You can't even see any bird feathers in the camp. If the birdsong is heard again, it will be very strange.

So he can only stay here first, waiting for his companion to give him a signal.

It is only thirty or forty meters away from the Orc Prophet, but this distance is the most dangerous.

This distance from the Orc Prophet Ragnar's tent has orcs almost everywhere.

It is basically impossible to sneak past without being discovered like before.

So Yan Yi was waiting, waiting for Yan Yun's Eighteen Riders outside the camp to create opportunities for him!

clang clang! !

Suddenly, there was a harsh metal knocking sound.

Yan Yi, who was waiting in the tent, suddenly opened her eyes and put her ears against the pillars of the tent, distinguishing the situation outside the camp.

The orcs in the camp suddenly became restless, let out an inexplicable roar, and swarmed towards the direction where Yan Yi came.

clang clang! !

The vigilance in the orc camp sounded again.

It's just that the sound this time is so far away from the last time that it can be regarded as two directions.

After a moment of panic, the orcs outside the tent quickly returned to order, divided into two parts, ran in opposite directions, and ran outside the camp.

clang clang... clang clang...

The warning sounds sounded one after another, which seemed to be irregular, but Yan Yi heard something different from them.

According to the interval of the warning sound, he barely obtained a piece of information from it.

These warning sounds were triggered by the Eighteen Riders of Yanyun. The purpose was to disrupt the situation in the camp and create an opportunity for Yan Yi, who was in the center of the camp, to approach Ragnar, the orc prophet.

The chaotic footsteps and roars went farther and farther, and finally became very sparse.

But Yan Yi stood motionless in the tent, waiting for the last reminder from his companions.


There was a sudden loud noise outside the orc camp, and Yan Yi immediately recognized that it was the sound of the explosion of explosive magic pellets.

Some orcs let out a mournful wailing, but in Yan Yi's ears, it was a sign of an opportunity.

According to the footsteps, Yan Yi had already simulated the general situation outside the tent~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After taking a few glances through the gap in the tent, Yan Yi flashed out of the tent, using shadows and limited obstacles. As a cover, he quickly came to the tent where the orc prophet was!

Stab it!

When approaching the tent, Yan Yi waved the black machete in his hand and easily cut the tent open.

Afterwards, Yan Yi took out two giant version explosion magic pills from the space ring, activated them according to the delayed activation method taught by the Magic Pattern Research Institute, and then threw them in through the cut hole in the tent.

After doing this, Yan didn't look the same at first glance, and her figure suddenly retreated.

Regardless of whether he would be exposed or not, he hurriedly ran out of the orc territory.

Yan Yi never thought of assassinating a sixth-order extraordinary.

He is only fourth rank now, and Ragnar the Orc Prophet stands above the transcendent.

Even if the opponent is a spellcaster who is not good at fighting, under the extraordinary influence, there are uncertain factors in assassination.

So the easiest and most effective way is to stuff it with two large-equivalent giant explosion magic pills at close range.

The Orc Prophet can affect the energy fluctuations, but once the explosive magic pill is disturbed by the energy, the most likely situation is that it will be detonated instantly.

Therefore, Yan Yi was not worried that the explosive magic pill would fail. What he was worried about was that the orc prophet was panicked and detonated the explosive magic bullet in advance.

At that time, he had not run out of the blasting magic pill's killing range, but he was unlucky.


After not running far, an orc spotted Yan Yi who was unscrupulous and frantically ran out of the territory.

It roared, and just as it was about to rush over, a violent fire suddenly erupted from behind the human.


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