Lord Of The People: I Awaken A Talent Every Week

081: Yura: Lady Queen, are you still the one?

At six o'clock, the red sun rises on time.

Su Ming woke up very early this time, looking at Bai Ling who was still sleeping beside him, with a proud face.

He is also a foodie.

Last night, he also brazenly proposed to spend the night at Qu Wanrou's place, but Qu Wanrou refused severely.

Said that if he was not married, he would not be in the same bed, and then kicked him out.

Fortunately, Bai Ling was with him, otherwise he really didn't know how to endure it.

Another new day, after washing up, Su Ming went out to exercise.

The summoning skills were refreshed today, but Su Ming was not in a hurry to summon and planned to save it.

Yesterday, I used the blessing skill several times, and now my luck is a little less.

After he knew the magic of the blessing skill, he planned to wait for two more days, and then he might be able to directly pray for the plane he wanted.

Then summon the desired character.

Huang San has fully recovered after a night's rest, and started to work hard early in the morning.

Naturally, there is no such thing as Su Ming.

After running for a while, Su Ming sat on the ground to rest.

When I had nothing to do, I opened the ranking list that I hadn't watched for a few days.

His power value is still far ahead, and the second place has exceeded 30,000.

Su Ming is not surprised, after all, the seal of the lord is not weak.

However, when scrolling down, he suddenly saw a familiar name.

Shizhuang Empire?

"Han Shizhuang?"

From the same school, Su Ming of course still remembers Han Shi 27 Zhuang.

But what makes Su Ming strange is, how did Han Shizhuang, a D-rank lord's seal, rank 10?

The power value also exceeded 10,000.

I am afraid that the territory has been raised to the seventh or eighth level, right?

"A D-rank lord's seal can be so outrageous? This person has another adventure? Or is it just the same name?"

Su Ming couldn't figure it out for a while.

Of course Han Shizhuang himself does not have this ability, and now the businessman who runs the Shizhuang Empire is Riyadav.

After relocating the territory, Riyadav used his own strength to force down two weak races.

Then let them help build their own territory, and use the convenience of merchant status and the wealth they have accumulated to make the territory grow rapidly.

In two days, the power has broken through 10,000.

Moreover, the rising trend of the power value is still unabated, and it may be possible to reach the tenth level today.

Of course, this speed also attracted the attention of other forces.

But with Su Ming's lessons learned, everyone didn't think there was anything.

In addition to desperately developing forces and keeping their rankings, there is nothing else to think about.

But there are some people who try hard and can't do it.

For example, Park Bo-sung of Bangzi Country.

Resource production was reduced by 90%, which put him directly on the verge of collapse.

If it wasn't for some accumulation before, I would be hungry now.

And John Thomson of the Long Night Empire has also become honest this time, and he no longer has any evil thoughts of one kind or another.

Start focusing on developing your territory.

But one of the things he does most every day in his territory is digging stones.

Because the terrain is repaired every day, he also has to repeat it every day.

Not to mention time-consuming and labor-intensive, the collected stones are still very few.

Now his territory is worthy of being upgraded to the fourth level.

The ranking was also squeezed out of the top 30.

But fortunately, his undead soldiers discovered the goblin group yesterday, and they also successfully captured dozens of goblins back.

Now that the labor force in his territory is available, the next step is to catch up with the forces.

But he didn't know that the goblin captured this time laid a hidden danger for the collapse of the forces behind him.

Tia woke up very late, and as soon as she woke up, she began to look for Tushan Yaya.

Although she knew that Tu Shan Yaya had left, she still didn't want to believe it, and she didn't even say goodbye.

Yura began to take care of Tia's washing, without showing any strangeness.

Seeing that Tia was secretly hurt, her heart suddenly moved.

"My Lady Queen, I see, then Tu Shan Yaya doesn't really like you, she didn't say a word when she left."

sow discord.

Because she wants to give Tia to Su Ming, she must not let Tia always think of Tushan Yaya.

So now is the best chance to make Tia suspicious of Tushan Yaya.

After disintegrating Tia's feelings for Tushan Yaya, Tia can be willing to follow Su Ming later.

"No, Yaya won't be like this."9

Tia shook her head, Yura's three eyes and two words would not touch her.

But next, Yura began to induce from many aspects.

Analyze various factors.

First, the race is different, then the faction is inherently hostile, then the time is too short, and finally the gender issue.

Let me ask, which creatures like the same sex, but also depend on each other in life and death?

At first, Tia still firmly believed that Tushan Yaya loved her, but after listening to Yura's words, her heart was shaken.

Otherwise, how can the villain be difficult to guard against?

Yura's current behavior is to play a villain, trying all kinds of methods, the purpose is to break Tia's psychology.

She even thought that some methods were outrageous, but as soon as she said it, Tia would think about one or two things, and then give a three-point letter.

It is also in response to that sentence, women in love are very simple-minded.

Since it's a spirit, it's the same.

Yura was also delighted when she saw this, she did not expect this separation to be so smooth.

She doesn't need to completely let Tiya down on Tushan Yaya, she just needs to be suspicious.

"By the way, Her Lady Queen, are you now, aren't you, or that one?

Yura finally changed the subject and asked suddenly.

Tia's mind didn't turn around for a while, and she wondered, "Which one?"


Yura approached Tia's ear and said something softly.

Tia's face instantly flushed red, directly to the base of her ears.

"Yura, you are so strange today, how can you talk like this.

Tia slapped Yura with a look of anger.

"I'm not doing this for you, Her Lady Queen."

Yura responded with a smile, and then asked, "Or not?"

"When . . . of course it is. 35

Tia responded: "Although Yaya and I fell in love at first sight, we haven't developed to that point, at most...at most...

"How at most?"

Yura asked eagerly, as if she did not know the result and would not give up.

"Oh, anyway, it's just not that, the others are almost done.

Tia lowered her head after saying those words.

"My Lady Queen, you are confused, how can you trust an outsider so easily?"

Yura looked distressed.

"I believe that Yaya is a good person, no, she is a good demon, she will not let me down.

"Then why is she so anxious? It's only been two days since we met, I see, she is coveting your beauty, Queen.

"Yura, I'll be angry if you say that again."

"Okay, Lady Queen, I won't say it, okay?

Yura quickly stopped, and then muttered: "If you have a lover, you will forget about us, the maids who have been with us for decades, alas! 35


When Tia heard Yura's muttering, she said angrily.

Yura immediately put on a smile.

Tia's temperament is not so arrogant, and she is also a little playful in her heart.

She is not interested in power and indifference to the development of the clan.

In the past, it was because of this pure heart that he treated black elves, and he treated everyone equally.

As a result, she said everything to the maids around her in the territory, feeling the same as her sisters.

So now Fra can speak to Tia like this through the identity of Yura.

In other words, the members of other forces spoke to the rulers of the forces like this, and they didn't know how to die.

Yura chatted with Tia again, then said that she was going to get breakfast, and then retreated.

After closing the door, he began to plan in his mind how to get in touch with Bai Ling.

Bai Ling is also an indispensable part in her eyes.

In addition, she also had an excuse to chat with Bai Ling in the past two days, which was considered to have left an impression on the other party and facilitated her follow-up plans.

In fact, her plan is not too complicated.

That is to say, give Tia an aphrodisiac first, and then let Bai Ling find out.

In that case, Bai Ling could only contact Su Ming, and then Bai Ling himself got caught.

After Su Ming came, he activated the magic circle, so the three of them were hit at the same time and locked in a room.

What happens next can be imagined.

The purpose of Bai Ling's existence is actually to make Su Ming unable to put on his pants and deny the account.

But she didn't know that Bai Ling had now become Su Ming's person.

(ps: I've tried my best to explain this chapter, don't say poison, if it's poisonous, I'll cry to death).

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