When Shen Hui controlled the Lich King to clear the surrounding gravel.

Qingxue also came over.

He looked at the Lich King's movements and asked, "What are you doing? 99

The Lich King pointed to the symbols carved on the boulders.

And on the stone steps on the ground, he said: "This is a relic, if nothing else, it should be a product of the age of gods and demons.

"This kind of place will be hidden in the different dimension by Endless Continent, and it has only reappeared now, which shows that this place is definitely not simple."

It was also the first time that Qingxue saw and learned about this situation, and was full of curiosity.

Shen will control the Lich King to clean up all the surrounding gravel.

The whole picture of the entire stone steps was revealed at once.

This stone step leads to the underground, where there is a huge underground passage.

The stone ladder spreads down to the end of the darkness.

"Sure enough, there is something." Qingxue looked even more surprised.

Explore uncharted territory as usual.

The general search is also for wild mineral resources and strongholds.

There are also various products such as exotic flowers and fruits.

There will be no such ruins at all.

At most, it is the entrance of the copy or the entrance of the ruins.

Randomly appeared somewhere, just happened to be encountered.

"Let's go in and have a look."

With Shen Hui in Qingxue, I am very relieved.

Following behind the Lich King, he began to walk towards the tunnel.

Once you enter the tunnel.

An overwhelming feeling came to my mind immediately.

There is a strange smell here that is spreading.

Not long after walking forward, I saw a light blue light emitting from the front.

At the same time, a familiar feeling also came, and this breath was very familiar.

Shen Hui thought for a while, and suddenly thought of something.

Immediately speed up and walk forward.

There are no built walls, but just mud.

But in Shen Hui's eyes, these walls were inlaid with blue-blue stones.

This is an endless source, and it is not an ordinary endless source.

It is an extremely rare concentrated endless source!

According to what Qingxue said before, this is a mine.

That would indicate that this could only be a concentrated endless ore.

The resources contained in it can be imagined.

Shen Hui couldn't help but get excited.

It is still relatively difficult to find a concentrated source of endless resources now.

But these are not very pure concentrated endless sources.

It can be equivalent to condensing the fragments of the endless source, and it needs to be dug out and smelted again.

In order to get a complete concentrated endless source.

Qingxue has never seen the concentrated Infinite Source, so even though she recognizes that it belongs to the Infinite Source Mine.

But it was different from the classes she had encountered before.

"What kind of mine is this? I think you know it."

Qingxue asked Shen Hui.

"This is a concentrated endless source. The value of a concentrated endless source is millions of times higher than ordinary endless sources."

"This kind of thing is also a special product of the age of gods and demons, so neutral creatures in their era in ancient times.""

"And there is no such thing in the era we are in now, I have stumbled upon it before."5

After understanding the value of condensing endless sources.

Qingxue's mouth opened wide, her eyes widened, and the uncontrollable joy on her face.

With such a mine, it would be very easy for them to develop the resources of the territory.

"I will occupy this mine when I go back."

"However, it seems that it is not just a mine, there must be something in it. 99

"It's not like a tunnel for digging stones."

Shen Hui said and continued to lead Qingxue inside.

This time, before walking too far, I heard a roar from the depths of the tunnel.

It was like a whisper, which kept ringing in his ears.

There must be something in this tunnel.

Shen Hui immediately raised his guard mentality.

Although his own strength is strong, this is a ritual relic left over from the age of gods and demons.

The creatures of that era were all stronger than themselves.

Of course, the real creatures of that period cannot survive to the present.

Because in the endless continent, there is no way to accommodate the existence of creatures of their strength.

Once in, there is no doubt that it will be directly obliterated.

But it's all about being careful.

If there are some strange things sealed in here, it is not good if you are careless.

Continue to move forward, this tunnel is getting darker and deeper.

Even with the blue light emitted from the ore that concentrated the endless source.

Not only did it not mean to light up the outside, but instead, it made it even more terrifying.

Soon Shen Hui found the strange rune carved on the surrounding walls.

Although the rune is probably completely useless by now.

I don't know what the original effect was.

And this time Shen Hui also felt a very familiar atmosphere.

Shen Hui must have seen the effect of this rune.

At this time, Qingxue said: "The closer you get to it, the more depressed you feel."

Listening to Qingxue's words, Shen Hui controlled the Lich King to feel it seriously.

After all, the Lich King is not a human race.

I felt it carefully again, and it really felt that way.

It's just that the Lich King was too powerful, so he didn't notice it for a while.

Or, subconsciously, just ignore 397.

And this familiar feeling. It made Shen Hui think of a place, that is the Abyss of Naruo!

That's the same feeling of the repressive power there.

Nine times out of ten, it has something to do with the god of genes!

Then think of what I learned from the picture sound stone at that time.

Let Shen Hui wonder if there are creatures from the age of gods and demons who have not escaped from the Endless Continent.

Instead, let the god of genes arrange the ability to suppress strength.

Going to hide here to avoid obliteration.

Just like the Abyss of Naruto.

The more Shen Hui thinks about this, the more likely it is that there are creatures from the age of gods and demons left over from the past?

However, it is obviously broken down here, and all the runes have been invalidated.

Are they still alive?

Thinking of this, the Lich King pulled out Frostmourne directly.

It seems that the resources this time are not completely safe.

There are many crises lurking inside.

The Lich King walked ahead, and before he had gone far this time, a group of hazy figures rushed over.

The visitor is not good, and the Lich King directly pulls out Frostmourne.

It was cut with a single sword.

And the appearance of these creatures also made Shen Hui see clearly.

At the same time, their information also appeared in front of Shen Hui.

【Lost Divinity】

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