In the chat channel in the same period of Long Kingdom, all the people were cheering.

"I'm dying of laughter, Radiation Country is such a weak chicken?"

"If you can't beat one of the four, you still have the face to join us?"

"I'm afraid it's the big boss Shen Hui!"

"It must be him. His number of arms and strength can be crushed completely."

"It's Ye Yitian again. You've seen Shen Hui's troops and you really understand it!"

"I'm afraid the people in the Radiation Nation are already stupid. It took so long to send out four territories."

"However, the other party can dispatch so many lords at the same time to carry out encirclement and suppression. It seems that there is still something."

"Shen Hui, do you want support? The brothers nearby can lead troops to support."


Shen Hui was checking the coordinates of the territories where the four lords were killed.

The distance is more than a hundred kilometers.

It seems that they really came here through a special method.

Most of them have something to do with their mythical lords, and it is very likely that they will use space spells, teleportation and the like.

The territory is too far for Shen Hui to recover.

However, you can report it in the chat channel and let the nearby lords go.

"There is no need for support, you should guard your own territory first."

"I'm here to announce a piece of information. The reason why the Radiation Nation came this time is because they have a mythical lord."

"Fuck, mythical level! Did they eat shit, and they actually produced a top lord!"

"No wonder there is such confidence, our top is only a legend."

"But they are stupid this time. I didn't expect that we still have a dark horse called Shen Hui."

"So everyone, stay steady and develop rapidly, we can win!"

Everyone heard Shen Hui's information, and those who didn't pay much attention to it immediately began to pay attention.

Shen Hui then went on to reply:

"Most of their mythical lords have skills related to space. These four lords who attacked me are more than a hundred kilometers away from me."

"Now that they are dead, the territory can be recovered. I will announce the coordinates [click to view information]."

"The lords in the vicinity can go to recover, but don't occupy, directly destroy to obtain resources."

"Otherwise, the people of Radiation Country will definitely continue to send their lords to attack."

"Understood, Mr. Shen Hui."

"One of them is not very far from me, and it is still a lord-level territory. Fortunately, it was destroyed by the big boss Shen Hui."

"I'm also very close to one of them. I'll lead the troops to destroy it for Mr. Shen Hui, and then I'll send you the resources I have obtained."

"Me too, destroying and obtaining resources for the big boss Shen Hui, and doing a good job of those people in the Radiation Country!"


After telling them to be careful, Shen Hui thought for a moment.

The opponent planted five lords here at once, especially now that the 4V1 was defeated.

You will definitely notice that something is wrong here, and even think that this is the legendary lord of their Dragon Kingdom.

Next, if you don't make any moves, you will make big moves.

However, if the other party has a god-level lord, it must be a big move.

Rather than taking the initiative to find prey, it is better to let the prey take the initiative to come to the door.

Shen Hui immediately evacuated and returned to the territory, leaving 100 units of Skeleton Walkers here to judge the opponent's movements.

Time soon came to afternoon.

The 100 units of Skeleton Walkers placed in the forest were not attacked.

It seems that the other party is brewing something.

However, Shen Hui did not meet the lord of Radiation Nation, but the rest of the lords finally began to meet.

However, they met the lord of the Radiation Nation, and they did not go to war completely.

Just follow what Shen Hui said before, fight only if you can beat it completely, and retreat if you can't beat it.

Just some tentative friction happened.

However, under this seemingly relatively calm water wave, there is a turbulent undercurrent.

After all, the lord of Radiation Country has been discovered, and even if he can't beat him, he has to find a way to beat him.

In the chat channel at this time, everyone is looking for support everywhere.

"Brothers, come here, I met a general-level lord of Radiation Nation in Xifengling, the brothers nearby come and gather here!"

"I met an elite-level lord in Qingshuihe, but I dare not go at the ordinary level. The nearby lords above the elite level hurry up!"

"Is there anyone in the Qingqingqing Grassland? I've been searching for a long time, and I haven't met the lord of the Radiation Country. If you do, let me know, and support me at any time."

"Brothers, don't specifically go to the lords of Radiation Nation. Their areas are integrated with us, and there are so many more resources. When you see the stronghold, remember to occupy it."

At this time, Qingxue sent a message in the chat channel.

"Everyone, I found a batch of iron ore concentrates. The equipment that was refined last time can still be refined. This time, as long as the cost price is required, hurry up."

"Fuck, the goddess Qingxue is invincible, she can strengthen her equipment again!"

"It still has to feel these little sapis in the radiation country, otherwise the goddess of Qingxue will not be able to find iron concentrate."

Afterwards, Qingxue also sent a message to Shen Hui.

"Shen Hui, in this special situation, the blacksmith shop will not make any money for the time being."

As a shareholder of the blacksmith shop, it is still necessary for Qingxue to tell Shen Hui.

Shen Hui naturally doesn't bother with these small issues.

"No problem, let's talk about it after this beast tide is over."

Although the two forces are now fighting, but this time the main thing they are facing is the beast tide.

At this time, several more private chat messages were sent to Shen Hui one after another.

As soon as Shen Hui checked it, it was filled with materials, and there was an endless source of wood and stone.

It was the four who went to destroy the enemy's territory and sent the resources obtained after the destruction to Shen Hui.

Shen Hui thanked them and accepted the email.

[Acquired wood: 120,000 units]

[Acquired stone: 140,000 units]

[Get Endless Source: 60,000 Units]

Sure enough, combat resources come quickly.

With these resources, Shen Hui can strengthen another wave.


Just when Shen Hui was preparing to start strengthening in the territory.

A few kilometers away from Shen Hui's territory.

An eagle circled constantly in the sky.

At the same time, under the eagle, there is another person from Radiation Country reporting to Kanzaki.

"Boss Kanzaki, there are only 100 units of undead in Jingren's territory. It seems to be bait."

"But I found the territory of a Dragon Country lord a few kilometers away."

"Although the distance is too far, I can be sure that it is the territory of the third level, and it must be the territory of the legendary lord of the Dragon Kingdom!"

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